Chapter 1


A.A medical student at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine shall be considered a member of the chapter if they have paid both national and chapter dues and have met the qualifications set forth in the National Constitution.

Chapter 2


A. Annual chapter dues shall be paid by all members of the chapter

B.Dues shall be $20, however, it is subject to change based on recommendation by the Chapter Treasurer and approval by the Co-Presidents.

C.The official date for payment of dues is by the third general body meeting of the semester

D.Dues paid after the deadline will be subject to a late fee of 20% of the entire amount.

E.Members that have not paid dues PLUS the late fee by the fourth general body meeting will not be considered members of the chapter, and will be unable to attend the Regional Conference, the National Conference, or obtain the same benefits as due-paying members (i.e. free access to Fall Affair, Zollicoffer Banquet)

Chapter 3


A.The chapter should have one (1) general body meeting per month.

B.Executive board meetings will be at the discretion of the Co-Presidents however, at least one shall be held each semester.

C.Meetings will follow Robert Rules of Order and motions will be passed by simple majority

Chapter 4


A. Focus: An emphasis on the educational aspects of medicine.

B. Delegates

1.The number of delegates for both regional and national conferences will be at the discretion of the Co-Presidents and SNMA Advisor(s)

2.Delegates must be both chapter and national dues-paying members

3.The pool of potential delegates will be based on a volunteer basis; however the final selection of delegates will be at the discretion of the Co-Presidents and SNMA Advisor(s). Selection may be based on :

a.Attendance at General Body Meetings

b.Participation in chapter events

Chapter 5

Chapter Elections

A.A nominating chair shall be appointed by the Co-President at the March General Body Meeting. The nominating chair will be a chapter dues paid member and must not be running in the election.

B.Eligibility: Any candidate for chapter office must be a chapter and national dues paid member.

1.Co-Presidents (2): Must be an MS2

2.Vice President (1): Must be an MS2

3.Treasurer (1): Must be an MS2

4.Secretary (1): Must be an MS1

5.HPREP (2): At least 1 chair must be an MS2

6.HPREP sub-chair (1): Must be an MS1

7.YSEP (2): At least 1 chair must be an MS2

8.YSEP sub-chair (1): must be an MS1

9.MAPS Liaisons (2): At least 1 must be an MS2

10.Minority Round Table (2): Must be an MS2

11.Community Service Co-Chairs (2): Must be an MS1

12.Fundraising Co-Chairs (2): Must be an MS1

13.Social Co-Chairs (2): Must be an MS1

14.Recruitment Liaisons (2): At least 1 must be an MS1

15.Historian (1): Must be an MS1

16.Webmaster (1): Must be an MS1

17.Parliamentarian (1): Must be an MS1

18.Minority Men in Medicine (2); One 1 must be an MS1, one must be an MS2; MS1 is elected and MS2 appointed by previous MMM chair

C.The Nominating Chair shall verify candidates’ credentials and election results. The Co-Presidents shall certify the final results.

D.The election of Chapter Officers shall be held before the National Convention during the month of either March or April. For any positions not filled, the election of Chapter Officers shall be held at the First General Body Meeting of the fall semester.

1.Nominations will be open for one week, and elections will take place the following week

a.Nominations may be taken the day of the election

2.Each candidate shall have no more than 1 ½ minutes for a speech, and no more than 2 minutes to answer questions from the General Body

3.Voting will take place for each office after all candidates have spoken

4.All chapter positions will be served for a one-year term: May-April

E.Each chapter dues-paid member will have one vote for Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, MAPS Liaison, Webmaster, and Parliamentarian; two votes for Co-President, HPREP, YSEP, Minority Round Table, Fundraising, Social, and Recruitment Liaison, and three votes for Community Service.

1.For elections during the First General Body Meeting, each person in attendance will have the number of votes needed to fill the particular chapter position.

F.Elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. Candidates must obtain a simple majority (51%) to win.

