ALSC will questionnaire
This first section asks for detailed information about your family and your background. Please answer each question completely. The laws regarding Wills can be complicated, and so every question is important. And remember – this is NOT a Will. It’s just a tool to help you organize your information so you can prepare a Will.
- What is your legal name, including any middle names:
2.Are you known by any nicknames? If so, what are they?
3.Mailing Address:
- Telephone:
Home No. Work No. Cell
5.Date of Birth:
6.Where were you born?
7.Are you:
8.If you have ever been married, list the NAMES of ALL spouses, the DATE of your marriages, whether or not you are STILL MARRIED to that person; and, if you're no longer married to that person, HOW the marriage ended (divorce, death, etc.,) and WHEN the marriage ended.
Name ofDate ofStillHowWhen
9.If you are separated from your spouse, what is the name of your spouse and when did you become separated?
10.List the names of all persons you now support within your household and their relationship to you:
11.If you provide support for someone outside your home, state his or her name, the amount you pay, and why you have to support that person:
12.List the names of all your LIVING children, including stepchildren, those by a prior marriage, and those you have adopted:
ofofofStep orMarried,
13.List the names of all your children who have DIED, including those by a prior marriage, adopted, and step-children:
ofStep orMarried,of
14.If any of your children have died and left children who are now living (your grandchildren), list the names of those children and indicate who their parent was:
Name of SurvivingName of Grandchild's
GrandchildDeceased ParentAddress (City&State)
15.List the names, birthdays and addresses of any grandchildren that you wish to give a portion of your property to:
Name of Their
Name and birthdayAddress (City&State) Parent
16.Give the names of your parents and your brothers and sisters who are now living:
Date ofAddress
Name Birth(City&State)
(a)Your Father
(b)Your Mother
(c)Brothers and Sisters
We now come to the important part of listing all of your real property that is owned by you alone or with someone else. Keep in mind that you can give each item to one person if you wish, or you can give it to several people to divide up. It is completely up to you. (The only thing that you cannot split up is a limited entry permit.) Also, you will need first and second choices just in case the person you list as first choice has died already or is not able to accept your gift at the time of your death.
Finally, you should remember that many types of accounts (e.g. some bank accounts, stock certificates, retirement accounts, and insurance policies) allow, or may even require, you to designate a beneficiary for that asset. If you have designated a beneficiary for a particular asset in the paperwork controlling that asset, you cannot change the name of your beneficiary in your will. The disbursement of these assets is controlled by the “contract terms” and cannot be changed by your will. You must contact the insurance company, plan administrator, bank or other appropriate entity to change the beneficiary.
17.Do you have any bank accounts, including checking, savings, credit union, money markets, certificates of deposit (CD’s) etc? If so, what bank are they in (include the name of bank and city) and how much money is currently in the account?
Kind of AccountName of BankCity & StateBalance
For each account, please answer the following (add extra pages as necessary):
What name(s) is on the account?
If more than one name is on the account, how is it titled – “and” “or” “payable on death” etc.
What is the account number?
List the name(s) of the people you want to give the money in the account to when
you pass away:
If this is an account governed by contract (see introduction to this section), are the people listed above the same people named as beneficiaries? (If you answered no, you must change the contract terms.)
If the account is not governed by contract, who would be your second choice?
What name(s) is on the account?
If more than one name is on the account, how is it titled – “and” “or” “payable on death” etc.
What is the account number?
List the name(s) of the people you want to give the money in the account to when
you pass away:
If this is an account governed by contract (see introduction to this section), are the people listed above the same people named as beneficiaries? (If you answered no, you must change the contract terms.)
If the account is not governed by contract, who would be your second choice?
18.Do you have any stocks, bonds, mutual funds, trading accounts, etc.? If so, please identify and list the value.
Name of Holding/AccountLocationCurrent Market Value
For each account, please answer the following (add extra pages as necessary):
What name(s) is on the account?
If more than one name is on the account, how is it titled – “and” “or” “payable on death” etc.
What is the account number?
List the name(s) of the people you want to give the money in the account to when
you pass away:
If this is an account governed by contract (see introduction to this section), are the people listed above the same people named as beneficiaries? (If you answered no, you must change the contract terms.)
If the account is not governed by contract, who would be your second choice?
What name(s) is on the account?
If more than one name is on the account, how is it titled – “and” “or” “payable on death” etc.
What is the account number?
List the name(s) of the people you want to give the money in the account to when
you pass away:
If this is an account governed by contract (see introduction to this section), are the people listed above the same people named as beneficiaries? (If you answered no, you must change the contract terms.)
If the account is not governed by contract, who would be your second choice?
19.Do you have a pension, 401(k), IRA or other retirement accounts? If so, please list.
Kind of AccountAdministratorCity & StateValue
For each account, please answer the following (add extra pages as necessary):
What name(s) is on the account?
What is the account number?
List the name(s) of the people you want to give the money in the account to when
you pass away:
If this is an account governed by contract (see introduction to this section), are the people listed above the same people named as beneficiaries? __(Ifyou answered “no”, you must change the contract terms by contacting the company directly).
If the account is not governed by contract, who would be your second choice?
