A meeting of the SEAL PARISH COUNCIL was held on THURSDAY 12th October 2017 in Seal Pavilion beginning at 7.30pm


Mr R Bourne (in the chair)

Mr G. Aldridge

Mr T Bulleid

Mr R Bourne

Mr M Evans

Mr T Martin

Mr JD O’Brien

Mrs P Rosser

Mr J Spencer

Also present the Clerk, Cllr J Thornton and 2 parishioners

Apologies:Mr A Michaelides, Mr S Kirkaldy, Mrs F Weston, Cllr. R Hogarth and Cllr. R Gough

Parishioner’s question time

Cllr. Thornton said that an Enforcement Officer had stopped work in a field in Underriver on Underriver House Road where work was being carried out to lay hard standing. This site had previously been turned down on appeal for stables. The owner has been given 28 days to apply for planning permission.

The application to build a porch on a barn at Bluebell Farm was being looked at as a new building not a barn.

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed.

Declarations of Interest - None

Casual Vacancy Co-option of New Councillors for Seal Ward

No one has yet put their name forward for the last Seal Ward vacancy.

Seal Volunteer Support Warden

We hoped to welcome our Volunteer Support Warden BartoszWlodarczyk to the Parish in November.

Matters Requiring Discussion

Seal Primary School – Proposed new planning application

Mr Spencer said following the meeting with the Head teacher and Jo Taylor we were now aware of how the walking bus was proposed to run. The school had staff that started work at 8.30am who would walk to the recreation ground getting there by 8.40am when children would start to be dropped off. The walking buswould leave the recreation ground by 8.45am at the latest for children to get to school in time.

Staff would have a list of those children for the walking bus drop off.

Concern was expressed at the public consultation that 10 minutes did not give enough time for drop off and Councillors had the same concerns and thought that staff should be in place earlier. In the afternoon the staff finished work at 3.30pm so it was unclear how a drop off walking bus would work as some children came out of school at 3.15pm and if they had older brothers and sisters waited until 3.30pm when they would normally be picked up.

At that meeting it was also discussed that a number of parents and children walked to school from Kemsing and concern was raised again about the lack of safety for pedestrians over the bridge and the speed that cars travelled. If the school was to increase in size then there could potentially be more people crossing the bridge.

Councillors also raised the issue of young people walking to Trinity and Weald of Kent annex from Kemsing that would also have to cross the bridge and then take the short cut down by Copse Bank to the schoolsite.

The work carried out on the bridge a fe w years ago had been cut to the minimum due to cost with only white lines and hatching giving no protection to pedestrians and it was felt that the bridge should now have a proper pavement installed and that traffic should have a priority system with priority being given travelling north out of Seal.This may help slow down traffic coming over the bridge and on Childsbridge Lane heading towards the village. A resident said that a crossing patrol would be welcomed on the Zebra Crossing at school time.


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Mr Martin proposed “That the Council approach KCC Cllr. Gough regarding improving the bridge further by making a priority over the bridge and installing a pavement for the safety of pedestrians and particularly parents with young children and those walking to the new secondary schools”. Seconded by Mr Bulleid. This was agreed unanimously.

Mr Martinsaidthe public consultation had been well attended. The proposal for walking bus had been welcomed. However concern had been expressed about a queue building up due to vehicles not being able to exit the recreation ground due to the volume of traffic on the A25 and the drop off coming to a standstill. It was suggested that a yellow box be introduced across both lanes of the A25 to help with this. It was also thought that 10 minutes was too shorter time period for a drop off in the morning.

Residents of Highlands Park and Zambra Way were still concerned about the traffic and parking issues on their roads which was already very difficult.

KCC proposed to put in their planning application by the 16th October and hoped to get consent by March 2018 allowing work to be completed by December 2018.

We were still in discussion regarding the Terms of KCC using the car park for the drop off, they had looked favourable on our suggested changes and we hoped to have the final document for the next meeting.

Car Park - Seal Recreation Ground

Mr Spencer said initial responses from parking companies had shown that to implement a parking scheme would be free to the Council, as the company kept any fine money.He and Mr Aldridge were still looking at possible schemes taking into account that the car park was available for pavilion hirers and recreation ground users and also available for overnight parking for residents. A scheme may include a no parking period and maximum stay being introduced..The scheme options would be presented to the November meeting.

HGV Signs Red Lane, Stone Street

This was carried over from last month and now all Councillors had looked at the road.

The Chairman proposed “That as this was the only road into Stone Street from the A25 without No HGV, it should not be changed.” Seconded by Mr O’Brien. This was agreed unanimously.

The Chairman would go and speak to the resident regarding our decision.

Matters Outstanding

Underriver Traffic Calming and Speed Watch

The Underriver VA discussed the need for lighting with any traffic calming installed in the village and decided that they did not want lighting in the centre of the village. The Council will not pursue this further. The UVA would raise the idea of Speed Watch at their AGM in November and see if residents were interested in setting up a group.