G.Elected officers will assume office after the last General Body Meeting of the semester

Chapter 6

Chapter Officer Duties

A.Co-Presidents (2)

1.Serve as the official representative of the chapter

2.Preside over all meetings, call special meetings

3.Maintain correspondence with the Regional Director and National Office

4.Participate in monthly conference calls with the Regional Director

5.Submit a written quarterly programs report to the Regional Director and National Office

6.Apply for regional and national awards for the chapter

7.Be responsible for implementing the directive of the organization at the chapter level

8.Coordinate and provide support for the activities of various chapter officers in accomplishing their goals and objectives

9.Submit articles of interest to National and Regional SNMA publications

B.Vice President (1)

1.Preside in the absence of the Co-Presidents

2.Coordinate Fall Affair which will be held in October or November of the Fall semester

a.Appoint a sub-chair for the Fall Affair planning

3.Oversee Black History Month Celebration in February

a.Appoint a Chair for the Black History Month Committee

4.Assist the Co-Presidents in the performance of their duties when needed

5.Assume the responsibility for filling the position of Co-President in the event of a Co-President’s removal by resignation, illness, death, or other

C.Treasurer (1)

1.Pay all authorized expenses of the chapter

2.Develop a budget for the corresponding year

3.Help develop and implement plans for ensuring the financial stability of the chapter

4.Advise officers on financial matters

5.Maintain accurate financial records for the business year beginning immediately after his/her election, by the accurate method of accounting.

6.Submit a writer quarterly financial statement to the Regional Director and National Office

D.Secretary (1)

1.Attend all general body meetings and prepare minutes and distribute to the chapter before the next meeting

2.Keep an updated record of all minutes

E.Community Service Chairs ( 2)

1.Develop and execute monthly chapter community service projections within the scope of the national agenda

2.Coordinate the annual Share Your Christmas initiative in November and December

3.Coordinate the annual Bone Marrow Drive during February

F.Health Professions Recruitment Exposure Program (HPREP) Coordinators (2)

1.Coordinate and oversee the 7 week HPREP program which runs from January to March

2.Contact schools and recruit high school students during the Fall Semester

G.Youth Science Enrichment Program (YSEP) Coordinators (2)

1.Coordinate and oversee the 7 week YSEP program which runs from January to March

2.Contact schools and recruit elementary school students during the Fall Semester

H.Minority Round Table (2)

1.Develop monthly programs geared toward issues facing minorities

2.Coordinate physician panels and guest speakers

3.Organize lectures and small group meetings with professionals representing various specialties and interests.

4.Formulate a Pearls of Wisdom session for MS1 and MS2 groups for each block

5.Organize enrichment activities geared towards preparing members of SNMA for milestones in academic preparation such as licensing exams and clinical years.

I.Fundraising Chairs (2)

1.Develop fundraising events to raise money for the National Conference as well as for a charity/scholarship

2.Coordinate the Annual Speed Dating Event or an equivalent fundraising event at the discretion of the general body.

J.Social Chairs (2)

1.Develop monthly social events that will serve the purpose of bringing chapter members closer together

2.Coordinate social events with other SNMA chapters and graduate program organizations in the area

3.Coordinate the Annual Ski Trip during Martin Luther King Jr. weekend or an equivalent social event at the discretion of the general body

K.MAPS Liaison (2)

1.Serve as the official liaison between the UNC Chapter and its various MAPS chapters

2.Recruit and maintain associate chapters to the organization.

3.Oversee the UNC/MAPS Big Buddy Program

4.Develop socials and programs for both SNMA and MAPS members at least once per semester

5.Serve as a member of Regional Conference planning committee.

6.Plan/Coordinate the Regional Premedical Conference.

7.Facilitate open communications between the medical school SNMA members and the undergraduate MAPS affiliate chapters.

8.Organize and implement enrichment activities between SNMA members and dues-paying undergraduate MAPS members.

9.Each semester, attend at least one (1) general body meeting hosted by each affiliate MAPS chapter.

