INNOWATER Water Audit 2012
General Data Questionnaire
This template provides a list of general data to be reported in the INNOWATER water audit before the scope of the audit is defined.
The questionnaire is divided in three parts:
-General data on the Company
-General data on the Production site
-General data on water use
- General data on the Company
Name of the company
Web site
Number of employees
Estimated annual turnover (EURO)
Sector of activity[1]
Products produced:
Name of the contact person
Direct telephone number
Please provide a general description on the activities of the Company
Please provide a organization structure scheme of the company
Please provide information regarding work shifts per day
(i.e total nr of workers – in office, commercial, production, others-; work shifts, working hours per day, total days of work per year- )
Please provide information about the sales values of each of the produced products in the last 3 years
product / Sales year 1 (EURO) / Sales year 2 (EURO) / Sales year 3 (EURO)
Describe the timing ofproduction: monthly production of different products.
Please provide a list of certifications the Company has (ISO,etc)Please provide a general overview of the environmental impact of the Company
Review of other environmental aspects: soil, air, waste, chemical products, noise, use and generation of packaging,…
Company site
Please provide a general overview of water resources in the environment of the companyDescription of the water resources found in the location of the company: rivers, marshs, reservoirs, availability-scarcity of water, special areas regarding water resource,…
As far as possible include photos and maps.
- Production Site
What is the total area (in m2) covered by the evaluated site?
Please provide an overview of the different uses of the area, i.e. offices, production, storage, farmland and indicate the size for each of the uses
Please provide an general process diagram
Diagram and short description of different phases
Please provide a list of prime machinery used in the company, specially the one which use water (type/year/model/power (kW), water consumption (Tº, flow, hours used,..)
If the water consumption of each machinery is known, maximum flow,...
Please provide a list chemical products used in the company: in process, and auxiliary processes. Risk measures taken to avoid water pollution.
Water diagram in the company.
Identification of water use for each process, quantity and quality: incomes and outputs.
Define which information has the company initially, if this information is reliable or not. Define which data should be search in the audit and which would be impossible to be available in the audit and must be search in an specific action plan.
Water consumption
Description of number of water meters and contracts.
Collection of water consumption receives/bills, monthly dates per water meter in the last 3 years. Type of water meters.
Waste Water Spills
General description of waste water flow and treatment, are the waste water costs controlled, Are the waste water spills identified, in quality and quantity.
Has the company taken actions to improve waste water spills?
Identification of applicable legislation
Summary of applicable legislation regarding water affecting the company: abstraction, use, waste water, and identification of limits available regarding quality and quantity. Control organisms and internal obligations (internal or external controls), specific to the company.
Actions already taken in the company regarding water use
-identification of consumption points
-control of consumption
-reduction messures, which one?
-Modification of technology
-Measures to raise awareness
Comparison ofthesituation ofwateruse and managementof thecompany relativeto their sector
-Has the company information about how their consumption should be? And which are the actions to be taken to improve?
-Is there any sectorial report with information of water consumption? Which one?
[1]A link to a commonly used description of sectors (like CNAE) will be provided here