Middle School Principal’s ReportMary Kay Thomas
January, 2011
After-School Program (ASP) -
The After School Program’s winter session began on January 11th. The majority of the students who were involved in ASP the previous session continued on for the winter session, as well as several students who are new to the program. Students continue to benefit from homework help time. Other activities and clubs offered are Careers and Cultures Club, Movie Club, game room, bowling, gym time and supervised computer time. Registration is open for anyone with interest and forms are available in the school office.
Youth Frontiers –
Todd Mass and Kesiah Kolbow from Youth Frontiers, spent two days with our students. The 7th grade students participated with students from Tracy doing a Courage Retreat. Half of our fifth grade students participated in a Kindness Retreat with students from Murray County Central. The other half of the fifth grades retreat was postponed due to weather and has been scheduled for February 10, 2011. The Youth Frontier leaders use activities and music to teach kids about some of the challenges they face in their day to day life and how to address some of the challenges. The retreat was highlighted in the Marshall Independent. The retreat was made possible by our districts Integration Funds.
Quarter 2 Report Cards –
Qtr 2 report cards went home with students on January 11, 2011. All parents should have access through this hard copy or can access Parent Portal to get detailed information in each subject area.
AIMSWeb Testing –
All MMS students will complete their second benchmark – AIMSWeb testing – on January 12, 2011. This assessment helps us to make decisions on the needs of our students in reading – specifically strands within fluency and comprehension. Students are placed in RtI (Response to Intervention) groups based on a compilation of assessment data.
Teacher Workshop Day –
Middle School staff rotated among four areas of information for half of their January 4 teacher workshop day. The areas of instruction included:
1. Response to Intervention (RtI) by Cathy Mrla and Kelly Konietzko
2. Special Education Process by Jackie Budden
3. Crisis Intervention by Michelle Schrantz
4. Share - interventions for advisory students by Mary Kay Thomas