Altona Forest P.S. (School Community Council Meeting)
Wednesday, November 30, 2016 – Administrators’ School Report
/ SCHOOL UPDATES:for the month of November……-Dental Screening for JK, SK, Gr.2 and 8 (Nov.1st and 2nd)
-Gr.8’s attended Dunbarton High School for Spartan Day
-Photo Re-Takes was on Nov.3rd
-Treaties Recognition Week ((Nov.7th to 11th): new legislation to recognize the importance of treaties and to bring awareness to the treaty relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in the province.
-Gifted Testing was held during the week of Nov.7th
-Remembrance Day ceremony on Nov.11th, with class presentations
-recognition of Louis Riel Day on Nov.16th
-DDSB Director Lisa Miller visited Altona Forest P.S. on the p.m. of Nov.16th
-Progress Report Cards for Gr.1-8 students went home on the 16th
-Parent/Teacher Interviews held on the evening of the 17th and morning of the 18th (looking to move towards an online interview booking system for next year)
-Professional Activity Day on the 18th
-Gr.7 and 8 classes to Dunbarton High School Musical (The Little Mermaid) on the 30th
Ongoing School Communication –Online (Sway) Newsletter, Notices/Letters sent home, Board and School web-sites ( student agendas, Twitter (@AltonaForestPS), Remind text messaging, Synervoice (automated phone system); Automated Safe Arrival Attendance Program; Outdoor School Sign
Extracurriculars –Int. Boys’ and Girls’ Playdowns, Zumba Fitness Monday’s, Band, Social Justice Monday’s & Wednesday’s (Intermediate Students), Cross-fit Competition, EcoClub, Forest of Reading, Cricket, Yoga, etc.
-several cases of pediculosis (head lice) reported in classrooms (protocol in conjunction with Durham Regional Health Department – refer to Fact Sheet on their web-site)
-visit from Board’s Health and Safety Officer on Nov.9th
-completed our mandatory Health and Safety Walkthrough on Nov.29th(another one to complete in the Spring)
-School Bus Safety Presentation for all students was held on Nov.10th
-Week of Nov.21st designated as Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
-Pickering Firefighters Adopt-a-School Program (Gr.1 class)
-class visits to Duffin’s Creek (Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Hussain, Mrs. Wilson)
-November Character Ed. Assembly on the 30th (Leadership and Being an Upstander)
-Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan (will be posted on school website)
-PRO Grant
-request for consideration for a survey to parents for their school feedback, i.e., student achievement, parent partnerships, safe and accepting schools, etc. (Board sends out a bi-annual School Climate Survey
/ SCC-FUNDED SCHOOL COMMITMENTS:$ Still to be spent…..
-language and math resources still to be considered for purchase
-classroom bookings for Scientist in School program continues
-Mathletes booked for Feb.16th
-still awaiting quote from Lifetouch regarding the school banner
-request from last meeting for funding of required gym safety mats (has been installed as of Wed., Nov.23rd)
-teacher allotment (not all teachers have confirmed spending the $50 allocated)
-Renewed Math Strategyand sample questions in December newsletter
-Teacher professional development and resources to improve student learning (i.e., Marion Small – Open Questions (math), Social Studies, Kindergarten – Communication of Learning, etc.)
-Building Collaborative Inquiry (BCI) – use of the 5 Practices for Orchestrating Mathematics Discussion resource
-math manipulatives inventory
-new Ministry web-based math resource for students mPower (Grades K-2; 3-6 Coming soon) To register and access mPower, visit currently have pilot resources for Gr.3-6
-EQAO dates: Primary (Gr.3) Assessments – May 24 to 26)
Junior (Gr.6) Assessments – May 29 to 31)
/ DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD NEWS: (updates on Board websites)
-Durham Student Transportation Services updates available on Board and School websites; also available in the Dec. newsletter, i.e., bus cancellation information
-2016-2017 Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence nominations due by January 9, 2017
-2016-2017 Premier’s Awards for Accepting Schools nominations due by February 17, 2017
-Pizza Day (Dec.2nd ) and Sub Day (Dec.16th )
-Winter Concert on evening of Wed., Dec.7th at 6:30 p.m. for Gr.1-6 + Int. Band
-Kindergarten Winter Concert on Thurs., Dec.8th at 1:30 p.m.
-MADD presentation on Dec.8th for intermediate students
-2nd Immunization Clinic for all Gr.7 students and Gr.8 girls on Dec.14th
-Hearing and Vision Screening on Dec.15th (to be confirmed)
-School Toy Drive ends on Dec.16th
-last day of school before Winter Break is Fri., Dec.23rd (regular dismissal at 2:35 p.m.)
-Winter Break is from Mon., Dec.26th to Fri., Jan.6th
-1st day back from Winter Holidays is Mon., Jan.9th
Happy Holidays and all the best for 2017…….
*Next S.C.C. Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 25that 6:30 p.m. in the Library