October 2, 2010 / Roshan’s love and light website



Breath /

I revitalize myself with every breath I take

Without breath, there is no life. Breath carries the life force. Even the plants breathe and thankfully for us since they exhale the oxygen that we inhale to live. Most people use only a third of their lung capacity which means many are living at only 30% capacity. When we are uptight, anxious or worried, we often breathe even less or may find ourselves actually holding our breath. That is why we include this breathing affirmation near the beginning of our process since breathing deeply and fully is the foundation of a healthy body and spirit. Pranayama, kundalini yoga and even the Lamaze method of natural childbirth all focus on the breath for self-empowerment and overcoming pain. Now is the time to incorporate good breathing practice into our daily life.

I sit up straight with my spine erect but relaxed. I take a deep breath, inhaling fully, holding for a moment and then exhaling slowly and completely. I feel the energy my breath brings to every cell and molecule of my being. Inhale. Hold. Exhale. Exchanging energy. Bringing in fresh, new, life giving energy. Letting go of what is old and used. My breath is bringing in the life force. I let go of what is unneeded. In and out. With each breath, I am restoring and revitalizing myself. I am completely refreshed with each breath I take. I am healthy. I am alive

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