Proceedings of the 44th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power

December 14-16, 2016, Amrita University, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, Kerala, India (Arial 10 Bold)

FMFP2017–PAPER NO. (Arial Uppercase 11 Bold)

Paper Title (Arial 12 Bold with 1.15 Line Spacing between Two Lines of the Title)

(Every word in the title must be capitalized except for short minor words such as “a”, “an”, “and”, “as”, “at”, “by”, “for”, “from”, “if”, “in”, “into”, “on”, “or”, “of”, “the”, “to”, “with”.)

Author Name (Arial 10 Bold)
Author Affiliation and address with PINCODE (Arial 9)
Email: (Arial 9) / Author Name (Arial 10 Bold)
Author Affiliation and address with PINCODE (Arial 9)
Email: (Arial 9) / Author Name (Arial 10 Bold)
Author Affiliation and address with PINCODE (Arial 9)
Email: (Arial 9)


Abstract (Arial 10 Bold)

Abstract, not more than 200 words, should have the details like problem definition, methodology adopted and significant findings. Use 10 font-size for the entire manuscript; except table/figure captions and reference with 8 font-size. Use text as Arial for the abstract and all the headings, and Times-New-Roman for the other text in the entire manuscript; with a line spacing of 1.15. Paper length should not exceed 5-pages.

Keywords: A maximum of 5 keywords, separated by semicolon, are required and should be italicised with 9 font size

Nomenclature (Arial 10 Bold)

Only symbols peculiar to an individual paper should be included in a nomenclature list, which should be placed immediately following the Abstract. The common list of symbols found in the Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 121, No. 4, pp. 769-773, November 1999 should not be listed.

1.0  INTRODUCTION (Uppercase Arial 10 Bold)

The headings should be bold and in uppercase letters with 10 font size and sub-headings should be lower case; with Arial as the font-type. Use the Arabic number system (1, 2, 3 etc.,) for the main headings like introduction, conclusion etc. Representative main headings are presented here; however, the authors are free to choose their own headings. The current status and open questions, aims and objectives, and motivation and novelty of the present research may be presented in the introduction section.

1.1 Subheading 1 (Arial 10 Bold)

Use bold lowercase letters for the sub heading 1, with 10 font size and Arial as the font-type.

1.1.1  Subheading 2 (Italic Arial 10)

Use lowercase letters for the sub heading 2, with 10 font size and Arial as the font-type. Subheadings more than the two should be avoided.

2.0  METHODOLOGY (Uppercase Arial 10 Bold)

Use double column format and spacing as per this document.

3.0  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Uppercase Arial 10 Bold)

Present the figures and table only for the most prominent, interesting and novel results. As far as possible, the other results may be discussed without showing the figures. Figures and Tables should be numbered with captions and in Arabic number system (Example: Fig.1 Effect of Re, Table1. Temperatures recorded by the two thermocouples); and cross-referred as Fig. 1 shows – and Table 1 shows ---. The caption should be at the bottom of a figure and at the top for a Table. The captions for the Figure and Table should be times new roman 8 bold. Figure and Table should be in the two-column format as far as possible. Nomenclature should be avoided by discussing the symbols (avoid discussion for the commonly used symbols) appearing for the first time in the running text.

Your manuscript will be peer reviewed and you shall be intimated of the necessary corrections or modifications, if any. Referencing should be done through reference numbers, for example, Camarri et al. [1] or [1] (with or without author details). The sample reference numbering style for citing content from journal, internet source and textbook are given.

4.0  CONCLUSIONS (Uppercase Arial 10 Bold)

The main conclusions of the study may be presented in the Conclusions section. Conclusion should not be a replicate the Abstract and should not cite any reference. A conclusion shall elaborate on the importance of the work or suggest applications.

Acknowledgements (Arial 10 Bold)

If needed, acknowledge in less than 65 words.

REFERENCES (Uppercase Arial 10 Bold)

1. Camarri S., Salvetti M.V., Koobus B., Dervieux A., 2002, Large-eddy simulation of a bluff-body flow on unstructured grids, Int J Numer Methods Fluids, 40 (11), pp. 1431–1460.

2 Sagaut, P., Deck, S., Terracol, M., 2013, Multiscale and Multiresolution Approaches in Turbulence, 2nd Edn. World Scientific. ISBN: 978-1-84816-986-9.

3. Krishnamurty, K., 1955, Acoustic radiation from two-dimensional rectangular cutouts in aerodynamic surfaces. Tech. rep. NACA TN, 3487.

4. Jasak H., 1996, Error analysis and estimation for the finite volume method with applications to fluid flows, Ph.D thesis, Imperial College, University of London.

5. Bieder U., 2012, Analysis of the flow down- and upwind of the split type mixing vanes, Proceedings of the CFD for Nuclear Reactor Safety Applications (CFD4NRS-4), 10–12 September, Daejeon, Korea.

6. Weblink, accessd on 01 April 2017.