Location: 11837 N. Hauser Lake Road, Hauser, Idaho 83854
REGULAR MEETING: September 14, 2016 – 6:30 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER 6:30 p.m. Mayor Hatfield
ROLL CALL:B. Ray, present; Griffith, present; Beck, present
MINUTES:Regular Council Meeting Minutes of 8/10/16 at 6:30 p.m.: Council member Griffith
moved toapprove the regular Council Meeting Minutes of 8/10/16 at 6:30 p.m. Council
memberB. Rayseconded the motion. Roll call: B. Ray, aye; Griffith, aye; Beck, aye.
Mayor: Claire Hatfield:
Mayor Hatfield said the City Clerk had placed the job description information on each dais place. She asked if there were questions. Clerk D. Ray said much of the information on council positions is written in the Association of Idaho Cities manual, “Roles and Responsibilities of the Mayor and City Council.” She made reference to that manual rather than copying from the manual. The “Purpose” section came from each council member’s paperwork written in layman language. Duties for specific divisionsare what most applicants request: “What am I supposed to do?” As areas of responsibilities change, so will the job description change.
Mayor Hatfield inserted here asking if the City of Hauser wanted to remain members of the Panhandle Area Council. Discussion followed. She said we don’t use them much now and it isn’t “all that expensive to belong.” Discussion followed. Council member Griffith asked what the group purpose is. Council member Beck responded that it is to attract and generate small to large businesses to the area. The people on that board tend to focus on Coeur d’Alene since it is the hub, so Hauser does not have much to offer. Attorney Appleton said PAC is a guarantor, loan money for businesses. Fees for membership are around $125.00 per year. There are only 3-4 meetings a year. Griffith said they could be beneficial in the future, but not now. Mayor Hatfield asked council to think about it and make a decision.
Mayor Hatfield then asked council to review the job description for additions or changes and get it back to Clerk D. Ray. Council member Beck asked if there were no changes to give it to Clerk D. Ray. All council members gave the new job description back as acceptable.
Attorney: William Appleton:
.County request for City signatures on ACI mylars: Appleton called Pat Bradon, County Attorney, and had not received a return call.
.Gun Club Appeal: The Supreme Court has set a deadline for the Gun Club’s brief as October 11, 2016. Attorney Appleton said he has 28 days thereafter to reply, which would be November 8 (Election day.)
Treasurer: Ryan Miller
Miller reported that he received another note from the Auditors on “Findings and Responses.” They are requesting Council responses to finish the September 30, 2014 and 2013 Audit. Discussion followed. As a very small city, some of the requests are repeats of prior years requests. Clerk Ray was asked to contact Anderson Bros. to let them know City Council responses are the same as the prior audit.
Income: One building permit and the final State of Idaho Liquor Fund distribution, and final State sales tax. Expenses: R. Miller for 3-year renewal of Quick Books Accounting System and next month will be for Quick Books Payroll System, which is an annual expense. There were also a couple of reimbursements for the City Clerk for the Land and Buildings Project. He then reported that the City is well under budget for this year. He asked approval to write a check to J. Thayer, the company that bought Interstate Office Supplies. They have not been sending invoices to pay but called the City Clerk that we were in arrears. D. Ray ask if she could change vendors since there have been issues in deliveries, lack of billing, and errors in deliveries. Council agreed with changing vendors. Council member Beck moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Disbursements and to write a check to J. Thayer for the emailed bills just received. Council member Griffithseconded the motion. Roll call: B. Ray, aye; Griffith, aye; Beck, aye. Motion carried.
Council Members:
- Bill Ray, Public Works: Streets and Roads:
Lake Street (Dinki Di’s): Council member B. Ray said he spent several hours with a potential buyer and concernsabout Lake Street. He asked the buyer if he had other ideas, which would be in the best interest of the City and potentially a compromise, to bring them to Council to review. The buyer wanted to eliminate the “Lake Street easement.” B. Ray said he could not commit to anything without Planning & Zoning approval and possibly City Council. The buyer then suggested litigation.
