District Auditions – October 28th 2006, PopeHigh School
Students who are auditioning for All-State Orchestra must play the following: an etude, scales, and a sight-reading selection. The required etudes and scales are listed below.
Wohlfahrt: Foundation Studies, Carl Fischer, Book 2, #27 QN =76
Wohlfahrt: Foundation Studies, transc. Merle J. Isaac & Ralph Lewis, Carl Fischer, Book 2, #47, QN =85
Schroeder: 170 Foundation Studies, Carl Fischer, Volume 1, #30, QN = 86
Rabbath: A New Technique, Alphonse Leduc, Book 1, #5, QN = 80
SCALES AND ARPEGGIOSFORMIDDLE SCHOOL(All scales must be played from memory): Student will be asked to play the following scales and arpeggios, separate bows (QUARTER NOTE = 60):
VIOLIN G and A major, 3 octaves
VIOLA C and D major, 3 octaves
CELLO C and D major, 3 octaves
BASS F and G major, 2 octaves
SIGHT-READING: There will be only one sight-reading selection at District Audition. This selection will be of a Lyrical/Technical nature.
District Level Adjudication Scoring Format FOR Middle and High School Strings:
Detache scales and arpeggios:30 points
Etude:30 points
Sight-reading:20 points
Total:80 points (55 points needed to pass)
Final Audition – January 13th, 2007
In addition to sight-reading a Lyrical and Technical exercise, string students must play two prepared excerpts (see All-State Excerpts). No scales are required at the Final Audition.
SIGHT-READING: Students will sight-read two selections, one Lyrical and one Technical.
PREPARED EXCERPTS: The excerpts for the Final Audition will be chosen by the State Orchestra Chair from the concert program and will be available at a later date.
State Level Adjudication Scoring Format -
Middle and High School Strings:
Two excerpts:120 points
Two sight-reading Exercises:80 points
Total:200 points
A system of a screen and student identification numbers is utilized (at the final audition) so that the identity of the auditioning student is not known to the two auditioners. The rationale is to maintain student anonymity and remove all doubts as to preferential selection.
All students will play in their designated time slot unless prior permission has been arranged by
the Organizing Chairperson to change the time.
Students will be assigned a number when they register.
In addition to the two auditioners in the audition room, a monitor will be available to give
directions, set tempos, and handle all communication with the student.
There will be no communication between the student and the two auditioners.
No scores will be posted. Audition results will be sent to all directors of participants.
String selection procedure (Final Auditions are also chair auditions).
The middle school orchestra is a string orchestra while the 9-10 and 11-12 orchestras are full orchestras. The string seating procedure for all three orchestras is as follows: The four highest ranked violinists will be assigned to the 1st Violin section. The fifth ranked is assigned Principal 2nd Violin. Thereafter, every third ranked player is placed in the 2nd Violin section until the 1st Violin section is completed. All remaining violinists will be placed in the 2nd Violin section.
VIOLIN I = 1-4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31
VIOLIN II = 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32-44
VIOLA and CELLO = the first 16 in rank order.
BASS = the first 8 in rank order
Note: Students must pass both auditions to be awarded a seat in the GeorgiaMiddle School All-State Orchestra.
Georgia Music Educators Association
All-State Orchestra is Georgia's highest individual honor for school orchestra members. The two-audition process culminates in a performance weekend in Savannah, Georgia. The district level audition material is available in the orchestra room. The final audition excerpt music will be available soon. The All-State Orchestra event is March 1-3in Savannah, GA.Students must begin preparation and practice now to be competitive at the district level audition on October 28th, 2006. While not required, most All-State participants study privately.
There is a $15.00 fee to audition at the district level. Please make your check payable to MabryMiddle School. The registration fee should be deposited in the black receipt box at the entrance to each commons in a receipt envelope labeled with; your child's name, homeroom teacher and "All-State Orchestra". Give registration form to Mr. Doemel. The deadline for turning in the audition fee and registration form is Friday, September 8th 2006.
Note: Students must pass both auditions to be awarded a seat in the GeorgiaMiddle School All-State Orchestra.
All-State Time Line
September 8th 2006Deadline for Registration.
September and October Prepare district AND final audition material.
October 28th 2006District All-State audition, Pope HS.
Early November Notification of district level audition results.
October 30th – January 12thContinue preparing final audition material
January 13thFinal All-State audition, The WestminsterSchool
Late JanuaryNotification of final audition results.
February 1st Deadline to return All-State acceptance
form and participation fee.
March 1-3, 2007All-State Weekend. Savannah, GA
------Detach and return by Friday, September 8th, 2006 ------
Due September 8th
Student's Name ______Instrument ______
Please sign and return this form on or before Friday, September 8th, 2006 to indicate your child has permission to participate in the audition process and will be available, if selected, to attend all rehearsals and the performance of the Georgia Middle School All-State Orchestra in Savannah, Georgia. Transportation and lodging at all events will be the responsibility of the student’s parents or guardian.
There is a $15.00 fee to audition. Please make your check payable to MabryMiddle School. The registrationfee should be deposited in the black receipt box at the entrance to each commons in a receipt envelope labeled with; your child's name, homeroom teacher and "All-State Orchestra". Give registration form to Mr. Doemel. Students must begin preparation and practice now in order to be competitive at the district level on October 28th,
Parent Signature______Date______