Template Document Ref: SMF 9/11 – Issue 2.0
Flint Consulting Limited
Method Statement for
3Flint on-site Health and Safety Pack - References within
4.1.1General - Flint Consulting Ltd
4.1.2Flint Customer Representative
4.1.3Prime Contractor’s Site Representative
5Tools & Equipment......
6Hardware & Software......
7Procedure - Content of Method Statement......
7.1Mandatory Sections......
7.1.1Scope of Work
7.2Limits of work and site boundaries, including time limits
7.3Hazard Identification
7.4Road Traffic Management
7.5Plant and Equipment
7.5.1Inspection and Examination certificates available for Inspection
7.5.2Details of Cranes, lifting machines, appliances and lifting tackle; including details of site access, rigging and de-rigging
7.6Personnel Involved
7.6.1Contractors Monitoring Arrangements
7.6.2Supervision arrangements, including names of person in charge
7.7Working hours
7.8Welfare and First Aid Arrangements
7.9Access requirements, special conditions
7.10State order of work
7.11Briefing Arrangements
7.11.1Who is responsible for briefing arrangements
7.11.2How is understanding confirmed
7.11.3How is briefing recorded
7.11.4Who is briefed on site safety arrangements
7.12.1Monitoring Compliance with Method Statement
7.13.1Environment Protection Arrangements are covered within the Flint Environment Policy
7.15Control Measures for Specific Health Hazards
7.16Permit to Work Systems
7.17Personal Protective Equipment Requirements
7.18.1Specific Persons Who Must Be Contacted
7.19.1Contact Phone Numbers - Emergency Services
7.19.2Location of Accident & Emergency Hospital for this Contract
7.19.3Location of Fire, Ambulance & Police for this Contract
7.19.4Accident Reporting and Investigation
Appendix A. - Flint Consulting Ltd Risk Log.
This Method Statement document describes the steps & safe system of work controls that Flint will implement when installing XXXXXXXX Equipment on XXXXXXX, specifically XXXXXXXXXX.
Work will be planned and supervised by the Flint Operations Manager / Project Manager: XXXXXXXXX
Location of Site: XXXXXXXX
Delivery Address:
Access to the Site is gained via permission from XXXXXXXXXXX @ XXXXXXXX.
Date to be installed: XXXXXXXXXX (for X weeks).
This Method Statement is a description of how Flint Engineers will safely [DESCRIPTION OF TASK]. All onsite activities are intended to be performed whilst conforming to the following H&S requirements:
- Identify potential health, safety and environmental hazards and risks to which Flint staff or members the public may be exposed whilst the installation works are carried out.
- Identify any special plant or procedures needed.
- Outline difficulties that may be encountered in carrying out the works.
- Ensure compliance with all statutory legislation.
- Describe how the works are undertaken in order to remove or minimise hazards, risks or difficulties.
- Assessment of the way the works are to be executed and to liaise with other contractors within the Project when applicable.
3Flint on-site Health and Safety Pack - References within
- Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
- Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999
- Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
- Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007
- Construction (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1996
- Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
- Testing and Portable Appliance Testing information
- Noise at Work Regulations 1989
- Working at Heights Regulations 2005
- Using/Handling Electric Storage Batteries Safely
- Manual handling Operations Regulations 1992
- Provision and Use of Work equipment regulations1998
- The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
- Identification & Supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Flint Health & Safety Procedures Document
- Flint Health & Safety Policy
- Flint Environmental Policy
- Flint Quality Manual
- Flint Accident, Incident & Near Miss Reporting Form (online)
- Flint Risk Log
- Flint Risk Assessment Form
- Flint on-site Health and Safety Pack
4.1.1General - Flint Consulting Ltd
The overall responsibility for the installation contract in compliance with all statutory and contractual obligations is the responsibility of Flint.
The Flint QSE Department is responsible for ensuring that this document is maintained and kept up to date. The Flint Health & Safety Advisor will liaise with the Flint Project Manager and the Flint QSE department to ensure that this Method Statement is reviewed when there are changes to Flint Q, E, H&S documents Project Standards and or relevant Legislative and Regulatory requirements.
4.1.2Flint Customer Representative
The Employers representative for this project is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
4.1.3Prime Contractor’s Site Representative
Once the Flint Project Manager has received all project information from the client, he will ensure the Flint Site Supervisor carries out the following for each site, including briefing the Flint Project Team accordingly:
- Verify risk assessment and method statement
- Read the changes and agree any changes
- Up date and change the Risk Log if necessary.
- Fully brief the Flint installation team on scope of works and any site specific risks.
- Ensure those changes are briefed to all Site staff and contractors to ensure safety is maintained through out the project
The Project Team works out of an office within Flint HQ, Bricket Wood.
