Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom
Step 1:
1. Be a Certified Consultant of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom. You may do step 2 as soon as you are a Certified Consultant of Akashic Knowing.
2. Please fill out and send to :
- Letter of Intent
- Registration Form
- A Letter of Recommendation from a Certified Akashic Teacher. Please have the teacher email directly to:
The questions to be addressed in your letter of intention are as follows:
- Why are you interested in becoming a Certified Akashic Teacher?
- How can you and Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom partner and support each other?
- How are you using the Akashic Record in your daily life?
- How do you plan to teach and balance all areas of your life? Give examples.
- How do you see yourself serving humanity?
- What difference has working in the Records made in your life and within yourself?
- Are you willing to create sacred space in your life for this work? Please elaborate.
- How many consultations are you currently doing per month for someone other than yourself or friends?
- What other modalities, if any, are you currently involved with, and, how are they in harmony with your work in the Akashic Record?
Please be sure to answer the above questions in your letter of intent. You may do this as soon as you are a Certified Consultant of Akashic Knowing.
The energy and essence of You is present in your words. Please feel our support as you share your desire to further your commitment to spiritual work, growth and change. Your letter is an important step in creating your path as an Akashic Teacher. You are making a commitment to the Beings of Light of the Akashic Record, and to Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom. We are grateful for your devotion to the divine realms of the Akashic Field and look forward to supporting you.
Step 2:
When your materials are received, the information will be presented to the Lords of the Akashic Record of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom (AKSW). Each individual is unique in their process to become a teacher and we will follow the guidance the Akashic Lords.Many potential ASKW teachers have studied with other organizations or teachers. Please include all classes that you have taken with these teachers and how long you have been working with the Records, etc. Your previous experience will be considered and honoredin an ongoing desire to unite all students who are dedicated in their studies of the Akashic Record and fulfilling their mission as Light Bearers of the Akashic vibration on the planet.
Step 3:
When you are ready to begin the Teacher Training Program (TTP):
- You will receive a call or emailabout theupcoming Teacher Training. We will discuss your specific steps to complete the Teacher Training process.
- The classes you will take for your second rounds of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom coursesare:
Course 1- Access your personal Akashic Record
Course 2-Deepen into your personal Records with past life, ancestral & soul lineage wisdom.
Course 3- Learn to Access the Akashic Record for Another
Course 4- Advanced Healing Tools
In this second round of classes, it is recommended that you assist the teacher as you learn the details of "putting together and teaching a class". Taking copious notes will serve you well as you pay attention to how the class is structured and flows between the student's energy, the teacher, and the Akashic Beings of Light. The second round of course may be done locally with a Certified Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom Teacher or in the weeklong Teacher Training Program (TTP).
Next Teacher Training Programis: March 16 - March 21, 2014 in California.
- Attend theTeacher Training Course 6- This is a 5 month Course on the phone withmonthlylessons and mentoring callsto support you during the process of becoming a teacher. You will be notified of the monthly call schedule when you enroll in the program. Cost: $300
- After completion of Course 6 on the phone and completion of your second round of Courses 1-4 you are ready for the final step. Attend the weeklong Teacher Training Live Program (TTP) in California. The next TTP dates are March 16 - March 21, 2014. Cost: $750 Similar dates in 2015
- In the Teacher Training Live Program you will Co-teach each of the following classes:
Course 1- Access your personal Akashic Record
Course 2- Deepen into your personal Records with past life, ancestral & soul lineage wisdom.
Course 3- Learn to Access the Akashic Record for Another
Course 4- Advanced Healing Tools
- After the Teacher Training Live Program, you will be responsible for setting up your own Course 1 & Course 4 class in your area. You will be given guidance, support and assistance in setting up and teaching these classes both in Course 6 and as you step into doing this profound work. I will co-teach these 2 course with you via Skype or in-person depending on where the course is held geographically.
- When these steps are complete you will be presentedto the Lords of the Akashic Record for your certification as an Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom Teacher.
- Be an active teacherwith Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom.This means teaching the Akashic Knowing School of WisdomMethod and connecting on our bi-annualteacher calls.
- Pay yearly dues to maintain teacher status with AKSW. First Year is $300 each year after is $600.
You will receive updates on manuals, prayers and other information brought through from the Lords of the Akashic Recordwhen all yearly dues are current.
- You will be postedas a Certified Akashic Teacher on the Akashic Knowing web site and receive an Akashic Knowing School of WisdomLogo to display on your website.
- As part of an ongoing teaching, mentoring and growth process, you may attend and/or assist inthe monthly study groups taught via phone for all Akashic Knowing School of Wisdomstudents.
- To support your work and the school it is essential to maintain regular contact with Lisa and other teachers. Our intention is to have a yearly gathering of all teachers and certified consultants and the bi-annual teacher call listed in #1.
Lisa Barnett - Founder and Teacher of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom
Office: 415.492.0260 San Francisco, CA
Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom
Teacher Training Registration Form
Name: ______
Home Phone: (_____) ______
Cell Phone: (_____) ______
Work Phone: (_____) ______
Mailing Address: ______
Email Address: ______
Date of Birth: ______
Website Address: ______
Current Certified Akashic Consultant? Yes or No
With Which Organization?______
Current Certified Akashic Teacher with another organization? Yes or No
With Which Organization?______
Letter of Recommendation, date sent:______
Teacher's name:______
Letter of Intent to become AKSW Teacher Date Received: ______
Date Student is accepted into Teacher Training Program: ______
Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom
Teacher Training Registration Form CONTINUED
Please fill out the follow form and send along with your Letter of Intent to Lisa at .
All your classes count toward certification with AKSW
Course 1______
Course 1Repeat______
Course 2______
Course 2 Repeat______
Course 3______
Course 3 Repeat______
Course 4______
Course 4 Repeat______
Course 5 Certified AKSW Consultant
Once only______
Upon completion of the above program, you will be presented to the Lords of the Akashic Records to be Certified as an Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom Teacher.
Student Notified in writing by:______Date: ______
Lisa Barnett - Founder and Teacher of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom
Office: 415.492.0260 San Francisco, CA