St. Anne Catholic Church
Religious Education Program
Teaching the Timeless Truths of our Faith
to the Children of our Parish
Parent Handbook
Celebrating the Catechetical Year 2017-2018
Living as Missionary Disciples
Kindergarten – 8th Grade
Saint Anne School Classrooms
See Calendar for details
Mrs. Piper Grazulis, Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE)
St. Anne Catholic Church Parish Office
1104 N. Brinton Avenue Dixon, IL 61021
Phone: (815) 288-3131E-mail:
The Religious Education program of Saint Anne's Catholic Church is attentive to the spiritual formation of all members and families of the parish faith community. We focus on catechesis, fellowship, service and prayer. As a parish we welcome everyone; we fulfill our baptismal promise to teach about God in the Catholic tradition; we encourage our community to live the Gospel in service to one another; and we celebrate together in prayer and sacrament.
Tuition and Fees, Payment Options, page 2
Your Role as Parent, the primary Catechist, page 2-3
Curriculum, Prayers, Homework, pages 3-4
Requirements of the RE Program at this parish, page 5
General Policies, including attendance, dropping off and picking up your child, discipline, bullying, dress code, and classroom visits, pages 4-7
Weather Emergencies, page 7
Fees listed below include tuition and materials/books:
$60.00 per student ($70 if registered after Friday Sept 2nd)
Hardship situations will be handled confidentially. Call Father Doyleat the parish office (815-288-3131) to request a confidential conference. No child will denied a religious education due to financial constraints.
Long term, effective, religious education starts in the home. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (#2223) wisely states that "Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children." Saint John Paul II stated in On the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World, #36), "The right and duty of parents to educate their children is essential...irreplaceable and inalienable, and therefore incapable of being entirely delegated to others or usurped by others."
As catechists, we are here to support your family's ongoing religious formation in any way we can. We know how BUSY families are these days. It is our hope that by beginning this online program, and limiting the classroom time, that we can relieve some of the time burden that modern families face, while still helping to give your children a sold Catholic faith foundation.
Here are some ways that you can fulfill your responsibility as primary religious educators of your children:
- Regular participation at Mass on Sunday and Holydays
- Making attendance at Religious Education classes a priority
- Be available when your children complete their online work
- Attitude of reverence in Church and at family prayer
- Family prayer time at home
- Service to others
- Good example/Christian moral behavior
- Regular participation in the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Family discussions on religious and moral issues
- Displaying Bible, cross, crucifix, palms, religious pictures, etc. in the home
- Encouragement of children in classroom work and in participation in Church activities
- Family meals together
- Showing Respect for all life
- Showing understanding and forgiveness towards others
- Participation in Church activities as a family
- Contribution of time, treasure, and talent
- Participation in formation and education programs
The Catechetical mission of the Diocese of Rockford is infused with the teachings of Jesus Christ as expressed in Catholic faith and tradition. Through a variety of methods, students are encouraged to recognize and grow in their relationship with God within the Church. Catechetical programs and experiences offer students opportunities to encounter Jesus Christ within the Catholic community, provide them with instruction in Catholic doctrine, and challenge them to develop a Catholic lifestyle which serves God, Church, and world.
The Diocese of Rockford takes seriously the sacred duty of catechesis and the inalienable right of students to receive the whole of Catholic teachings from those who teach in the name of Jesus Christ.
The Rockford Diocese religion curriculum guide for grades PreK-8 is grounded in the basic truths of the Catholic faith presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC). The diocesan guidelines are located here:
Parents should be aware of their important role in catechesis through our parent handbook, parent meetings, and communication between the CRE, catechists, classroom and home. In addition, spending time each week completing the online lesson and preparing for the next lesson, is an invaluable way for you to discover how your child is growing in his/her faith awareness and sharing this journey with them!
Christian Chastity and Safe Environment Program
This program has been established for use in the Rockford Diocese and is required to be taught yearly to all students in grades K through 8. All parishes and schools are to provide formation for children in the areas of safety and the integrity of their persons. Information, and the opportunity to opt-out of this program, will be available February 5th, 2018 at the Chastity meeting.
Prayers to Learn by Grade
Kindergarten: Sign of the Cross, Glory Be, Angel of God
Grade 1: Hail Mary, Our Father, Grace Before Meals, Grace After Meals
Grade 2: Act of Contrition, Saint Michael the Archangel
Grade 3: maintain all from earlier grades
Grade 4: I Confess (Confiteor), Nicene Creed, Holy-Holy-Holy, Lamb of God, Hail HolyQueen
Grade 5: Apostles’ Creed, Rosary, Angelus, Memorare
Grade 6: Act of Faith, Act of Hope, Act of Love
Grade 7: Prayer to the Holy Spirit, Morning Offering, Episcopal Blessing Response, Eternal Rest
Grade8: maintain all from earlier grades
Online homework is expected to be completed. See attached syllabus.
Completion of homework in not optional. Students are expected to come to class prepared to engage and participate.
All students attending catechetical programs must be registered with Saint Anne Catholic Church as well as the Religious Education Office. Please call the office( 815-288-3131), email the CRE () or visit the website (under connect click registration forms) for registration materials.
Home Schooling Families
Home-school families need to be registered with the Parish Religious Education office. Call the RE office to obtain the registration form and to set up a meeting with the CRE.
We invite you to let us assist you with your Religious Education needs. Parents who prepare their children for the sacraments must meet with Father, who will evaluate their readiness.
