Harvard International Business Club Africa Division
Internship Programs/Fellowships in Africa
- African Development Bank Internship Program
The African Development Bank provides loans, technical assistance, and equity investments in order to support African development. Their headquarters is in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. The internship program gives students experience working with a Development Bank and interns have the possibility of being recruited as future employees. The application must be received by December 31. The application form and more information are available at
- Africa Related Employment: United States and Africa
This informative website has links and information for internships and jobs in Africa.
- Anton Segal Memorial Fellowship
Support summer travel to a non-Western European country for sophomores and juniors
- Benjamin A. Trustman Traveling Fellowship
Support graduating seniors in traveling abroad (
- Booth Fun Fellowship
Defray cost of traveling abroad for juniors and seniors
- Catherine Innes Ireland Traveling Fellowship
Support travel abroad for all undergraduates
Council Student Scholarship Programs for Education Abroad
Offers financial support for students who want to take part in overseas programs such as work, internships, study, and volunteer services.
- Elizabeth Cary Agassiz Fellowship
Supports summer travel abroad for undergraduates (
- Exchangenet.Org
Exchangenet is a program that provides internship programs in Ghana in areas such as micro-finance, administration, et cetera. (The site is currently under construction).
- Frederick Sheldon Prize Fellowship
Support graduating seniors in traveling abroad
George Peabody Gardner Fellowship
Provide stipend for seniors to travel abroad after graduation (
- InternAbroad.com
This website has listings and information about internships in numerous countries including many countries such as Kenya, Ghana, Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Madagascar, et cetera.
- Isobel L. Briggs Travelling Fellowship
Supports travel/study abroad for all undergraduates
Michael Christian Fellowship
Defray cost of traveling abroad for sophomores and juniors
- Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Fellowship
Support 1 year abroad in a foreign culture (
- National Consortium for Study in Africa: Volunteer, Research and Work Opportunities in Africa.
This site contains links to programs that provide internship and volunteer opportunities in Africa.
- Projects Abroad
Projects Abroad has programs in South Africa, Togo, and Ghana. Internships in Togo are in the teaching field; those in South Africa are in teaching, veterinary medicine, conservation, et cetera. The internships in Ghana are in areas such as journalism, medicine, teaching, and business. Business and professional placements are in the following areas: finance, accounting, law, marketing, advertising, et cetera. For more information, visit
- Su Lair Africa South of the Sahara
This website has links to organizations and programs that provide internship opportunities in or related to Africa
- USAID in Africa Summer internships
USAID has internships for American undergraduates (juniors and seniors) and graduatesin USAID missions in sub-Saharan Africa. Internships usually run from June 15 to August 15.
- Weisman International Internship Program
Sponsors sophomores and juniors to work abroad (
Harvard Policy is to not award funding towards traveling to or working in a country that is on the US Department of State Travel Warning List. Currently the African countries on the list are Liberia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Côte d'Ivoire, Somalia, Kenya, Burundi, Libya, Algeria, Central African Republic, and Democratic Republic of Congo, but the list is subject to change daily. Go to to get the most up-to-date version.
Information about Business and Economy in Ghana, Nigeria, and Kenya
- Ghana Homepage:
- World Investment News:
- International Trade Administration, US Department of Commerce Country Commercial Guide:
- Ghana Investment Promotion Centre:
- KenyaBizTips.com:
- International Finance Center Kenya:
- Kenyan Business and Finance:
- Constitution of Kenya Chapter 7 Finance:
- Government of Kenya Ministry of Finance:
- Kenyan Business and Finance on the Web:
- Marketing Society of Kenya:
- XKenya.com:
- International Trade Administration, US Department of Commerce Country Commercial Guide: .
- International Finance Center Nigeria:
- Nigeria Exchange:
- Trade and Investment in Nigeria:
- World Investment News :
- Bureau of Public Enterprises:
Other Resources
- Africa Online
- African Banks
- Africa Private Equity Partners