Key members of the project are:
- Flint Manager:XXXXXXXXXX
- Flint Project Manager: XXXXXXXXX
Emergency Contact Numbers for this project are:
Local Emergency Contact / TBC on site / Tel:Project Safety Advisor
Flint Resource Manager
5Tools & Equipment
6Hardware & Software
7Procedure - Content of Method Statement
7.1Mandatory Sections
7.1.1Scope of Work Work to be undertaken involves:
7.2Limits of work and site boundaries, including time limits
<See Site Specific detail for Site Permits etc>
7.3Hazard Identification
- <Please refer to Risk assessment>
7.4Road Traffic Management
7.5Plant and Equipment
7.5.1Inspection and Examination certificates available for Inspection
All equipment devices will be checked for last calibration date and tested prior to site surveys. Copies of Calibration Certificates will be made available with the final deliverable reports
All equipment certificates will be available at the point of use.
7.5.2Details of Cranes, lifting machines, appliances and lifting tackle; including details of site access, rigging and de-rigging
7.6Personnel Involved
7.6.1Contractors Monitoring Arrangements
The Flint Site Supervisor will be in overall charge of the Project and will monitor the conduct and performance of all staff.
7.6.2Supervision arrangements, including names of person in charge
Total Safety Supervision of the site will be under the control of the Flint Site Supervisor.
7.7Working hours
The hours worked will be recorded by Flint Site Supervisor and kept for proof at Audit stage.
7.8Welfare and First Aid Arrangements
First Aid and accident reporting will be under control of the Flint Site Supervisor.
- <TBA>
7.9Access requirements, special conditions
All access and egresses will be managed by the Flint Site Supervisor
7.10State order of work
7.11Briefing Arrangements
7.11.1 Who is responsible for briefing arrangements
The Flint Site Supervisor will brief all staff on any safety instruction within their control.
7.11.2 How is understanding confirmed
Verbal control by the Flint Site Supervisor
7.11.3 How is briefing recorded
The briefing will be recorded on the Flint Site Supervisor site diary and all persons will sign to say they have understood and will comply with those instructions.
7.11.4 Who is briefed on site safety arrangements
All site personnel, contractors and visitors.
7.12.1Monitoring Compliance with Method Statement
The site supervisor is responsible for the compliance with this method statement on a daily basis. An entry will be made within the site diary detailing any required action to be taken.
7.13.1 Environment Protection Arrangements are covered within the Flint Environment Policy
However Flint will ensure the following:
All waste from the installation of the equipment will be taken off site and checked by the Flint site supervisor.
However Standard practices in force include:-
- Use of non-permanent/non-destructive marking systems.
- Use of approved places of access.
- Use of approved walking routes.
- Containment and proper disposal of all litter and waste.
- Use of recycled/recyclable, environmentally friendly materials where appropriate.
- Avoidance of excessive noise at all times.
7.15Control Measures for Specific Health Hazards
Refer to risk log in Appendix A
7.16Permit to Work Systems
The Ericsson / T-Mobile Permit to Work system will be used
7.17Personal Protective Equipment Requirements
All personnel will be issued with the personal protective equipment conforming to any health and safety signs present.
All staff must utilise the following PPE equipment as required:
Hard Hat
Steel Toe Cap Boots
High Visibility Vest
Safety Goggles
All staff shall ensure that PPE is clean, operational, in date and correctly worn at all times.
7.18.1Specific Persons Who Must Be Contacted
Any Subcontractors being used for the works and if required, specific people who must be in attendance during the works will be listed in this section on a site by site basis and must consider and liaise with representatives of:
- other contractors working nearby
- highway authorities,
- occupiers of adjacent property,
- businesses
Any other companies (as listed above) will be notified in writing prior to works commencing. Contact details will be given of the Flint Project team for liaison and where possible and required, plans and Method Statements for works which will affect the other party.
7.19.1Contact Phone Numbers - Emergency Services
The most effective method of contacting the Emergency Services to attend an incident is by dialling 999. The Flint Operational Help Desk must also be notified 01923 677733 (Sarah Brimmer / 07930 385382 (Neil Burbidge).
7.19.2Location of Accident & Emergency Hospital for this Contract
This information is available at the T-Mobile switch site reception / security office. In any case dial 999.
HOSPITAL / ADDRESS / TELEPHONE NUMBER7.19.3Location of Fire, Ambulance & Police for this Contract
Contact / Dial at all timesAMBULANCE SERVICE / 999
7.19.4Accident Reporting and Investigation
All accidents shall be reported as per Flint, Accident, and Incident & Near Miss Reporting Procedure. All incidents, accidents and near misses must be reported to:
01923 677733 (Sarah Brimmer) & 07930 385382 (Neil Burbidge)
All accidents shall be investigated as per Flint, Accident, and Incident & Near Miss Investigation Procedure.
Accidents will also be reported to the Project Safety Advisor at the earliest possible time by FlintProject Manager.
All records relating to projects shall be retained for period of not less than 3 years by the respective departmental manager. Records relating to accidents incidents shall be retained by the QSE department for period of not less than 5 years, record relating to occupational ill health as a result of the of the project shall be retained for a period of not less than 40 years by the QSE department.
Appendix A. - Flint Consulting Ltd Risk Log.
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