The Birth of the American Dream: Early America
Learning Intention
Learning Intention
Learning Intention
Learning Intention
Learning Intention
Learning Intention
Learning Intention
Learning Intention
Learning Intention
Learning Intention
Unit Introduction pg. 2-13 in textbook: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. One word answers are not acceptable. You will need to use a separate sheet of paper, or you may use the back of this worksheet. You do not have room on the front to complete this assignment!!
- What role did religion play in the settlement of North America by Europeans? Hint: What caused the Pilgrims to leave Europe?
- How were the settlers in Plymouth Colony different from those in the Massachusetts Bay colony?
- How was the influence of religion reflected in the literature of the period?Hint: What was the subject of many books written during this time period?
- What were the similarities and differences between Northern and Southern colonies?Hint: What were some of the characteristics of Northern colonies? Of Southern colonies?
- What evidence of Puritan attitudes still exists today?Hint: Think about Puritan ethic and the Puritan stance on education.
Exploration Narratives
Heroes / VillainsDora The Explorer Satire
Spanish speaking "Dora the Conquistador Dolls" slaughtering the competition
Written by King DavidThank you for your rating,
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20 February 2007
Spurred by a growing immigrant population in the United States and a push to teach children foreign languages at an earlier age, toymakers and consumers are going bilingual, especially Spanish. Spanish speaking "Dora the Conquistador" Dolls are beginning to rival and slaughter other dolls on the market that speak in Greek, French, German, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and other tongues.
Modeled after 15th and 17th Century conquistadors, or Spanish "conquerors," "Dora the Conquistador" Dolls are equally violent. Accessories include: battle axes, spears, guillotines, diabolical strategies, gold trunks and muzzle-loaders. You can also purchase "Dora's Torture Dungeon and Execution Set," "Dora's Charging Mustang," or "Dora's Plague Enhancer Set." […]
The dolls are reported to be selling at record numbers in the United States. Wal-Mart and Toys "R" Us are reporting record sales.
"There's been a shift in culture, where fascism has become popular again," said Reyne Rice, a trend specialist with the Toy Industry Association. "Toys just mirror what popular culture dictates."
Fissure-Dice toys said that Dora the Conquistador's Talking Dungeon was the best selling dollhouse in company history and look forward to further profits in the companies next quarter of sales.
Reading Questions: Understanding “A Journey through Texas”
- Opinion: Why does Cabeza de Vaca include such detail about the conversation with the Indians in his narrative?
- Why do the Indians fear going to the village Cabeza de Vaca and his comrades wanted to visit?
- What prevents some of the expedition group from completing the planned trip?
- What are some specific details about the region that the writer provides on page 45?
Reading Strategy: Recognize Signal Words in “A Journey through Texas”
One way to make sense of a writer’s work is to look for signal words that point out relationships among the ideas and events presented. Signal words may place events in time, indicate reasons or cause-and-effect relationships, or set up a contrast between ideas. Directions: After reading each numbered passage in the first column, write the signal word or words it contains and the purpose of each word. The first few are done for you. 7 is blank. See if you can find other examples in the text as you read.
Passage / Signal Words / Purpose1. On that same day many fell sick, and on the next day eight of them died. / On that same day; On the next day / Indicates a time shift
2. We called them “of the cows,” because most of the cows die near there. / Because / Indicates a reason for something happening
3. What from the top seemed easy was, on the contrary, rough and difficult. / On the contrary / Indicates a contrast—compares 2 or more things.
4. They entreated us not to be angry any longer, because, even if it was their death, they would take us where we chose.
5. The next morning all those who were strong enough came along, and at the end of three journeys we halted.
6. The people who heard of our approach did not come out to meet us, but we found them at their homes.
Comparing literary works: page 49
Writer / Landscape and cultural details / Writer’s reactionCabeza de Vaca
Lopez de Cardenas
Cabeza de Vaca / Similarities / Lopez de Cardenas
Author’s Purpose
Why write this Journal of the first Voyage to America?
Tone: What details convey columbus’s attitude toward the tropical island?
Lofty, flourishing trees, wonderfully delicious odor, exquisite…melody of the birds: what is his attitude?
Descriptions / Purpose“I went ashore, and found no habitation save a single house, and that without an occupant: we had no doubt that the people had fled in terror at our approach” (60).
“A thousand different sorts of trees, with their fruit were to be met with, and wonderfully delicious odor” (61).
“I discovered also the aloe tree, and am determined to take on board the ship tomorrow, ten quintals of it, as I am told it is valuable” (61).
“If the weather serve, and sail round the island, till I succeed in meeting with the king, in order to see if I can acquire any of the gold, which I hear he possesses” (62).
Diction & verb usage
Puritan Literature
Read pg. 92-93 and answer the following questions.