- Kiera Beck, Panhandle Area Council (PAC)
Council member Beck said shecontacted Tami Johnson from Boise,Parks and Recreation Division, via email regarding the Waterford Trail grant. She said the body of the email asked to set up a time for a phone conversation and gave her dates and times of availability but Beck said she has not heard from Ms. Johnson. Mayor Hatfield asked if they ever indicated what specifically was missing. Beck said no. That was the intention of this requested phone call.
3.Laurie Griffith, Special Projects- No report.
4.Land and Buildings: Vacant Seat - Donna Ray, City Clerk reported.
D. Ray gave each council member the City Hall Property Project final report. She then explained
each page. She made note of the Recommendations section and asked each Council member for their signature on the Thank You letter to the Sheriff’s department. D. Ray said she recommends using the Sheriff’s Community Labor Program (SCLP) again since they did such a thorough job. She said the workers cannot use chainsaws or heavy equipment, but safety goggles were suggested when using a lawn mower. The Sheriff supplied one this time but it was suggested to have one available at the City.
D. Ray’s recommendations:
.Use the SCLP all season for City property land mowing and maintenance in the future. One more
mow/clean up will be needed before the snow falls. Purchase a pair of safety goggles.
.Paint the exterior of the building and some work was needed on the siding at the back of the building near the faucet, and said Spring would be a better time for that project.
.External and interior lights on both front and rear garages need repair, replacement, or
installation in outer garage. An electrician would need to handle this. Council said to go ahead and
contact Rady Electric for a bid.
Code Administration/Enforcement & Hauser Rinse Station: Cindy Espe
.Mylars: Espe said she would talk to someone at the County P&Z.
.Springwater Veterinarian Clinic: Construction will be starting soon.
.Complaints: Espe said there have been a lot of complaints and violations needing her and Inspector Ziel’s attention. One of her letters actually worked. There was garbage in a yard and the yard was used for the bathroom. Panhandle Health was called to inspect and when they arrived, the cited messes had been removed.
.Council member B. Ray asked Cindy about the tree trimmings left on that property. Espe cited laws on such issues. Council member Griffith also explained a similar situation in her neighborhood.
Discussion followed. Attorney Appleton also commented on such issues.
.Drainage Ditch Conveyance: Espe said she had not heard back from the County. Council member Griffith asked if the City doesn’t choose to say yes to the conveyance, what is the County plan? Espe said she did not know. Council member B. Ray said this would give the City more opportunity to annex, so he is definitely for the conveyance. He asked if P&Z had input, but she had not yet contacted them about it.
ORDINANCE: Ordinance 185 – Annual 2016-2017 Appropriations
Council member Beck moved to suspend the ruling to read the Appropriations Ordinance 185 title three times and to read it once. Council member B. Ray seconded the motion. Roll call: B. Ray, aye, Griffith, aye; Beck, aye. Motion carried.
Council member Beck read the Title of Ordinance 185 into the record once. Council member Griffith moved to approve 2016-2017 Appropriations Ordinance 185 as stated. Council member B. Ray seconded the motion. Roll call: B. Ray, aye, Griffith, aye; Beck, aye. Motion carried.
Kathy Roberts: 18015 W. Lake Street, Hauser, Idaho
.The trees in the “blue house” yard have been trimmed and are a fire hazard. Council suggested she call the fire chief, Larry Sims.
.Is Lake Street an easement or a street? It is a street, and Espe said the engineering firm will have to be remark the road. Roberts said the overgrowth needs much work and asked if the SCLProgram could be called.
.Roberts said on her walk on way to the meeting, she asked a neighbor to attend. He said no, but tell them to enforce the no parking signs, or take those signs down. The “sheriff department is not doing their job so they may as well cancel their contract.” Some discussion followed.
Council member Griffithmoved to adjourn. Council member Beck seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
Donna Ray, City Clerk Claire Hatfield, Mayor
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