1. All Organisms are Made of Cells
  1. The cell is the ______
  2. The cell is the smallest unit that can still carry on all life processes
  3. Both ______and ______organisms are composed of cells
  4. Before the 17th century, no one knew cells existed
  5. Most cells are too small to be seen with the unaided eye
  6. In the early 17th century ______& cells were seen for the 1st time
  7. Anton Von Leeuwenhoek, a Dutchman, made the 1st hand-held microscope & viewed microscopic organisms in water & bacteria from his teeth

Leeuwenhoek's microscope consisted simply of:
A)A screw for adjusting the height of the object being examined
B)A metal plate serving as the body
C)A skewer to impale the object and rotate it
D)The lens itself, which was spherical

  1. In 1665, an English scientist named ______made an improved microscope and viewed thin slices of cork viewing plant cell walls
  2. Hooke named what he saw ______
  3. In the 1830’s, Matthias ______(botanist) & Theodore ______(zoologist) stated that ______
  4. In 1855, Rudolf Virchow stated that ______
  5. Virchow’s idea contradicted the idea of spontaneous generation (idea that nonliving things could give rise to organisms)
  6. The combined work of Schleiden, Schwann, & Virchow is known as the ______
  1. Principles of the Cell Theory
  1. ______
  2. Cells are ______in organisms
  3. Cells come ______
  1. Cell Diversity
  1. ______
  2. Cells differ in ______
  3. The ______is the largest cell in the body & can be seen without a microscope
  4. Bacterial cells are some of the smallest cells & are only visible with a microscope
  5. Cells need ______of their ______large enough to adequately exchange materials with the environment (wastes, gases such as O2 & CO2, and nutrients)
  6. Cells are ______by the ratio between their outer surface area & their volume
  7. Small cells have ______for their volume of cytoplasm than large cells
  8. As cells grow, the amount of surface area becomes too small to allow materials to enter & leave the cell quickly enough
  9. Cell size is also limited by the amount ______that the cell’s nucleus can control
  10. Cells come in a variety of shapes, & the shape helps determine the function of the cell (e.g. Nerve cells are long to transmit messages in the body, while red blood cells are disk shaped to move through blood vessels)

  1. Prokaryotes
  1. Prokaryotic cells are ______
  2. ______
  3. Do not have a ______
  4. Most have a cell wall surrounding the cell membrane & a single, looped chromosome (genetic material) in the cytoplasm
  5. Include bacteria & blue-green bacteria
  1. Eukaryotes
  1. More ______
  2. Includes both ______organisms
  3. Do have ______
  4. Organelles are internal structures in cell’s that perform specific functions
  5. Organelles are surrounded by a ______
  6. Entire eukaryotic cell surrounded by a thin cell membrane that controls what enters & leaves the cell
  7. ______is located in the center of the cell and contains the genetic material (DNA) & controls the cell’s activities
  8. Eukaryotes include plant cells, animal cells, fungi, algae, & protists
  1. Multicellular Organization
  1. Cells are specialized to perform ______in multicellular organisms
  2. Cells in multicellular organisms ______
  3. The levels of organization include: ______
  4. ______are groups of cells that performs a particular function (e.g. Muscle)
  5. ______are groups of tissues working together to do a job (e.g. heart, lungs, kidneys, brain)
  6. ______are made of several organs working together to carry out a life process (e.g. Respiratory system for breathing)
  1. Cell Membrane
  1. Separates the ______from its environment
  2. ______the cell & ______what enters and leaves
  3. Cell membranes are ______only allowing certain materials to enter or leave
  4. Composed of a ______
  5. The ______of a phospholipid is polar & composed of a glycerol & phosphate group and points toward the aqueous cytoplasm and external environment.
  1. The two ______are nonpolar point toward each other in the center of the membrane & are composed of two fatty acids
  1. A variety of protein molecules are embedded in the cell’s lipid bilayer.
  2. Some proteins called ______are attached to the external & internal surface of the cell membrane
  3. ______proteins or ______proteins are embedded & extend across the entire cell membrane. These are exposed to both the inside of the cell & the exterior environment.
  1. Fluid Mosaic Model
  1. The ______in a cell membrane can drift or move side to side making the membrane appear ______
  2. The proteins embedded in the cell membrane form patterns or ______
  3. Because the membrane is fluid with a pattern or mosaic of proteins, the modern view of the cell membrane is called ______.
  1. Internal Cell Structure & Organelles of Eukaryotes
  1. Eukaryotes have membrane-bound organelles; prokaryotes do not
  2. ______- in the middle of the cell contains DNA and ______cell function.
  3. Surrounded by a double layer called the ______
    ______containing pores
  4. ______inside the nucleus makes ribosomes & disappears during cell division
  5. ______- includes everything between the nucleus and cell membrane.
  6. Cytoplasm is a ______consisting of mainly water
  7. ______- large organelles with double membranes where cellular respiration occurs
  8. Energy from glucose is used to make ATP or adenosine triphosphate
  9. Cells use the ATP molecule for energy
  10. More active cells like ______have more mitochondria
  11. Outer membrane is smooth, while inner membrane has long folds called ______
  12. Have their own ______to make more mitochondria when needed
  13. ______- Uses energy from sunlight to create energy for plants
  14. Uses the process of ______
  15. Has small membrane bound discs called ______
  16. ______- are where proteins are made (protein synthesis)
  17. Are NOT surrounded by a ______and are the most numerous organelle
  18. May be free in the ______or attached to the rough _____ (endoplasmic reticulum)
  19. ______- are membranous tubules & sacs that transport molecules from one part of the cell to another
  20. ______ER has embedded ribosomes on its surfaces for making proteins
  21. ______ER lacks ribosomes & helps break down poisons, wastes, & other toxic chemicals
  22. Smooth ER also helps process carbohydrates & lipids (fats)
  23. The ER network connects the nucleus with the cell membrane
  1. ______- modifies, packages, & transports material OUTSIDE the cell
  2. Consists of a stack of flattened sacs called ______
  3. Receives products made by the ER
  4. ______- are small organelles containing ______to digest materials for the cell
  5. Single membrane
  6. Formed from the ends of Golgi that pinch off
  7. Found in most cells ______plant cells
  8. ______- consists of a network of long protein tubes & strands in the cytoplasm to give cells shape and helps move organelles
  9. ______are short, more numerous ______made of bundles of microtubules to help cells move
  10. Line respiratory tract to remove dust & move paramecia
  11. ______are long whip like tails of microtubules bundles used for movement
  12. Help sperm cells swim to egg
  13. ______- protective layers around the cell membrane in plants, bacteria, & fungi
  1. ______- are the largest organelle in plants taking up most of the space
  2. Serves as a storage area for proteins, ions, wastes, and cell products such as glucose
  3. Animal vacuoles are smaller & used for digestion