School Improvement Plan at a Glance-revised 7/18/07

BowieHigh School


Principal: Mrs. J. Spence

Suggestions and recommendations to Mrs. Spence are welcome!


School-wide Goals

1) All students will achieve high standards in core academic classes.

a.There will be a ten per cent increase in students passing the HSA in English II, Biology, Government and Algebra.

b. Teachers will provide meaningful, stellar instruction aligned with county frameworks.

Data: Numbers indicate the percentage of students passing.

2004-05 / 2005-
2006 / 2007 Goal / 2007 Performance / 2008-2009 Goal / Focus Subgroups
Algebra / 35.7% / 51.3% / 57.9 / Pending / TBD / Sp.Ed.
Biology / 42.3 / 51.8 / 56.3 / Pending / TBD / Sp.Ed.
English / 50 / 56.7 / 61.2 / Pending / TBD / Sp.Ed., His.
Government / 49.4 / 70 / 73.5 / Pending / TBD / Sp.Ed.
S.A.T. / 1505pts. / 1605 / Pending / TBD
A.P. / 45% / 48% / N/A / 45.4% / 60%

2) All students will be educated in a safe drug-free educational environment.

a. Teachers will decrease referrals through more effective classroom management.

b.Attendance will improve for staff and students.

c.Progress toward goals will be celebrated

d.More parents will support our progress toward our goals

2004-5 / 2005-6 / 2006-7 Goal / 2007 Actual data / 2007-8 Goal
Referrals / N/A / 1665 / 1631 / Pending / 1500
Suspensions / N/A / 524 / 513 / Pending / 500
Attendance / N/A / 91.9% / 94% / Pending / 94.5%
Avg. # of parents at P.T.A / N/A / N/A / N/A / Pending / 50

3) All students will graduate from high school.

Students will be actively engaged in learning through authentic tasks/SLC

2004-5 / 2005-6 / 2006-7 Goal / Actual / 2007-2008 Goal
Graduation Rate / 77.22 / 82.28 / 87.28 / Pending / 90%
Rigorous Courses? / N/A / N/A / 35% / Pending / 40%

Goal #1: All students will achieve high standards in core academic classes.

a. There will be a ten per cent increase in students passing the HSA in English II, Biology, and Algebra.

b.. The gap separating scores of African-American students, Hispanic students and students receiving Special Education services will decrease by 50%.

Administrators Will:

1)Increase the accountability in S.A.T. preparation classes offered.

2)Provide academic-based awards and incentives.

3)Offer double periods of select English courses.

4)Offer collaborative planning for all core courses.

5)Require bi-weekly, departmental data analysis and instruction strategizing.

6)Provide teacher mentors.

7)Conduct monthly Instructional Professional Development activities.

8)ChairSchool Planning and Management, School Instructional, Instructional Council, Individualized Education Plan, and School Improvement Teams to facilitate collaboration.

9)Make Spanish-speaking staff available to parents through the web-site.

10)Coordinate a tutoring program.

11)Require pre and post tests in all Courses.

12)Require Small Group instruction, daily homework, daily lesson plans, and extra credit in all classes, that includes critical analysis, BCRís and/or ECRís.

13)Conduct regular formal and informal observations in all disciplines.

Teachers/Staff Will:

1)Contact parents directly to recommend Twi-Light/ELO programs

2)Conduct SAT/Vocabulary quizzes in all English classes.

3)Track academic performance in extended learning opportunities

4)Give Benchmark exams in SAT prep classes to determine strengths and focus areas.

5)Plan and offer critical analysis activities and reading activities during the 30 min. lit. period.

6)Post mandatory summer reading assignments on the web-site and grade those assignments.

7)Participate in weekly (Core)/monthly (Non-Core) collaborative planning meetings.

8)Conduct data analysis for strengths and focus areas, then plan lessons around findings.

9)Post updated grading information on for parent and student review.

10)Participate in all Professional Development as directed.

11)Offering tutoring

12)Offer extra credit for writing assignments (BCR/ECRís) focused on critical analysis.

13)Issue homework daily.

14)Offer pre-tests and post-tests in all High School Assessment Courses.

15) Maintain standards of integrity and honesty in instruction and testing.

Students are expected to:

1)Report to school and class punctually and daily.

2)Complete all assignments to the best of their ability

3)Participate in Extended Learning Opportunities/Tutoring as it becomes available

4)Pick three books from the school web site, read them independently and discuss them.

5)Use BCR/ECR critical analysis to accrue extra credit.

6)Use to review their grades and improve their performance.

7)Expect and complete homework in all classes, including electives.

8)Use integrity and honesty in assignment completion and assessment.

Businesses/Community Partners Can:

1)Sponsor refreshments for collaboration meetings.

2)Donate listed books or funds to classrooms.

3)Donate items and services listed on the wish list.

Parents should:

1)Ensure children get 8 full hours of sleep, and facilitate their childís arrival at school every day by 7:35. Classes begin promptly at 7:45. There will be consequences for tardiness.