- What is one concept we could focus on with this section? (look at your learning maps for examples of concepts)
- Write an essential question based on the information gathered on this reading. (look at your learning maps for examples of essential questions)
- Identify and define 2 vocabulary words that could go with the concept you identified.
- List 2 love songs that you know and enjoy. Write down or bring the lyrics. Explain why you like these love songs.
Major Tenets (Beliefs) of Puritanism:
- Puritans came to the New World to carry out “God’s work.”
- The Puritans valued plainness of dress, diet, behavior, and even writing. The “Puritan Plain Style” consists of short words, direct statements, and ordinary or everyday references.
- The Puritan religion focuses on the experience of grace as a purging of sinfulness or cleansing of the individual. Grace requires self-examination and radical life-change.
- One of the earliest Puritan leaders in Massachusetts (John Winthrop) longed for America to be a “city upon a hill” and a “beacon to the world.”
What do Winthrop’s words reveal about Puritan ideology?
- Part of the Puritan legacy in America is the phrase “Puritan work ethic.”
What does this tell us about Puritanism?
Puritan Poetry Analysis Group Work
Group #______
Evaluate your Group Members!
Group member name ______
What significant contributions has this person made to the group? ______
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate their performance in the group? (1=oh please, they never did anything and made us do all the work 10= wow! I learned so much from this person’s insight and contributions! They couldn’t have done better!)
Group member name ______
What significant contributions has this person made to the group? ______
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate their performance in the group? (1=oh please, they never did anything and made us do all the work 10= wow! I learned so much from this person’s insight and contributions! They couldn’t have done better!)
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Jonathan Edwards pg 100 reading check
- What were Jonathan Edwards sermons filled with?
- What does “fire and brimstone” mean?
- What languages did Jonathan Edwards speak by the time he was 12?
- Who is Solomon Stoddard?
- What is the Great Awakening?
- What college did Edwards become the president of?
- “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God” was delivered to whom?
- What happened to the congregation Edwards delivered this sermon to?
Rhetoric in Advertising
AD # / 1. What is the ad trying to market? / 2. Describe the ad. What kind of images are used? What senses does it appeal to? / 3. What persuasive/ rhetorical techniques? / 4. Magazine? / 5. tone? / 6. Is the add effective?Ad 1
Ad 2
Ad 3
Ad 4
Ad 5
- What is each add attempting to market
- Briefly describe the ad.
- What persuasive or rhetorical techniques does the ad use?
- What magazine is it from?
- How does the intended audience—based on the magazine—shape the tone of the ad?
- How effective is the ad, in general?
Boxes for Imagery Note Taking: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Box 1: Image one
2nd paragraph:
- What do the people mistakenly believe is keeping them out of hell?
- What does Edwards say keeps them out of hell?
Box 2: split the box in two. On one side draw what people think will keep them out of hell, on the other draw what Edwards says keeps them out
Box 3: Image two: (Remember to write the quote underneath w/ the pg #).
Box 4: Image three: (Remember to write the quote underneath w/ the pg #).
Box 5: Image four: (Remember to write the quote underneath w/ the pg #).
Box 6: Image five: (Remember to write the quote underneath w/ the pg #).
- All the images so far are of ______.
Box 7: Draw another appropriate image that Edwards could have used from the theme above. Underneath write the image as he may have written it.
Box 8: Image six: (Remember to write the quote underneath w/ the pg #).
Box 10: Modernize: a bow may not be used in modern times. If Edwards were speaking to people in the year 2010, what image might he use? Draw this in box 10. Underneath write the image as he may have written it.
Box 11: Image 8: (Remember to write the quote underneath w/ the pg #).
Box 12: Image 9: (Remember to write the quote underneath w/ the pg #).
Box 13: Edwards uses a really unfavorable image to compare people to. What other creature could he have used? Draw this in box 13. Underneath write the comparison as he may have written it.
Box 14: Image 10: (Remember to write the quote underneath w/ the pg #).
Box 15: Image 11: (Remember to write the quote underneath w/ the pg #).
Box 16: Image 12: (Remember to write the quote underneath w/ the pg #).
Box 17: Image 13: (Remember to write the quote underneath w/ the pg #).
Box 18: How does Edwards describe the two sides of God? Split this box in 2 and draw the two faces of God. Underneath, write when God shows each face.
Based upon your reading of "Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God," by Jonathon Edwards, consider whether the following statements are true or false about Puritan theology. Then, write down a passage from the sermon upon which your opinion is based. (use the back if necessary)
1. Good works will get you salvation. True / False
Supporting passage:
2. Everything in nature is pure and blessed. True / False
Supporting passage:
3. A baby is considered innocent and sinless. True / False
Supporting passage:
4. God is a loving God. True / False
Supporting passage:
5. Man has dominion over the natural world. True / False
Supporting passage:
Carmichael English III: Birth of the ADPage 1 of 11