Please only list full-time job openings unlessthe individual’semployment goal ispart-time
Participant summary of why is this occupation the best match for you?
One Stop Manager or Designee SignatureDate
Page 1 of 2 Last Revision 11/2016
Complete the form below:
- Participant Name:
- Participant Seeker ID Number:
- Date of Initial Program Registration:
- Adult, Dislocated Worker, or other WSW funded training Program:
- Co-Enrollment in Other Programs (list):
- Training Provider:
- Training Program:
- Industry Sector:
- Estimated Training Start and End Dates:
- Estimated Placement Wage After Training:
- Total Training Cost:
- ITA Amount Requested:
- List Amounts of Other Sources of Funding: PELL $ Other Financial Aid $TAA $ NAFTA $ Loans $ Self $Other $
- If Not Eligible for PELL, Explain Why:
- Total Planned Supportive Service Costs: Childcare $Transportation $ Other (list) $
- This request to fund a not in demand training is based upon the following (include what is unique about this participant’s situation, including financial need, employment or training history):
- How many job orders arecurrently open or have been listed in thelast year for theoccupation youare askingan exceptionfor?
- What are thesources youused to support this information?
- Describewhyyoubelievethis occupation is(or will be) in demand in the near future.Attach appropriatesupporting documentationor information(articles, letters from employers, etc.)
This request was reviewed and approved for submission by:
Service Provider Name: Date:
Case Manager’s email and telephone number:
WSW Use Only:
Exception Approved Exception Denied
E-mail completed forms and documents to the WSW Program Manager
Page 1 of 2 Last Revision 11/2016