2)Plan to attend Back-To-School Night on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at 6:30 p.m.

3)Plan to attend all seven PTSO meetings on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m.

4)Encourage students to participate in Extended Learning/Tutoring Opportunities as they are made available.

5)Encourage students to complete school-wide critical analysis writing activities for extra credit.

6)Require students to read three books from the reading lists posted on the web site and discuss them with their children.

7)Review for current information on student performance in classes.

8)Contact Ms. India Brown (Parent Liaison) with questions or concerns.

9)Contact the Spanish-speaking staff members listed on the web site should a translator be needed.

10)Expect daily homework in every class. Should students protest that they have no homework, encourage them to complete the extra-credit assignments described in item #5.

11)Visit the BowieHigh School parent web page for current information.

Goal 2: All Students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning.

a. Teachers will decrease referrals through more effective classroom management.

b. Attendance and punctuality will improve for staff and students.

c. Progress toward goals will be celebrated.

d. More parents will support our progress toward our goals.

Administrators will:

1)Formulate incentives to recognize and encourage punctuality and improved attendance.

2)Issue a quarterly principalís newsletter.

3)Develop targeted activities for improved subgroup performance.

4)Develop and broadcast new policies for loitering and tardiness.

5)Develop a discipline plan that traditional consequences as well as peer mediation, cooperative discipline and character education to ensure consistency of consequences.

6)Facilitate staff development on policies and classroom management.

7)Circulate the building.

8)Document referrals and consequences, and provide specific recommendations for prevention/handling of problematic behavior.

9)Utilize the Pupil Personnel Worker, and School Instructional Team to address truancy.

10)Enforce the PGCPS policy concerning the prohibition of use of electronic devices.

Teachers/Staff Will:

1)Obtain current parent contact information, including email addresses.

2)Contact parents of students with 3 or more unexcused absences.

3)Implement targeted activities for identified subgroups.

4)Maintain current phone logs.

5)Contact parents of failing students in ample time to effect change.

6)Stand at duty posts, during class change.

7)Sponsor clubs, such as the ìLadies with Classî and ìThe Gentlemanís Club.î

8)Help develop Material-Wish List, Volunteer-Assistance-Needed list, and Parent Committee lists.

9)Enforce the PGCPS policy concerning the prohibition of use of electronic devices.

Community/Business Partners Can:

1)Report truant students to the school.

2)Contact the parent liaison to volunteer as mentors or tutors.

3)Inform the Principal, PPW or Parent Liaison of community programs for children.

Students must:

1)Follow the PGCPS Code of Student Conduct and Dress Code.

2)Report issues or concerns to Security or an Administrator immediately.

3)Refrain from using electronic devices during school hours.

Parents Should:

1) Contact the Attendance Coordinator if they get a call regarding their childís unexcused absence.

2) Schedule appointments with Guidance at least once each semester to discuss your childís grades.

3) Volunteer to serve on a committee.

4) Attend all seven PTSO meetings on the third Tuesday of each month.

5) Encourage their children to participate in at least one extra-curricular activity.

6) Contact Security or an Administrator if they have concerns relating to their childís safety.

7) Discourage students from bringing electronic devices to school to prevent confiscation/inadvertent loss.

Goal 3: All students will graduate from high school.

Administrators Will:

1)Facilitate more instructional accountability in S.A.T. classes.

2)Require benchmarks and data analysis in Advanced Placement classes.

3)Facilitate an increased focus on raising the percentage of students passing the H.S.A.

4)Offer Extended Learning Opportunities/Tutoring.

5)Participate in S.A.T./A.P./H.S.A. data analysis.

6)Organize Career Day.

7)Organize a Job Fair.

Teachers/Staff Will:

1)Contact parents of failing students in ample time to effect change.

2)Conduct data analysis to support student success and identify focus needed.

3)Implement strategies to ensure higher numbers of students pass the H.S.A.

4)Closely monitor senior attendance. Contact parents if seniors exceed three unexcused absences.

5)Send letters when students are habitually truant, and monitor student adherence to boundaries.

6)List answers to guidance-related frequently asked questions on the Bowie web site.

Students Should:

1)Familiarize themselves with the Attendance Policy/consequences and Graduation Requirements.

2)Attend all classes and complete all assignments.

3)Inform the Pupil Personnel Worker or their guidance counselor of serious issues that may affect their performance/graduation.

4)Participate in the Career Fair and Job Fair.

5)Focus on passing the High School Assessments.

Parents Should:

1)Obtain email addresses for their childís teachers, and use them to correspond regularly with teachers concerning progress.

2)Volunteer to participate in Career Day.

3)Use to monitor grades regularly.

4)Check report cards closely to monitor attendance as well as grades.

5)Schedule an appointment with your childís administrator immediately if your child accrues more than three unexcused absences.

Businesses Can:

1)Offer job-shadowing/internship/career experiences.