Glossary of Terms
Allowance-Approval of an application by the DDS.
Akinesia-A lack of physical movements.
Anhedonia-Loss of interest in usual activities that gave one pleasure.
Autistic-Thinking that is preoccupied with a person's inner, private experience and is disconnected from outside experiences and interactions.
Blunt/FlatAffect-Affect has to do with an expression of emotion. Blunt affect means that a person's expression of emotion is much less than what would be expected in a given situation; flat affect refers to a person who exhibits little or no emotional expression.
Catatonic-Refers to abnormal motor activity. Lay people may use this term to refer to someone who does not move, appears rigid, or stays in a strange posture for a period of time.
Claims Representative-Social Security Administration staff person who meets with the applicant and processes the application information.
Consultative Examination-Evaluation performed by a physician or psychologist who contracts with the DDS to do such work. The evaluation is scheduled when existing medical evidence for an applicant collected by the DDS is insufficient to make a disability determination.
Delusion-A false belief; for example, a person may believe he or she has special powers or is a famous person when he or she is not.
Date of Onset-Date an applicant stopped working due to a disability that is used by SSA and the DDS
to determine eligibility for SSDI.
Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT)-Two-volume manual published by the Department of
Laborthat contains a listing of hundredsof jobs in the U.S. and descriptions of the skills necessary for each.
Disability DeterminationServices (DDS)-State agency that contracts with SSA to make disability determinations. The agency exists in each State, under various State departments; whether under the Department of Vocational Services, Vocational Rehabilitation or the Department of Education, however, the function of DDS remains the same and is federally determined.
Disability Examiner-Disability Determination Services staff person assigned to work on and process the disability determination.Also commonly referred to as Disability Adjudicator or Disability Analyst.
Dyskinesia-Problems with the ability to perform voluntary movements.
Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE)(SSDI Only)-An extension in the period of eligibility to provide a cushion for SSDI beneficiaries in which they can receive SSDI benefits for months in which they do not earn up to the levels indicated for substantial gainful activity.
Federal Benefit Rate (FBR)-The amount on which SSI disability payments are based. This amount may be supplemented through state monies, determined by the individual state.
Gastritis-Inflammation of the stomach.
Hallucination-Sensory perception that is not true. People mainly talk about auditory hallucinations (hearing voices or noises) or visual hallucinations (seeing things that are not there). However, there are a number of other hallucinations that are less common and that have to do with each of the different senses.
Health Insurance-Health insurances available to beneficiaries include Medicaid (SSI) and Medicare
Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWE)(SSI SSDI)-a person's out-of-pocket expenditures that are related to his or her disability and that enable the individual to work.
Income Exclusion(SSI Only)-specified amounts of earnings that are not counted in formulas for deductions to SSI benefits when the person begins to work.
Lability-Unstable emotions; usually refers to shifts of mood or expression of emotion.
"Listings"-Abbreviated reference to the Disability Evaluations Under Social Security, or 'Blue Book,' alisting of impairments that the DDS uses to determine if a particular diagnosis meets the disability criteria.
Loosening of Associations-Speaking in a way that jumps from one topic to another without any flow to the thoughts. Loosening of associations has to do with thinking where ideas shift from one topic to another in a way that does not relate or flow.
Maladaptive-Poor or inadequate adjustment to life.
Manic-Characterized by an elevated mood that includes such behaviors or symptoms as decreased sleep, raised self-esteem, grandiose ideas, rapidly changing thoughts, and irritability.
Medical Evidence-Treatment information provided in medical records by physicians, clinical psychologists, speech and language pathologists, and laboratory results.
Mental Status Exam-a structured assessment of a person’s current state of mind and cognitive functioning, under the domains of appearance, behavior, attitude, mood and affect, speech, thought process and content, perception, cognition, insight, and judgment. DDS looks for an applicant to have an MSE within the previous 90 days.
Neuropsychological-specialized psychological tests that focus on the working of the brain and cognitive functions.
Non-Organic-Not caused by a physical or structural problem.
Pancreatitis-Inflammation of the pancreas, a gland that helps with digestion.Often associated with alcohol use.
Paranoia-Having to do with delusions of persecution or grandeur.
Perceptual-Has to do with the conscious acknowledgement of a sensory stimulus.
Peripheral Neuropathies-Problems with motor functioning in the peripheral nervous system, usually affecting muscle activity such as walking, standing, etc.
Plan to Achieve Self-Support(PASS)(SSI Only)-A plan that enables SSI recipients who work tosetaside a portion of monthly income and/or assets to achieve a work goal (for example, to get further education or training).
Poverty of Content of Speech-While a person may speak with the usual number of words, the meaning of the words seems absent or vague, and the speech provides little information. Responses may be ambiguous or stereotypical.
Premorbid-Before the illness.
Pressure of Speech-Speech that is very fast, difficult to interrupt, and has many more words than necessary.
Protective Filing Date-Date of first contact with SSA indicating an intent to file for disability benefits. This date is generally used when considering the eligibility date for SSI.
Psychogenic-Caused by something emotional or psychological.
Psychomotor Agitation-Excessive activity, either in movements or in thinking,that is usually not
productive and is in response to inner tensions.
Psychomotor Retardation-Noticeably slower thought, speech, and movement.
Psychotic-Refersto symptoms of an illness that illustrate a loss of contact with reality. Symptoms mayinclude hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking.
Representative Payee-Person who is responsible for receiving and managing a recipient's SSI/SSDIbenefit.
Residual Functional Capacity-The assessment of a person's ability to do past work despite the existence of an impairment.
Sequential Evaluation-Five-step evaluation process that SSA and DDS use to determine eligibility forSSI and /or SSDI.
Social Security Administration (SSA)-An independent federal agency that, among other responsibilities, oversees two income support programs for people with disabilities: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)-Federal disability program, administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA), that provides benefits to blind or disabled individuals who are "insured" based on contributions paid into the Social Security trust fund, as authorized by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA).
Subsidy-A work incentive program for SSDI beneficiaries only. The program works by valuing the extra support received from the employer on the job. That support can come in the form of extra hours of supervision, time spent with a job coach or mentor, or a reduced workload. A subsidy is not an amount of money given to the person from SSA, but rather is a value placed on the support provided
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA)-Amount of monthly gross earnings defined by SSA as significant mental and physical activity completed for pay or profit. The limit of SGA isusually increasedannually.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)-Federal disability program, administered by SSA, that provides benefits to low income people who are disabled, blind, or elderly.
Trial Work Period (TWP)-A 9-month period during which recipients of SSDI have gross earnings above an SSA-defined limit but continue to receive benefits.