Budget Strategy and Outlook

Budget Paper No. 1


Circulated by

The Honourable Scott Morrison MP

Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia


Senator the Honourable Mathias Cormann

Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of Australia

For the information of honourable members

on the occasion of the Budget 2017 18

9 May 2017

© Commonwealth of Australia 2017

ISSN 0728 7194 (print); 1326 4133 (online)

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A copy of this document is available on the central Budget website at: www.budget.gov.au.

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(a) The following definitions are used in this Budget Paper:

– ‘real’ means adjusted for the effect of inflation;

– real growth in expenses and payments is calculated using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as the deflator;

– the Budget year refers to 2017 18, while the forward years refer to 2018 19, 2019 20 and 2020 21; and

– one billion is equal to one thousand million.

(b) Figures in tables and generally in the text have been rounded. Discrepancies in tables between totals and sums of components are due to rounding:

– estimates under $100,000 are rounded to the nearest thousand;

– estimates $100,000 and over are generally rounded to the nearest tenth of a million;

– estimates midway between rounding points are rounded up; and

– the percentage changes in statistical tables are calculated using unrounded data.

(c) For the budget balance, a negative sign indicates a deficit while no sign indicates a surplus.

(d) The following notations are used:

na / not applicable (unless otherwise specified)
$m / millions of dollars
$b / billions of dollars
nfp / not for publication
(e) / estimates (unless otherwise specified)
(p) / projections (unless otherwise specified)
NEC/nec / not elsewhere classified

(e) The Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory are referred to as ‘the Territories’. References to the ‘States’ or ‘each State’ include the Territories. The following abbreviations are used for the names of the States, where appropriate:

NSW / New South Wales
VIC / Victoria
QLD / Queensland
WA / Western Australia
SA / South Australia
TAS / Tasmania
ACT / Australian Capital Territory
NT / Northern Territory

(f) In this paper the term Commonwealth refers to the Commonwealth of Australia. The term is used when referring to the legal entity of the Commonwealth of Australia.

The term Australian Government is used when referring to the Government and the decisions and activities made by the Government on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Budget Paper No. 1: Budget Strategy and Outlook 2017 18 is one of a series of Budget Papers that provides information to supplement the Budget Speech. A full list of the series is printed on the inside cover of this paper.


Statement 1: Budget Overview...... 1-7

Introduction...... 1-7

Economic Outlook...... 1-8

Fiscal Strategy and Outlook...... 1-9

Budget Priorities...... 1-11

Statement 2: Economic Outlook...... 2-3

Overview...... 2-3

Outlook for the international economy...... 2-6

Outlook for the domestic economy...... 2-11

Statement 3: Fiscal Strategy and Outlook...... 3-1

Overview...... 3-5

Fiscal strategy...... 3-6

Fiscal outlook...... 3-24

Appendix A: Decisions taken as a result of Senate positions...... 3-37

Statement 4: Recurrent and Capital Budget...... 4-5

Introduction...... 4-5

Measuring the recurrent budget...... 4-5

Measuring the capital budget...... 4-8

Impact of capital and recurrent spending on debt...... 4-12

Impact of portfolio spending on debt...... 4-13

Statement 5: Revenue...... 5-5

Overview...... 5-5

Tax outlook...... 5-5

Variations in receipts estimates...... 5-8

Variations in revenue estimates...... 5-21

Appendix A: Tax Expenditures...... 5-24

Statement 6: Expenses and Net Capital Investment...... 6-5

Overview...... 6-5

Appendix A: Expense by Function and Sub-Function...... 6-51

Statement 7: Debt statement, Assets and Liabilities...... 7-3

Overview...... 7-3

Debt Statement...... 7-3

The Australian Government’s major assets and liabilities...... 7-16

Statement 8: Forecasting performance and scenario analysis...... 8-3

Overview...... 8-3

Forecasting Performance...... 8-3

Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis...... 8-13

Statement 9: Statement of Risks...... 9-3

Risks to the Budget — overview...... 9-3

Economic and other parameters...... 9-5

Details of fiscal risks and contingent liabilities...... 9-5

Fiscal risks...... 9-10

Contingent liabilities and assets...... 9-12

Significant but remote contingencies...... 9-12

Contingent liabilities — unquantifiable...... 9-17

Contingent assets — unquantifiable...... 9-30

Contingent liabilities — quantifiable...... 9-31

Contingent assets — quantifiable...... 9-35

Government loans...... 9-36

Statement 10: Australian Government Budget Financial Statements..10-5

Notes to the general government sector financial statements...... 10-20

Appendix A: Financial reporting standards and budget concepts...... 10-33

Appendix B: Australian Loan Council Allocation...... 10-41

Statement 11: Historical Australian Government Data...... 11-3

Data sources...... 11-3

Comparability of data across years...... 11-3

Revisions to previously published data...... 11-4

Introduction of the real per capita series...... 11-5