The Chairman said that it would be good if a speed watch group could be set up in each area. A group should have about 10 people who would all be trained. Speed watch had shown that up to 70% of motorists stopped speeding when speed watch was in place. If anyone was recorded over 50% above the speed limit they would receive a letter from the police. If they were recorded by speed watch anywhere in Kent then on the fourth letter it would be delivered by a member of the police. Initially it may be best to loan the equipment but if it worked then the parish could purchase its own.

Driveway Seal Croft Cottages

It has been confirmed by SDC that the land was transferred as Amenity land.

From the deeds it shows that there is only one house listed on the land registry as having access across the grass to their property many years ago. There used to be a number of walk ways across the land which now seem to be driveways and only one walk way left. It was agreed we would find out when these driveways were installed and given permission, a new driveway had been installed recently and may need enforcement

Trees – Seal Recreation Ground and Zambra Way

An order had been placed for work on the trees that were agreed at the last meeting.

The Clerk is waiting for the Zambra Way residents to come back to her.


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Red Phone Boxes

The grant application has now been submitted for thetwo defibrillators.

Seal Centre Highway Improvements – 20mph and No Right Turn

The problems of enforcement of the 20mph and NRT is still ongoing the police have carried out a speed check on the 30mph in Childsbridge Lane this week and will be carrying out further speed checks and monitor the NRT when staff permit.

St Lawrence Recreation Ground

Mr Spencer and Mr Kirkcaldy now have updated information and it is hoped this can be pursued shortly.

Seal Wooden Play Equipment

The play equipment suppliers have confirmed that we do not need to carry out timber treatment on the play equipment this year.

Padwell Arms – Register Community Asset

An application has been submitted to place the Padwell Arms on the Community Asset Register. We will have a decision by the 17th November 2017. However due to the pub already being on the market it may not be in time for this sale.

The Chairman is in discussions with the owners regarding the sale and the Community wanting to purchase it as a pub. He is liaising with residents regarding raising the money required and setting up a company with shareholders. .The pub is nowfor sale on the openmarket.

It may be worth looking to see if there are any other buildings within the Parish that could benefit by being registered as a Community Asset, before any changes are planned for them. Please look at the list on the SDC website of building already registered and bring ideas to the next meeting.

Kent Fire Hydrant Initiative

The clerk is drawing up a list of fire hydrants to be checked and allocating them to Councillors.

Remembrance Day 12th November 2017

The following Councillors will lay wreathes:-

Mr O’Brien – Seal, Mr Bourne– Godden Green, Mr Aldridge –St Lawrence and the Chairman Underriver.

The wreathes will be available at the November meeting.

The service at Godden Green at will be held at 9am.

Dynamic Councillor training

The Clerk will liaise with KALC on possible dates.


-Planning applications from the last meetingwereratified.

-St Lawrence VDS – Mr Aldridge is progressing with SDC.

-North Sevenoaks Masterplan - .No further update

-The Local Plan consultation is now taking place and the Council have submitted their comments.

-The Planning Chairman to check that the pig sty being built at Sakers is being built in accordance with permission, if not enforcement will be contacted.

-Cllr Thornton said she is not aware of any livestock apart from a few chickens have been seen on the land opposite the St Lawrence cricket ground despite building being erected for pigs, feed etc. She said this kind of development is concerning when it is not used for the purpose it was built and she will continue to investigate.

Accounts and cheques

005451 / Richard bel Landscapes / 1168.58 / Mowing
005452 / SDC / 572.92 / Dog bin emptying, pavilion refuse and garden sacks
005453 / Underriver Village Hall / 1000.00 / Grant for grass matting
005454 / St Peters and St Pauls PCC / 550.00 / Churchyard mowing
005455 / St Lawrence PCC / 500.00 / Churchyard mowing
005456 / St Margaret’s PCC / 475.00 / Churchyard mowing
005457 / Mr R Crouch / 50.00 / Repair bollards and fence
005458 / Ms C Ward / Caretakers salary
005459 / Mrs L J Talbot / Clerks salary + accom
005460 / Inland Revenue / Deductions
005461 / KCC / Pension deductions
005462 / KC Davies / 45.00 / Seal Pav windows
005463 / Mrs L J Talbot / 300.00 / Petty cash

Matters for Information Only

-A reminder to the Finance Committee that the budget meeting is on Thursday 19th October at 8pm.

-Mr Bulleid said that where highways work had taken place on Seal High Street wooden pallets had been left behind in two places.

-Mr O’Brien was looking into Christmas tree lights for the High Street and a Christmas Fair for the shops. Due to the time scale it was unlikely that any lights for the street lighting could be considered for this year but could be looked at for 2018. However there was nothing stopping the shops and residents of the High Street taking part in putting up lights on their properties and Mr O’Brien would be liaising with them.

-Mr Aldridge raised the need for Traffic calming in Stone Street Road

-There has been an increase in fly tipping in the area and residents are urged to report these themselves to SDC. 01732 227000

-A reminder to report all Highway issues direct to KCC 03000 41 81 81

-A reminder to report problems on PROW to03000 41 7171 8am-8pm Mon-Friday.

Meeting closed 9.05pm
