Special 48-Hour Prescribed Burn Notices
Issued by the ARB in 1998
Range Improvement, Forest Management
and Wildland Vegetation Management Burns
Air Resources Board January 1998
Planning and Technical Support Division
Meteorology Section
Special 48-Hour Notices Issued for Range Improvement,
Forest Management and Wildland Vegetation Management Burns
Table 1
/ NearestCity / Location ID / Agency / Maximum
Acreage* /
Calaveras / Valley Springs / Pardee Resevoir / Priv. / 100 / 05-31El Dorado / South Lake Tahoe / No. Upper Truckee / CTC / 9 / 05-31
Glenn / Elk Creek / Machine Piles / USFS / 100 / 01-31
Elk Creek / Jackpot / USFS / 100 / 01-31
Elk Creek / Handpile/Roadside / USFS / 100 / 01-31
Shasta / Redding / Hosrse Mountain / USFS / 2,500 / 20-31
Tehama / Elk Creek / Slash / USFS / 200 / 01-31
Elk Creek / Swamper / USFS / 200 / 01-31
Elk Creek / Machine Pile / USFS / 200 / 01-31
/ 3,509Air Resources Board February 1998
Planning and Technical Support Division
Meteorology Section
Special 48-Hour Notices Issued for Range Improvement,
Forest Management and Wildland Vegetation Management Burns
Table 1
/ NearestCity / Location ID / Agency / Maximum
Acreage* /
Calaveras / Valley Springs / Pardee Resevoir / Priv. / 100 / 05-31El Dorado / South Lake Tahoe / No. Upper Truckee / CTC / 9 / 05-31
Glenn / Elk Creek / Machine Piles / USFS / 100 / 01-31
Elk Creek / Jackpot / USFS / 100 / 01-31
Elk Creek / Handpile/Roadside / USFS / 100 / 01-31
Tehama / Elk Creek / Slash / USFS / 200 / 01-31
Elk Creek / Swamper / USFS / 200 / 01-31
Elk Creek / Machine Pile / USFS / 200 / 01-31
/ 1,009Air Resources Board March 1998
Planning and Technical Support Division
Meteorology Section
Special 48-Hour Notices Issued for Range Improvement,
Forest Management and Wildland Vegetation Management Burns
Table 1
/ NearestCity / Location ID / Agency / Maximum
Acreage* /
Glenn / Elk Creek / Grindstone / USFS / 3,000 / 09-14Elk Creek / Chapparal Elk Crk. / USFS / 1,300 / 09-14
Tulare / Springville / Coffee Unit “D” / NPS / 886 / 15-31
/ 5,186Air Resources Board April 1998
Planning and Technical Support Division
Meteorology Section
Special 48-Hour Notices Issued for Range Improvement,
Forest Management and Wildland Vegetation Management Burns
Table 1
/ NearestCity / Location ID / Agency / Maximum
Acreage* /
El Dorado
/ Georgetown / Darling / USFS / 50 / 24-30Georgetown / Mace / USFS / 150 / 24-30
Fresno / North Fork / Kinsman Unit #1 / USFS / 286 / 24-30
Fresno / Front County / USFS / 360 / 25-30
Glenn / Elk Creek / Grindstone, Chaparral / USFS / 3,000 / 04-06, 12-30
Elk Creek / Elk Creek Chaparral / USFS / 1,300 / 04-06, 12-30
Elk Creek / Machine Piles / USFS / 100 / 04-06, 12-30
Elk Creek / Jackpot / USFS / 100 / 04-06, 12-30
Elk Creek / Handpile/Roadside / USFS / 100 / 04-06, 12-30
Humbolt / Blue Lake / Korbel / Priv. / 72 / 24-30
Blue Lake / Fickel Hill / Priv. / 124 / 24-30
Blue Lake / Mad River North / Priv. / 150 / 24-30
Blue Lake / Mad River South / Priv. / 120 / 24-30
Carlotta / Carlotta / Priv. / 63 / 24-30
Lassen / Fall River / Ladder V.B. / USFS / 5,000 / 21-30
Nevada / Nevada City / Nevada City Fire / NCFD / 1 / 17-21
Plumas / Jamesville / Hallet Underburn / USFS / 262 / 29-30
Jamesville / North Antelope / USFS / 850 / 29-30
Quincy / Hassack Underburn / USFS / 363 / 29-30
Quincy / Workcenter / USFS / 100 / 29-30
Quincy / Gasner-Divide / USFS / 257 / 29-30
Siskiyou / Arcata / Carter / USFS / 27 / 17-30
Arcata / Frogpond / USFS / 215 / 17-30
Dorris / Groveland / USFS / 1,100 / 17-30
Dorris / Rainbow / USFS / 300 / 17-30
Dorris / Wildhorse / USFS / 624 / 17-30
/ 15,074Air Resources Board April 1998
Planning and Technical Support Division
Meteorology Section
Special 48-Hour Notices Issued for Range Improvement,
Forest Management and Wildland Vegetation Management Burns
Table 1 Cont.
