Parish Clerk: Carole Crisp, Alfords Mill Cottage Woolhope Herefordshire HR1 4RB
Tel 01432 861046
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday4th July2017at 7.30pm
CouncillorsM Slocombe M Windham, JoBrandt,,G Chapman and R Rolt
In attendance
Carole Crisp – Parish Clerk
Ward Councillor Barry Durkin
- To receive apologies for absence and note the reason
- To Discuss Co-opting Parishioner on to the Council
No one came forward
- To receive and record Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations
- To remind councilors to review their Register of Interests held with Herefordshire Council and update if necessary.
- Open Forum for local residents to raise matters relevant to the parish (Please note: Decisions cannot be made on items not on the agenda, time allowed may be limited at the discretion of the Chairman)
Norman wanted to talk about Sale of Small holdings but this is not a Parish Council matter.
- To Approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6th June 2017 (previously circulated)
Approved and signed
- To Receive a Brief Report from Ward Councillor Barry Durkin
Councillor Durkin went through his report which can be seen in full on our web site
- Neighborhood Plan any updates
Due to illness they did not meet this month but are still working on questionnaire.
- Broadmoor Common any updates
Cutting Grass
A Map is being produced for Paul Rodgers
- Planning
172225 - Land to the Rear of 8 St Georges, Woolhope, Herefordshire, HR1 4QR
The Council object to the removal off the tree and suggest that management nor distruction should be investigated. It was suggested that the lower branches could be removed.
171944 – Plot 1 barn at Blackhouse Building Woolhope HR1 4RF
The Council wanted further information. Clerk to write to planning office asking if the garage is necessary and why was it blocking the entrance to the Barn. Was it the intention that the barn be removed later.
Any other planning
- Highways and Footpaths:
Councillor Rolt is looking into re opening foot paths W048 was discussed but it is very step and hard to use.
W041 and W041A should meet he will look into this.
Councillor Chapman is still working on putting up signs
a)To receive report from the Footpath Officer
Where to install gate. The stile that had been proposed to be replaced is an oak stile which the owner of the land did not wish to be changed. The stile is easy to use and has lots of life left in it. The Council will look at other stiles to be replaced.
b)To list any Highways issues:
ConcillorSlocombe had again been in touch with Neil James pointing out that some pot holes are being filled why ones next to them or not.
- Finance:
a)To note finance report (previously circulated)
Noted and signed
b)To approve payments:
Clerks Wages
000687 PAYE £59.00
000688 £236.21
Village Sweep 000690 £186.00
White Lines 000689 £653.42
Postage 000691 £7.80
- Discussion:
a)Hire of Berryfield 26th May 2018
The Council were happy for this to go ahead a few changes to the hiring documents were discussed. The prices have not increased for some time so it was agreed for prices to rise by £25.00.
b)Parish Website poster
It was agreed that this is needed and CouncillorSlocome will speak to person he uses at Crown for prices.
c)Playground improvements
Councillor Chapman has been gathering information from residents. He is still investigating heath and safety issued and will report again next meeting. Clerk to send previous report for information.
- To Note Information Sheet (previously circulated)
No disscussion
- To Review Outstanding Actions from previous meetings (previously circulated)
As above
Has arrived and CouncillorSlocombe will be speaking to installer
Dog Bins
We are awaiting prices from Belfour Beatty
Countainer pads
This has now been completed.
- To raise items for next scheduled Parish Council Meeting (no discussion)
No items were raised.
To confirm the date of the next meeting as Tuesday 5th September 2017
Meeting was closed by Chairmen at 9.30
Signed: …………………………………………………………. Dated: ………………………………..