Monarch Library System Board of Trustees
Cedarburg Public Library – Cedarburg
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017, Called to Order: 6:04 p.m. Adjourn 7:50 p.m.
Present: Kristine Deiss, Tom Doane, Don Dohrwardt, Bill Goehring, Mugs McFadden, Kathie Norman, Doug Rakowski, Theresa Schulze, Dan Stoffel and Nancy Szatkowski
Conference Call/Remote: Wendy Schobert and Alex Harvancik – Horicon Director
Absent: Jeff Caine, Mark Hanson, John Katzka and Ruth Spielman
Also, Present: Amy Birtell - System Director, Alison Hoffman – System Staff, Lynn Huether – System Staff, Robert Nitsch – System Staff, Rachel MuchinYoung – Mequon Director and Linda Pierschalla – Cedarburg Director
1. Call to Order: At 6:04 p.m. Nancy Szatkowski – Vice President called the meeting to order, and a quorum was present. In addition, the meeting was posted per the open meeting law.
2. Public Comment & Correspondence: N/A
3. Approval of Agenda: Kristine Deiss moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Doug Rakowski, the motion carried by voice vote. The representative for the directors asked if she could present first, because of a prior commitment. Theresa Schulze made a motion that the agenda be amended reflecting that the Library representative is presenting first. Seconded by Don Dohrwardt, the motion carried by voice vote.
4. Approval of the Minutes: Kathie Norman moved to approve the minutes from October 12, 2017, meeting. Seconded by Mugs McFadden, the motion carried by voice vote.
5. Approval of Expenditures and Financial Reports: Wendy Schobert presented the Expenditures and Financial Reports for October 2017. Doug Rakowski moved to approve the Expenditures. Seconded by Bill Goehring, the motion carried by voice vote.
6. System Reports:
Director’s Report: – Amy Birtell informed the board that the property owner for the Sheboygan location has been doing building maintenance. For the WLA Foundation Silent Auction, the system created a basket containing items from each county in the system. The basket had Chocolate from Dodge County, Caramel Apples from Ozaukee County, Jolly Good Soda from Sheboygan County and Roasted Nuts from Washington County. She presented an overview of PLSR project to the board and is planning on giving quarterly updates in the future. In addition, Lynn Huether was asked to work on the PLSR HR and Finance Subcommittee. We order the Bed Bug oven for the system and should be in next week.
7. Library Director’s Representative Update: Linda Pierschalla – Cedarburg Public Library director, gave an overview of the items from the All Directors meeting. The RB Digital “Zinio” was presented to the libraries stating that the platform and content for 2018 pending the board approval tonight would be paid by the system and the information would be part of the Monarch catalog. Move over, in 2019 the libraries would pay for content only and the cost would be based on the tier level of the library that choose to have RB Digital. Resource Ad-Hoc Committee presented how the additional funds will be spent in 2018. The funds will go to Gale Courses, Hot Spots, Training, and marketing of the programs. The by-laws have been amended to have the threshold changed from 75% to 67% or 2/3 thirds, which is the standard. Also, the Monarch System Director will be chairing the meetings; the secretary duties will be done by a Monarch System Staff member and the library representative to the board will be from the library that the Board of Trustee meeting is being held. Doug Rakowski made a motion to approve the amended Directors Council Bylaws. Seconded by Mugs McFadden, motion carried by voice vote.
8. Committee Reports:
A. Finance Committee: Wendy Schobert explained that the Finance Committee had a meeting on November 3, 2017, to go over a few requests. The committee approved the new microphones, computer equipment, cyber insurance, antivirus software and the RB Digital “Zinio” for 2018. However, per the discussion on “Zinio,” the members would like more information, and it was tabled for the next meeting. The committee will be having another meeting on November 30th at 6:00 pm at Lakeview Community Library – Random Lake.
B. Personnel & Policy Committee: Mugs McFadden presented the three policies for approval. Per the discussion, the Purchase Order will have Note1 removed. Dan Stoffel made a motion to approve the amended Purchase Order Process policy. Seconded by Kathie Norman, motion carried by voice vote. Kristine Deiss made a motion to approve the Conflict of Interest Policy. Seconded by Kathie Norman, motion carried by voice vote. Per the discussion on the Rules Upon Leaving Employment, it was tabled for next meeting.
C. Contracts Committee: Doug Rakowski explained that the committee met before the board meeting and per the discussion that they will be streamlining the process that any contracts over $6,000.00, Amy Birtell will present to the committee to review it and they will send it on to the Finance Committee for approval.
D. Nomination Committee: Kathie Norman explained that the committee will be rescheduling meeting.
9. Old Business:
A. Status of the Horicon Building: Amy Birtell contacted the realtor and is waiting to hear back from the realtor. Per the discussion, they requested that at the next finance meeting they come up with options to help move the sale of the Horicon building along.
10. New Business
A. System Service to the Monarch Friends of the Libraries: Tabled for the next meeting.
B. Bylaws: Role between MLS board and the member libraries: Amy Birtell is researching what policies other systems have and is comparing them to Monarch policies. Because the Directors Council Bylaws have been changed, the agreements with the libraries will need to be updated.
C. Annual Meeting with Member Library Boards: Tabled for the next meeting.
D. Other Business: A request was made to have actions items listed on the agenda and to have the paperwork for review available before the meeting.
12. Next Meeting: Thursday, December 14, 2017, at West Bend Community Library – West Bend.
13. Adjourn: At 7:50 p.m., Mugs McFadden moved to adjourn. Seconded by Doug Rakowski, the motion carried by voice vote.