/ NearestCity / Location ID / Agency / Maximum
Acreage* /
Siskiyou / Fort Jones / Rattlesnake T.S. / USFS / 35 / 17-30(cont.) / Fort Jones / Scott Bar Mountain / USFS / 367 / 17-30
Fort Jones / Soap / USFS / 46 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Bear Fire Recovery / USFS / 155 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Benjamin Underbrush / USFS / 12 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Clearview / USFS / 1,600 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Dillon PF-2 / USFS / 70 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Dillon PF-2 #452, 455, 462 / USFS / 1,054 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Gasquet Broadcast / USFS / 70 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Gold Broadcast / USFS / 94 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Little Broadcast / USFS / 40 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Little Horse Creek / USFS / 30 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Outside Fire Recovery / USFS / 257 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Heli/Dillon / USFS / 74 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Heli Broadcast / USFS / 80 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Woods Bar / USFS / 6 / 17-30
Happy Camp / Slatter / USFS / 65 / 17-30
Yreka / Craggy #111, 116 / USFS / 24 / 17-30
Yreka / Humbug / USFS / 500 / 17-30
Tehama / Elk Creek / Handpile/Roadside / USFS / 200 / 04-06, 14-30
Elk Creek / Swamper / USFS / 200 / 04-06, 14-30
Elk Creek / Machinepile / USFS / 200 / 04-06, 14-30
Trinity / Lewiston / Weaverville Wildlife / USFS / 600 / 17-23
Tulare / Springville / Coffee Unit “D” / USFS / 886 / 01-22
Yolo / Rumsey / Schrang / CDF / 1,500 / 20-30
Yuba / Challenge / Wildhog / Priv. / 40 / 28-30
/ 8,205Total
/ 23,279April
Air Resources Board May 1998
Planning and Technical Support Division
Meteorology Section
Special 48-Hour Notices Issued for Range Improvement,
Forest Management and Wildland Vegetation Management Burns
Table 1
/ NearestCity / Location ID / Agency / Maximum
Acreage* /
/ Pulga / French Underburn / USFS / 2,500 / 01-11/ Pulga / Rose / USFS / 150 / 01-11
/ Mountain House / Shute Mountain / USFS / 150 / 01-11
/ Forbestown / Sunset / USFS / 21 / 01-11
/ Oroville / Watson Biomass Area #2 / USFS / 300 / 20-22
/ Hathaway / Viper-Sunrise / USFS / 118 / 10-15El Dorado
/ Georgetown / Darling / USFS / 50 / 01-23, 20-31Georgetown / Mace / USFS / 150 / 01-23, 20-31
Fresno / North Fork / Kinsman Unit #1 / USFS / 286 / 01-23
Fresno / Front County / USFS / 360 / 01-31
Glenn / Elk Creek / Grindstone, Chaparral / USFS / 3,000 / 01-07, 17-27
Elk Creek / Elk Creek Chaparral / USFS / 1,300 / 01-07, 17-27
Elk Creek / Machine Piles / USFS / 100 / 01-07, 17-27
Elk Creek / Jackpot / USFS / 100 / 01-07, 17-27
Elk Creek / Handpile/Roadside / USFS / 100 / 01-07, 17-27
Humbolt / Blue Lake / Korbel / Priv. / 72 / 01-31
Blue Lake / Fickel Hill / Priv. / 124 / 01-31
Blue Lake / Mad River North / Priv. / 150 / 01-31
Blue Lake / Mad River South / Priv. / 120 / 01-31
Carlotta / Carlotta / Priv. / 63 / 01-31
Kern / Havilah / Dutchman III / BLM / 2 / 03-18
Lassen / Fall River / Ladder V.B. / USFS / 5,000 / 01-10, 22-25
Mariposa / Mariposa / Foresta / NPS / 17 / 01-31
Plumas / Beckworth / Mapes / NPS / 350 / 01-28
Jamesville / Hallet Underburn / USFS / 262 / 01-31
/ 14,845Air Resources Board May 1998
Planning and Technical Support Division
Meteorology Section
Special 48-Hour Notices Issued for Range Improvement,
Forest Management and Wildland Vegetation Management Burns
Table 1 Cont.