If you have a pension, please describe what benefit, if any, it provides to your spouse when you pass away:
What name(s) is on the account?
What is the account number?
List the name(s) of the people you want to give the money in the account to when
you pass away:
If this is an account governed by contract (see introduction to this section), are the people listed above the same people named as beneficiaries? __ (If you answered “no”, you must change the contract terms by contacting the company directly).
If the account is not governed by contract, who would be your second choice?
If you have a pension, please describe what benefit, if any, it provides to your spouse when you pass away:
20.Do you own Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) stock? If so, what corporations: Regional: Village:
How many shares of stock do you own in each corporation:
Regional: Village:
Please list how you want to divide up your stock. Be sure to list a first and second choice, and give the city and state of where each beneficiary is from. You can use as many lines per person as you need.
Name of person
to receive stockStock fromNumber of
& addresswhat Corporationshares
- Do you own your house? ______Are you buying one through HUD or the Housing Authority? ______Do you own any homes anywhere else? ______Do you own any land anywhere? ______If the answer to any of these questions is "yes," please answer the following for each piece of property, add extra pages if necessary.
Where is the land? Please try to give the legal description of the Track, Lot and Block numbers, as well as the street names and village or city.
In whose name(s) is the property?
If more than one name is on the property, how is it titled?
What is the market value?
How much did you buy it for?
If there is currently a mortgage, how much is owed, and who holds the mortgage?
Who do you want to have this property:
Who would be your second choice?
Where is the land? Please try to give the legal description of the Track, Lot and Block numbers, as well as the street names and village or city.
In whose name(s) is the property?
If more than one name is on the property, how is it titled?
What is the market value?
How much did you buy it for?
If there is currently a mortgage, how much is owed, and who holds the mortgage?
Who do you want to have this property:
Who would be your second choice?
Who is your second choice?
22.Do you own a Native allotment that you received from the BIA?
If so, where is it?
How many parcels?
How many acres?
What is the allotment number?
Has it been approved or denied yet?
Who do you want to give it to when you pass away?
Who is your second choice?
- Are you an heir to a Native Allotment (land that you inherited from someone else through BIA probate)?
If so, where is it?
How many parcels?
How many acres?
What is the allotment number?
Has it been approved or denied yet?
Who do you want to give it to when you pass away?
Who is your second choice?
- Have you applied for a Townsite Lot?
Is it restricted or nonrestricted?
If so, where is it? (location, acreage or description)
What is the number?
Has it been approved or denied yet?
Who do you want to give it to when you pass away?
Who is your second choice?
- Do you own a Townsite Lot that you got from someone else (inherited)?
Is it restricted or nonrestricted?
If so, where is it? (location, acreage or description)
What is the number?
Has it been approved or denied yet?
Who do you want to give it to when you pass away?
Who is your second choice?
26.Do you have any life insurance?______If so, what is the name of the company?
Who is listed as the beneficiary under the terms of the policy?
Is that who you want to give your insurance money to?
Who is your second choice?
Remember: You cannot change the name of your beneficiary in your will. You must contact your insurance company to make any changes on your insurance policies involving beneficiaries. You may just want to list what types of insurance you have in your will for the benefit of any surviving heirs.
27.Do you own any planes, boats, skiffs, outboards, fishing gear, cars, trucks, fourwheelers, snowmobiles etc.?______If so, please describe them below. You can add pages if necessary, and use more than one line for each item.
ItemEstimatedWho is to2nd choice?
valuereceive it?
28.Do you own a Limited Entry Permit?
Who do you want to give it to? (Remember only one person can own a permit):
Who is your second choice?
29.Do you own any rifles or any other guns?______If so, describe them:
Who do you want to give them to?
Who is your second choice?
30.Do you own any personal property of value (traps, jewelry, family heirlooms, china, silver, antiques, etc.) that you wish to list and give to someone in particular?______If so, please describe your special things on the following page. You can add pages as necessary.
ItemEstimatedWho is to2nd choice?
valuereceive it?
31.Is there any other property you wish to list? If so, please describe:
32.Finally, there should be a special section in your will called a "residue" clause. This covers anything that you have not mentioned in your will and any property that you may acquire in the future. You can give your "residue" to one person or divide it among several people. Who do you want to give your "residue" to?
Who is your second choice?
miscellaneous information
33. You must now select the personal representative (formally called the executor) of your estate. The most important thing is to pick a person you trust. It is recommended that the personal representative be a resident of Alaska. What is the name, mailing address, and the relationship to you of your first choice as personal representative of your estate:
Who is your second choice?
34.If you have minor children then you should name an adult to be "legal guardian" to take care of them in the event that you and the child’s other parent have both died. This is a very important question. You and the other parent should talk over this matter together and agree between the two of you who should be the person to raise your children if something should happen to both of you. You should also talk with any person who would be a guardian to make sure they are willing to do it. Please list the name, mailing address, and relationship of the adult person whom you desire to be the guardian of your children:
Who is your second choice?
35.Do you want to specify certain funeral arrangements (i.e. burial or cremation, type of ceremony etc.)?______If so, please describe:
36.Have you ever made a will before?
If so, when did you make that will? ______
If yes, remember to destroy your old Will after you sign your new Will.
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