L.Recruitment Liaison (2)

1.Serve as the official liaison between the Office of Special Programs and SNMA

2.Coordinate meetings between SNMA members and potential applicants to the School of Medicine

3.Oversee and coordinate the Annual Open House during the spring semester

4.Work with the MAPS Liaison to coordinate the Annual Premedical Conference

5.Coordinate the annual Second Look Dinner

M.Historian (2)

1.Attend and take pictures at all chapter events

2.Keep a written and photographic record of all chapter activities

3.Send pictures to the chapter Webmaster and Regional Director

4.Develop a quarterly newsletter outlining chapter events (Fall—November, Winter—February, Spring—May)

N.Webmaster (1)

1.Oversee and update the chapter website at least twice a month

2.Maintain the chapter list-serve

O.Parliamentarian (1)

1.Assist the Co-Presidents in the interpretation of the SNMA National Constitution and UNC Bylaws in accordance to Robert Rules of Order

2.Be responsible for the collection and correction of all amendments to the Chapter By-laws and their distribution to chapter members

Chapter 7

Standing Committees

A.Zollicoffer Co-Chairs (2)

a.Role: work with the Student Affairs to coordinate the Annual Zollicoffer Luncheon, Lecture, and Banquet

b.The Co-Chairs will be chosen by the previous Co-Chairs at least 3 weeks before the Lecture, and the application process shall be at their discretion

B.Black History Month Chair (1)

a.Role: work with the Vice President in coordinating the Annual Black History Month Celebration

b.The Chair will be chosen by the Vice President in November, and the application process will be at his/her discretion

C.Minority Men in Medicine Chairs (2)


i.Conduct weekly meetings and workshops for undergraduate participants

ii.Network with physicians in order to establish connections to assist in meeting objectives

iii.Organize activities to improve preparation for professional school applications

iv.Serve as primary role models for all group members

b.The Chair will be chosen by the previous Minority Men in Medicine Chair, and the application process will be at his/her discretion

c.One MMM Chair shall be an MS1 and shall be elected

d.One MMM Chair shall be an MS2 and shall be elected

D.Health Professions Recruitment Exposure Program (HPREP) Sub-Chair

a.Role: work with the HPREP Co-Chairs in coordinating the 7 week HPREP program which runs from January to March

E.Youth Science Enrichment Program (YSEP) Sub-Chair

a.Role: work with the YSEP Co-Chair in coordinating the 7 week YSEP program which runs from January to March

Chapter 8

Ad-Hoc Committees

A.The creation of Ad-Hoc committees shall be at the recommendation of the Co-Presidents or a Chapter Officer, and it is subject to the approval by the General Body by a simple majority (51%)

Chapter 9

Replacement of Chapter Officers

A.In the event of an absent Co-President for a meeting, the officers shall preside in the

following order: Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary

B.In the event of permanent vacation of the office of one Co-President, the Vice President will assume the responsibilities, and at the next General Body Meeting, a new Vice President shall be elected.

C.In the event of permanent vacation of the office by both Co-Presidents, the Vice President will assume one of the roles, and at the next General Body Meeting, a second Co-President and a new Vice President shall be elected.

D.Permanently vacated positions, other than that of the Co-President, shall remain open until the Co-President appoints a temporary replacement or a new election takes place.

E.Any chapter officer filling a vacated position will assume office immediately and serve out any time remaining in the term.

Chapter 10

Chapter Responsibilities

A.To inform members on the local level of all SNMA activities.

B.To pay regional dues

C.If possible, have at least one member participate on a National committee.

D.To have one representative participate in monthly meetings with Regional Director or Associate Regional Director and other chapter presidents in their division of Region IV.

E.Chapter Reports:

1.Submit a chapter report at each regional meeting.

2.Submit a written chapter report to the Regional Director no later than two weeks prior to each of the Regional Meetings.

3.If the chapter is unable to attend a regional meeting the Co-Presidents must contact the Regional Director to inform him/her that they will not be present at least two weeks prior to the corresponding regional meeting.

Chapter 11

Governing Rules

Any item of chapter business not covered by these By-Laws shall be referred to Robert’s Rules of Order for clarification.