Advisory Steering Committee Agenda
Meeting date:Weds. 12/6/17 time begin & end: 7:30 – 8:40 a.m.Library Conference Room
Meeting Objective:Meeting Objective: We will review existing Advisory procedures and policies and make change recommendations for future years.
Name, department / present () / absent() / Name, department / present () / absent ()
______, AP Instruction. / / Debora Fox, Business/CTE /
Adan Mendoza, Social Studies / / Kevin Hayward, Performing Arts /
Lisa Harder, Reading / / JohnstonTruong, Montessori /
Judie Smith, ELL / / Marisol Medina, Attendance /
Danielle Smith, English / / Lilly Hernandez, Registration /
Sarah Lawrence, Counseling / / ______, Security /
J.D. Ramirez, P.E. / / Rachelle Smouse, Math /
Erika Wimble, Library / / Matt Milmine, Science /
Juan Carlos Esquer / / Jonathan Gomez, ESS /
Eric Mitzel, CTA / / Robert Chacon, Technology /
Sharon Moler, Advisory Coord. / / Cortney Stewart, AP Registration /
Sara Matthews, AP Supprt. Svcs. / / Steve Kuipers, AP Stdt. Opportunities /
Dana Cook, Principal /
Discussion items and time allotment: Action member
Old Business item?name
1.Feedback and Grievances – 10 min.
2.Advisory Pilot: updates, pros and cons: - 20 min.
Freshmen Advisory – Ms. Enciso
AIA Advisory
Ms. Enciso not present
- (E. Mitzel) Unsuccessful so far. Some wanted out of sports, but stuck in that advisory. Reports Adrian de Alba had good comments about Freshman Advisory & that it’s going well.
- (S. Lawrence) de Alba from Central, where grade level advisory works well. When things like FAFSA go on, can address during advisory instead of pulling from classes.
- (J. Gomez) Would ESS stay with case load or go to class level?
- (E. Mitzel) Should stay with case load. Need to decide soon if we will shift to grade level advisory.
- (S. Lawrence) Could phase in class level as cohort moves up.
3.Advisory Gradebook – 15 min.
- (J. Smith) Unable to push grade book through Synergy. No changes since last year. Check pages Katie Larkin referenced in recent email. Help newer teachers or refer them to Katie. Judie has students grade themselves and gets it out of the way early. Now is the time for advisors to prompt students to get signatures for all required items.
- (K. Hayward) Items Katie referenced in Resources page on Advisory web page. Do we have universal sign-off?
- (J. Smith) Shared earlier. Judie will clean it up and align w/ pages in the agenda and send to Hayward to post on site. Allows one week for students to get documentation for grades. Unless reason to date, takes students at their word.
- (E. Mitzel) Works fine. Katie shared relevant information. Tedious but doable.
- (J.C. Esquer) Another teacher included Plan for Success and student showed 100%. Need to tell teachers that they should not criteria beyond the SHIELD.
4.Best Daily Practices, e.g. tracking kids coming to advisory for – 20 min.
tutoring, consequences for not travelling when signed out or going to a different location, guidelines for substitute tchrs.
- (M. Milmine) Use sign-in/sign-out to track attendance in event students/teachers need to go back to verify SIM.
- (J. Smith) Another teacher in science dept. has list of kids, then kids sign in next to name. Judie writes in agenda and checks attendance that way. For large groups, used class roster and highlighted those signed to come in during advisory.
- (E. Mitzel, R. Smouse) This won’t happen in math. Too many kids.
- (S. Lawrence) Holding out for swipe system.
- (J. Smith) Substitute guidelines. Include in sub plans. If you know you’re not going to be here, tell kids not to travel.
- (S. Lawrence) Many teachers don’t leave sub plans for advisory. Should have sub plan and it should be consistent across the board.
- (J. Smith) Has basic sub plan of about three sentences. Will share.
- (K Hayward) Can Kellie add to sub paperwork?
- (J. Smith) Creating standard plan for everyone.
- (R. Smouse) 9th hour won’t happen.
- (S. Lawrence) Parent meetings, close classes. Not consistent across strands.
- (E. Mitzel) Talking to advisory. It has no spine if we don’t have consequences for not earning SIM points. We need to come up with consequences and then present to administration.
- (J. Smith) Ask department members what they think would be realistic consequences for students who don’t complete SIM points.
5.Advisory page website feedback for Mr. Hayward – 5 min
- (J. Smith) Was not working a while back. Still needs to send list of committee members to post on site. Is this teacher driven?
- (K. Hayward) It feels like many teachers are not following process. No one is holding teachers accountable.
- (S. Lawrence) It’s hard when teachers/counselors tell kids to have IDs/agendas, but the security guards don’t.
- (E. Mitzel) Why should I put energy to enforcing something, if there’s no system to enforce things. If we can get $$ from admin, would we all be willing to come in for a Saturday?
- (M. Milmine) Without teacher buy-in, it’s all in vain.
- (S. Lawrence) If admin has plan, we can end factionalism. If admin owns it and passes it down, it can be successful.
- (J. Smith) Good conversation w/ no admin representation. Let’s get input from depts and share w/ admin.
- (S. Lawrence) We need to come up with systems and share with admin. Admin can/should be able to make positive changes in getting teachers to follow them.
- (J. Smith) Great content on site. Use it and refer other teachers to it.
- (K. Hayward) Getting most things from Katie.
- (S. Lawrence) Will have counseling start sharing things w/ Hayward.
- (L. Hernandez) If not P/NP, will be sent back. If K. Sweet hasnt’t opened to print, will be sent back.
6. Next meeting date/time/place:Wednesday, 1/31/2018Library Conf. Room
7. Adjournment