/ NearestCity / Location ID / Agency / Maximum
Acreage* /
Plumas / Jamesville / North Antelope / USFS / 850 / 01-31(cont.) / Jamesville / Hallet Underburn / USFS / 262 / 29-30
Portola / Huevos / USFS / 1,200 / 05-31
Quincy / Hassack Underburn / USFS / 363 / 01-26
Quincy / Workcenter / USFS / 100 / 01-26
Quincy / Gasner-Divide / USFS / 287 / 01-31
San Luis Obispo / Taft / KCL Pile / BLM / 1 / 20-24
Santa Barbara / Lompoc / OBV Training Fires / USAF / 30 / 23-28
Shasta / Old Station / Rapture / USFS / 2,000 / 24-25
Siskiyou / Arcata / Carter / USFS / 27 / 17-31
Arcata / Frogpond / USFS / 215 / 17-31
Dorris / Groveland / USFS / 1,100 / 17-31
Dorris / Rainbow / USFS / 300 / 17-31
Dorris / Wildhorse / USFS / 624 / 17-31
Fort Jones / Rattlesnake T.S. / USFS / 35 / 17-31
Fort Jones / Scott Bar Mountain / USFS / 367 / 17-31
Fort Jones / Soap / USFS / 46 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Bear Fire Recovery / USFS / 155 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Benjamin Underbrush / USFS / 12 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Clearview / USFS / 1,600 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Dillon PF-2 / USFS / 70 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Dillon PF-2 #452, 455, 462 / USFS / 1,054 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Gasquet Broadcast / USFS / 70 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Gold Broadcast / USFS / 94 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Little Broadcast / USFS / 40 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Little Horse Creek / USFS / 30 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Outside Fire Recovery / USFS / 257 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Heli/Dillon / USFS / 74 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Heli Broadcast / USFS / 80 / 17-31
Happy Camp / Woods Bar / USFS / 6 / 17-31
/ 11,349Air Resources Board May 1998
Planning and Technical Support Division
Meteorology Section
Special 48-Hour Notices Issued for Range Improvement,
Forest Management and Wildland Vegetation Management Burns
Table 1 Cont.
