Planning Commission Public Hearing and Meeting

October 26, 2016

Town of Farmville Planning Commission

Public Hearing and Meeting Minutes

Town Council Chambers, Farmville, VA

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Members Present:Sherry Honeycutt, Abbey O’Connor, L. D. Phaup, Chuck Ross and

John Miller

Staff Present:Cindy Morris, Town Planner

Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Zoning Amendments and Rezoning

Chairperson Sherry Honeycutt opened the Public Hearing at 7:00 PM to hear citizen comments on the following proposed zoning ordinance amendments and rezoning:

  1. Zoning Ordinance Amendment to:

Add the following use to Chapter 29 – BUSINESS DISTRICT B-3 Sec. 29-312. – Uses:

Domestic Violence Shelters with a conditional use permit.


Add the following definition to Chapter 29 –

Domestic Violence Shelter means a temporary safe housing shelter for those who experience domestic violence.

  1. Rezoning:

For a request on behalf of the owner of 1412 Longwood Avenue, LLC, to rezone this property from Residential R-1 to Business B-3.

  1. Rezoning:

Rezone the remaining Industrial M-1 Zone to Business B-3 presently the property of the former Buffalo Shook and W.C. Newman Co.

There being no one present that wished to speak, Chairperson Sherry Honeycutt closed the public hearing.

Planning Commission Meeting

Chairperson Sherry Honeycutt opened the Planning Commission meeting at 7:05 PM.

Approval of September 28, 2016 Minutes

On motion by John Miller, seconded by Chuck Rossand with all members voting “aye”, the minutes of the September 28, 2016 meeting were approved as presented.

Zoning Ordinance Amendment

Sherry Honeycutt stated that the Farmville Town Council referred the zoning amendment request from Edward and Michael Helton (1412 Longwood Avenue, LLC), to the Planning Commission,to allow domestic violence shelters with a conditional use permit. A public hearing was advertised and held tonight on this proposed zoning amendments. Cindy Morris noted that she had not received any citizen comments on the proposed amendment.

On motion by John Miller, seconded by Abbey O’Connor and with all members voting “aye”, to recommend to Town Council approval of the following zoning ordinance amendments:

Add the following use to Chapter 29 – BUSINESS DISTRICT B-3

Sec. 29-312. – Uses:

Domestic Violence Shelters with a conditional use permit.


Add the following definition to Chapter 29 –

Domestic Violence Shelter means a temporary safe housing shelter

for those who experience domestic violence.

Rezoning request on behalf of the owner of 1412 Longwood Avenue to rezone this property from Residential R-1 to Business B-3

Sherry Honeycutt stated that the Farmville Town Council referred the rezoning request on behalf of the owner of 1412 Longwood Avenue to rezone this property from Residential R-1 to Business B-3. Cindy Morris noted that the property had been posted for rezoning and notices mailed to adjacent property owners. The Town has not received any citizen comments. Sherry noted that there was a very thorough presentation given by Mike and Ed Helton and Glenn Fowlkes at the Planning Commission’s September 28, 2016 meeting.

On motion by John Miller, seconded by Chuck Ross and with all members voting “aye”, to recommend to Town Council (assuming Town Council approves the above zoning ordinance amendments)to approve the re-zoning of1412 Longwood Avenue from Residential R-1 to

Business B-3.

Conditional Use Permit request from Madeline’s House to locate a domestic violence shelter at 1412 Longwood Avenue

Sherry Honeycutt stated that in anticipation of the Town Council approving the zoning amendment to B-3 allowing domestic violence shelters and rezoning of 1412 Longwood Avenue from R-1 to B-3 the Planning Commission is considering a conditional use permit application from Southside Center for Violence Protection (Madeline’s House) to locate a domestic violence shelter at 1412 Longwood Avenue.

On motion by L.D. Phaup, seconded by Abbey O’Connor and with all members voting “aye”, (assuming Town Council approves the zoning ordinance amendments and rezoning),to recommend that Council approve the conditional use permit request from Madeline’s

House/Domestic Violence Shelter to locate at 1412 Longwood Avenue with the stipulations that were stated in their re-zoning/zoning amendment request (supplemental attachment page) and as stated by representatives of the facility during the September 28, 2016 Planning Commission meeting and reflected in the minutes, the facility will include:

  • Highly sophisticated alarm system and lighting.
  • Nine (9) bedrooms to house up to 25 people.
  • Off-street parking.
  • 6’ white vinyl fence which will be aesthetically pleasing and nondescript around almost the entire perimeter of the shelter except for the front of the building which will serve as the administration section.
  • Staffing 24/7/365.
  • Only accommodate female residents (including mothers and children).

Rezone Remaining Industrial M-1 Zone to Business B-3

Sherry Honeycutt stated that Town Council had referred the rezoning of the remainder of the Industrial M-1 zone to Business B-3 to the Planning Commission. A public hearing was held and there were no citizen comments.

There was previous discussion about deleting the M-1 zoning language from the zoning ordinance. The consensus was to leave the M-1 language in the ordinance in case the Town at a later time wanted to add an M-1 zone.

On motion by Chuck Ross, seconded by Abbey O’Connor and with all members voting “aye”, the Planning Commission voted to recommend to Council the approval of the rezoning of the remaining Industrial M-1 Zone to Business B-3.

Conditional Use Permit Request from Jacob Romaine to convert a single-family dwelling into a duplex at 306 Cedar Avenue

Jacob Romaine submitted a conditional use permit application to convert and single-family dwelling located at 306 Cedar Avenue into a duplex. This property is zoned Residential R-3 and allows for duplexes with a conditional use permit. It was noted that in May of 2016 the Planning Commission recommend and Town Council approved a conditional use permit,with no conditions, for the conversion of a single-family dwelling into a duplex at the neighboring property located at 308 Cedar Avenue.

On motion by John Miller, seconded by Chuck Ross and with all members voting “aye”, the Planning Commission voted to recommend to Council to approve the conditional use permit request to convert the single-family dwelling located at 306 Cedar Avenue into a duplex.

Review and Discuss Business B-3 and B-4 Zones regarding such uses as automobile sales and review conditional use permits where “required”vs. where “may be required”

Sherry Honeycutt asked that the Planning Commission discuss the issue of automobile sales in B-4 zone. Cindy Morris explained that over the years there had been requests to locate

automobile sales in a B-4 zone. Business B-4 zone allows for auto supply stores and gas stations as allowable uses but does not specifically state automobile sales as an allowed use as does the

B-3 Zone.After reviewing the zoning map (looking at the B-3 and B-4 zones) and the existing and future land use maps it may be something that the Planning Commission may want to consider recommending changing down the road. Cindy noted that when she talks to prospective new businesses she directs them to areas of the town that are already zoned appropriately for the business they wish to open. The other issue was to look at where conditional use permits may be required and where conditional use permits are required. There was discussion about the importance of being consistent.

Training Meeting November 3rd, 2016 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

As a reminder, attached to the Planning Commission packet was a notice of the training meeting on November 3rd in the Town Manger’s conference room from 11:00 Am to 1:00 PM.

Planning Commission Meeting Dates for the Remainder of FY 2016/2017

As a reminder, attached to the Planning Commission packet was a listing of the regular meeting dates for the remainder of the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year:

October 26, 2016

January 25, 2017

March 29, 2017

May 31, 2017

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:45PM.


Sherry Honeycutt, ChairpersonCharles Ross, Secretary