Children with Special Needs
Special children are important members of our parish family. If your child has special developmental, emotional or physical needs, please contact the Religious Education Office. We will work closely with you to provide them with opportunities to learn how precious they are to God and this faith community.
Requirements of the RE Program at St. Anne Catholic Church
We will eagerly work with parents in ensuring each child’s relationship with God deepens and grows while fulfilling the requirements.
- Attendance.
- Making up absences beyond the excused 3 per year. 2nd graders are allowed one excused per semester (2 per year).
- Active participation
- Completion of online work as listed in the syllabus.
The CRE’s office will monitor each child’s progress and inform you of any potential problems.
Student Attendance
It is expected that all students and their families attend Mass as well as religious education class.
Children are expected to participate in each class session. All absences are to be phoned in, texted or e-mailed to, the RE office prior to the start of class.
You will be contacted if your child misses two classes in a row.
Student Attendance for children in 2ndGrade: Church Law requires that children be properly prepared before celebrating First Reconciliation andFirst Holy Communion. It is essential that children who are preparing for these Sacraments are present at all class sessions and activities. If your child misses two classes, the CRE will contact you and request a conference.
Dropping Off Children for Class
It is expected that children will be dropped off for class on time. All children are to be brought to the Father Callahan Room to gather with their teachers and their class. Children should be in the FCR at least 5 minutes before the start of class. Children who come late to class are to go directly to their classrooms.
Picking Up Children from Class
Grades 4-8: At the end of class children will exit the main door.
Grades K-3: At the end of class Catechists will bring students to the Father Callahan Room. Parents or older siblings are to pick up children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade in the Father Callahan Room, not the classrooms. Students will be released only to their legal parent/guardian or older sibling unless we have permission from one or both parents to release the student to another person. If there are special custody issues, parents are asked to provide information at registration. I’m sorry, but we cannot release young children to anyone under the age of 9/10 (4th grade). This is the safety policy of the Diocese of Rockford. If you come at 10:25 of after you will find your child with the Mass chaperone in the Church.
Discipline Policy
A safe and orderly environment is necessary for the education and formation in the faith of our students.
- All students are expected to display behavior that will maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning.
- At all times students are expected to respect the property and person of their teachers and other students.
- They are also expected to respect the property of St. Anne Catholic Church and School.
- Disruptive behavior (before, during, or after class), vandalism or theft of the property of teachers, other students, use of bad language, obscene humor, or sexual innuendo, the use or possession of drugs or alcohol or weapons will not be tolerated.
After a verbal warning or “time out”, the Coordinator of Religious Education in conjunction with the Pastor may use her discretion to removethe student from class, or issue a suspension or expulsion.
Any action, word or behavior which harasses, intimidates or causes physical, emotional or
psychological harm to another student or students is strictly prohibited. This prohibited conduct alsoextends to the use of technology (“Cyber bullying”) as a tool to harass or cause harm.
Bullying is prohibited during any church-sponsored education program or activity; while in the building, in class, on church property, or at church-sponsored or church-sanctioned events or activities; or through thetransmission of information via electronic equipment. However, this policy is not limited to conduct that occurs on thepremises of the Diocese church or school.
Bullying may take various forms, including without limitation one or more of the following: harassment,threats, intimidation, stalking, physical violence, sexual harassment, sexual violence,
theft, publichumiliation, destruction of property, or retaliation for asserting or alleging an act of bullying. Examplesof “cyber bullying” include but are not limited to the use of e-mail, web sites, text messaging, electronicphotos or videos & social media (i.e. Face Book, Twitter, Snapchat etc...) to harass or intimidate.These lists are meant to be illustrative and non-exhaustive.
Students who violate this policy will be subject to the discipline policy of the student’s parish program.
Dress Code
This is a Catholic school; children are to be dressed properly and modestly. The dress code is applicable to classes held inside the school building and at all RE functions (all grade levels, K- through 8th).
- Skirts and shorts hemlines must be modest and appropriate.
- Shoes / sandals must be worn at all times. House/bedroom slippers are not acceptable.
- The wearing of hats (inside the building), pajamas, or bare midriff shirts/blouses is prohibited.
- Clothing must be free from words, slogans, or pictures, which advertise drugs, alcohol, or which contain vulgar or offensive writing, racial slurs, suggestive pictures or emblems.
After a verbal warning to the student, the CRE may request a meeting with the parents.
Mass Attendance.
Mass is celebrated at on Saturday at 5:00p.m., and on Sunday at 8:30a.m., 10:30a.m., and 5:00pm. It is expected that all students and their families attend Mass as well as Religious Education class each week. In the event that you cannot take your children to Mass, on CLASS DAYS, Mass chaperones will be provided to take your children to Mass. Additionally, if you pick up later than 10:25 you will find your children in the Church and not the Father Callahan room.
Injuries inClass
Parents will be contacted immediately in the case of serious injury. Catechists are not permitted to dispense medications. For special needs, contact the CRE.
Visiting Classrooms
For safety and security reasons, no one is allowed to visit classrooms without the permission of the CRE. This includes adults, older siblings not registered in the RE program, and friends.
Items Brought to Class
Students should not bring food, drink, candy or gum, toys, trading cards, radios, MP3 Players, electronic games and similar items to class. Catechists will collect them and return them to the child’s parents after class.
Weather Emergencies and Emergency Closings
In the event of a weather or building emergency, families may:
- visit our website for a message, or
-visit the Saint Anne Catholic Church FB page or
-Call or text the CRE 815-631-4446
Class Schedule is available at the parish web site:
Click on Learn -- For Children. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.