Media release
From the Premier and the Minister for Housing
Friday 21 February 2003
A ground-breaking scheme to renew the Wendouree West public housing estate was today launched by the Premier, Steve Bracks, and Housing Minister, Candy Broad.
Mr Bracks said through the Government’s Neighbourhood Renewal program, local residents had developed their own five-year Community Action Plan.
“The Government’s $4 million investment in Wendouree West in the next year will help to ensure the vision set out in the plan becomes a reality,” Mr Bracks said.
“The investment includes upgrading more than 70 homes, building six new public houses and delivering improvements to benefit more than 200 households.
“This community knows what it wants and the Government is pleased to support efforts being made by local residents.
“Working with residents, community groups and local government, Neighbourhood Renewal is improving the quality of life for Victoria’s public housing communities.”
Since the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy for Wendouree West was launched in April 2001, residents employed on the estate have upgraded 14 properties and are currently upgrading another 50.
Through the Strategy and the Community Jobs Program (CJP), almost 150 local people have been employed and trained.
Other Government initiatives in Wendouree West include:
· a Sensor Light Program supplying 450 households with sensor lights on their properties through the Office of Housing and Crime Prevention Victoria;
· a Display House in Wendouree West demonstrating new ways to modernise housing;
· an Intensive Tenancy Team making housing services more accessible to local residents;
· a partnership between the Sustainable Energy Authority and the Office of Housing to improve energy efficiency in 40 homes;
· turning the Jaycees Park into a modern open space;
· building a new BMX track and
· establishing an indigenous plant nursery.
Ms Broad said the Government had provided $1.2 million this financial year under the CJP to train people in a range of skills, including childcare, computer skills, building and landscaping.
“Residents involved in the CJP are not only helping themselves, they’re helping their entire community,” Ms Broad said.
Neighbourhood Renewal programs are currently also in place in the Latrobe Valley, Collingwood, Atherton Gardens in Fitzroy, East Eaglehawk and Long Gully in Bendigo, Shepparton, Maidstone, Braybrook, Corio and Norlane near Geelong.
Ms Broad said Neighbourhood Renewal had made a real difference to the lives of residents in these areas and an additional $10 million had been allocated over the next four years for its continued expansion across Victoria.
“Neighbourhood Renewal is not just about building better public housing - it’s about building communities,” Ms Broad said.
“The achievements of the Wendouree West community are a credit to the determination and the talent of everyone involved.”
Media contact: Jane Wilson 0407 831 456 or Brent Hooley 0407 138 680