/ NearestCity / Location ID / Agency / Maximum
Acreage* /
Siskiyou / Happy Camp / Slatter / USFS / 65 / 17-31(cont.) / Yreka / Craggy #111, 116 / USFS / 24 / 17-31
Yreka / Humbug / USFS / 500 / 17-31
Tehama / Elk Creek / Handpile/Roadside / USFS / 200 / 01-27
Elk Creek / Swamper / USFS / 200 / 01-27
Elk Creek / Machinepile / USFS / 200 / 01-27
Tulare / Springville / Coffee Unit “D” / USFS / 886 / 01-15
Tuolumne / Sonora / Wright Creek / USFS / 300 / 01-15
Tuolumne City / Skunk Bear Burn / Priv. / 225 / 01-31
Yolo / Rumsey / Schrang / CDF / 1,500 / 01-31
/ 4,100Total
/ 30,294May
Air Resources Board June 1998
Planning and Technical Support Division
Meteorology Section
Special 48-Hour Notices Issued for Range Improvement,
Forest Management and Wildland Vegetation Management Burns
Table 1
/ NearestCity / Location ID / Agency / Maximum
Acreage* /
/ Markleeville / Indian Creek / BLM / 80 / 06-17Butte
/ Pulga / Rose / USFS / 150 / 01-30/ Mountain House / Shute Mountain / USFS / 450 / 01-30
/ Oroville / Watson Biomass Area #2 / USFS / 300 / 01-30
/ Hathaway Pines / Viper-Sunrise / USFS / 118 / 01-23El Dorado
/ Pollock Pines / Big Mountain II / USFS / 240 / 02-25/ Georgetown / Darling / USFS / 180 / 01-23
Georgetown / Mace / USFS / 150 / 01-19
Kyburz / Iron Mountain / USFS / 110 / 01-30
Pioneer / Mud Springs / Priv. / 28 / 21-25
Fresno / Fresno / Front Country / USFS / 1,360 / 01-02
Humbolt / Blue Lake / Korbel / Priv. / 72 / 01-18
Blue Lake / Fickel Hill / Priv. / 124 / 01-18
Blue Lake / Mad River North / Priv. / 150 / 01-18
Blue Lake / Mad River South / Priv. / 120 / 01-18
Hoopa / Simpson / CDF / 45 / 07-30
Lassen / Fall River / Ladder V.B. / USFS / 5,000 / 01-21
Westwood / Westwood / USFS / 1,700 / 24-30
Mariposa / Mariposa / Foresta / NPS / 17 / 01-30
Fresno / Lone Sequoia / NPS / 160 / 30
Mendocino / Covelo / Big Bend / AIT / 67 / 29-30
Monterey / King City / Fort Hunter-Liggett / USA / 34,000 / 08-30
Nevada / Nevada City / Mandrone / USFS / 35 / 27-30
/ 44,656Air Resources Board June 1998
Planning and Technical Support Division
Meteorology Section
Special 48-Hour Notices Issued for Range Improvement,
Forest Management and Wildland Vegetation Management Burns
Table 1 Cont.
/ NearestCity / Location ID / Agency / Maximum
Acreage* /
Placer / Foresthill / Screwauger / USFS / 800 / 21-30Foresthill / Deller / USFS / 100 / 03-23
Auburn / Brushy Mountain /
/ 186 / 29-30Pollock Pines / Rim Burn / USFS / 500 / 20-30
Plumas / Portola / Huevos/Chance / USFS / 1,200 / 01-30
Sacramento / Elk Grove / Badger / CP&R / 40 / 21-28
Elk Grove / Midden / CP&R / 50 / 21-28
San Luis Obispo / Taft / Westwell / BLM / 21 / 23-24
Shasta / Old Station / Rapture / USFS / 2,000 / 01-21
Redding / Queen Mary II / NPS / 120 / 14-15
Sierra / Pike / Oregon Creek #24 / USFS / 128 / 11-30
Pike / Oregon Creek #162 / USFS / 77 / 11-30
Pike / Oregon Creek #163 / USFS / 100 / 11-30
Pike / Clerkins / USFS / 35 / 11-30
Siskiyou / Dorris / Groveland / USFS / 1,100 / 01-30
Dorris / Rainbow / USFS / 300 / 01-30
Dorris / Wildhorse / USFS / 624 / 01-30
Fort Jones / Rattlesnake T.S. / USFS / 35 / 01-30
Fort Jones / Scott Bar Mountain / USFS / 60 / 01-30
Fort Jones / Soap / USFS / 150 / 01-30
Happy Camp / Bear Fire Recovery / USFS / 155 / 01-30
Happy Camp / Benjamin Underbrush / USFS / 12 / 01-30
Happy Camp / Clearview / USFS / 1,600 / 01-30
Happy Camp / Gasquet Broadcast / USFS / 70 / 01-30
Happy Camp / Gold Broadcast / USFS / 94 / 01-30
Happy Camp / Gold “G” / USFS / 470 / 01-30
/ 10,027Air Resources Board June 1998
Planning and Technical Support Division
Meteorology Section