Episode clip: Performance cars
Activity 1: Cars
The muscle cars of the 1960s and 1970s were flamboyant racing machines that attracted a large number of enthusiasts.
· In Episode 4, the young character Mike is very interested in cars 'with muscle'.
· Ask students to define what cars could be classed as muscle cars. Ask them to listen to the cars named in the first clip and compile a class list .For example MG; Kingswood; and 1971 Ford XB 351-GT may be included in the list. What does it all mean? To a car enthusiast, it all makes sense.
· As a class, discuss the information given in the clip as well as what students understand from the dialogue about the cars. Ask students to write their own definition of muscle cars and share this with the class.
· Ask students to investigate the one of the muscle cars of the 1960s and 1970s, then write a persuasive editorial piece (with words and images) that includes the following elements:
1 Why would they like to own this car?
2 What are the main features of the car?
3 What makes this car special?
· Students can present their editorial electronically using a publishing program, or on a small poster to share with the class.
· Student Activity Sheet E4.1: Cars with muscle
Episode clip: Performance cars
Activity 2: 'Rev head'
There is specific vocabulary and many terms associated with muscle cars. Some of these are mentioned throughout the clip and the episode. These terms include carburettor; air filter; 'GT stripe'; 'She's ready to go!' and 'non-rev head'.
· Brainstorm a class list of car-related terms. Ask each student to select ten words of interest, to find out their meaning and, if relevant, locate an image of the car part or car.
· Ask students to create a mini-dictionary of muscle car terms from the list. The mini-dictionary must include pictures and meanings relating to the term, or word. If possible develop this information into a website, and upload it to the school server.
· Start a blog to communicate with other students who may also be interested in muscle cars.
· Student Activity Sheet E4.2: Mini-dictionary of muscle car terms
Student Activity Sheet E4.1 / Episode 4: 1978: MikeActivity 1: Cars / Clip: Performance cars
Cars with muscle
The muscle cars of the 1960s and 1970s were flamboyant racing machines that attracted a large community of enthusiasts.
1 What is meant by the term 'muscle car'?
2 Compile a list of muscle car names such as MG; Kingswood; and 1971 Ford XB 351-GT.
3 Investigate the muscle cars of this era and write a persuasive editorial piece (with words and images) including the following elements:
a Why would you like to own one of these cars?
b What are their main features?
c What makes these cars special?
Present your editorial using a publishing program, or on a small poster to share with the class.Student Activity Sheet E4.2 / Episode 4: 1978: Mike
Activity 2: Rev head / Clip: Performance cars
Mini-dictionary of muscle car terms
Using words and terms from the list compiled during your classroom discussion create a mini-dictionary of muscle car terms from the list. The mini-dictionary must include pictures and meanings relating to the term, or word. Below is a template for one page of your mini- dictionary.
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