DATE OF BIRTH: 22. xii. 1958
HEALTH: Excellent
PASSPORT: UK issue. No. 761074462
CONTACT ADDRESS: Koç Űniversitesi,
İnsani Bilimler ve Edebiyat Fakültesi
Arkeoloji ve Sanat Tarihi Bölümü
Rumelifeneri Yolu
34450 Sarıyer, Istanbul.
TELEPHONE: +90538 018 72 69 (mobile)
1969 – 1975Ardingly College, Sussex, England. 8 ‘O’ Levels.
1975 – 1977Exeter School, Exeter, Devonshire, England.
3 ‘A’ Levels, 2 ‘S’ Levels. Latin, Greek, Ancient History.
Open Scholarship in Literae Humaniores to BrasenoseCollege, Oxford.
1978Internship, Department of Coins and Medals, BritishMuseum.
1978 – 1982Honour School of Literae Humaniores, University of Oxford. BA (1982); MA (1985).
1978 – 1990Fellow of the Royal Numismatic Society
1990Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults.
1978 Internship: British Museum, Department of Coins and Medals
1982 – 1986Dragon School, Oxford, England. Assistant Master: Classics (Scholarship), Divinity, French, English. Resident House Tutor, Form Master.
1986 – 1990St. Edward’s School, Oxford, England. Assistant Master: Latin, Greek and Ancient History (to Oxford Scholarship level), Modern History, Divinity. House Tutor.
1990 – 1997The British Council, Cairo, Egypt: General English Teacher, Commercial English Needs Analysis, Business English, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS, Literacy Classes for Beginners in English, English-Arabic Translation.
1992CityUniversityCairo, Egypt (Affiliated to CityUniversity, Seattle, WashingtonState):Adjunct Professor, Humanities: Art History, Film Studies.
1993 -1994 Private classes in Latin and Greek for CairoUniversity students.
1993 -1998The American University in Cairo, Egypt: Adjunct Professor, History of Art (with special reference to the Ancient, Classical and Byzantine Periods).
1998 – 2004.The AmericanUniversity in Cairo, Egypt: Full Time Faculty, The Freshman Writing Program (Rhetoric), Department of Performing and Visual Arts (Art History – as above). Core Seminar Tutor and Lecturer.
2005 – 2006. Research Project, Epigraphy. Ephesus, Selçuk Turkey
2006 -Instructor, Latin and Greek. KoçUniversity, Istanbul
2010 - Instructor, Latin, Greek, Classical Arabic. Koç University, Istanbul.
Latin, Greek, French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Turkish, Anglo-Saxon. Coptic.
Literature, Fine Arts, Theatre, History, Music, Travel, Walking, Skiing, NaturalHistory.
Member of the International Advisory Board, Crisler Library and Institute, Ephesus.
Curatorial Consultant. Erimtan Vakfın Müzesi. Ankara.
Plautus Rudens: Translation for the Golliards Theatre Group. 1978
Aristophanes Thesmophoriazusae: Translation . St. Edward’s School Drama Society. 1988.
‘Wagih Abaza: Visions and Perspectives.’ Editor and Translator from Arabic. Cairo 1994
‘Movement in the Theatre as a Means of Cross Cultural Communication.’
Co author with Indji el Solh. CairoUniversity Conference on Experimental Theatre. 1995.
Review articles for the Egyptian Press 1990 – 2005
‘Gilgamesh: ‘He Who Saw the Deep’’. Public Lecture for the AmericanUniversity in Cairo.
‘The Serpent and the Ship: Late Antique Constantinople and the Rhetoric of Space.’
Paper for the AmericanUniversity in Cairo, Department of Comparative Religion
Conference: Cairo to Calcutta. Space and the Sacred. 2005.
‘Ephesus: The Stones Speak.’ Lecture for the Crisler Library in Ephesus. 2006
Graffiti and the Crisis of Conscience in Early Christian Ephesus. Lecture. Ephesus. 2006
Form and Meaning in the Ayasoluk Mosque of Isa Bey.
Crisler Library International Summer School. Selçuk 2010.
Dionysius Mythistoricus: Storytelling and History on the Bosphorus.
Paper given at conference, Istanbul and Water. Istanbul 2010.
The Sinope Bilingual Revisited. (forthcoming).
Collected poems of Orhan Veli Kanik. Translation.
Collected poems of Ahmet Arif. Translation.
Selected Greek Lyrics. Translation.
Polis. Landscapes from a Memory of Desire. Original Poetry.
Co-director. The Wizard of Oz. L. Frank Baum 1983.
Director. Henry V. William Shakespeare. 984.
Author and Director. ‘Who Stole the Tarts” 1985
Author and Director. “Jonas: A Modern Miracle” 1986
Director. ‘The Fire Raisers’ Max Fritsch. 1987
Translator and Director. “Men Beware Women” (Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusae). 1988.
Director. Attila. Giuseppe Verdi. 1989.
Author. “Octahedron” An Experimental Dance Work based on the Babylonian Creation Epic. 1995
Festival Director. “Famous For 15 Minutes New Plays Festival.” Cairo – Beirut. 1997 – 2005.
Latin, Greek and Ancient History at all Levels, including Oxford Scholarship Examination.
Classical Civilisation
French – all levels.
English Literature. GCSE and A Level
Divinity. GCSE and A Level.
Modern History - GCSE.
Art History – Ancient Art. Undergraduate
The Art of the Italian Renaissance. Undergraduate.
Introduction to Film Studies. Undergraduate.
English as a Foreign Language. All levels
TOEFL Examination Preparation.
Introduction to English-Arabic Translation.
Rhetoric and Composition. Undergraduate.
Core Curriculum Studies.
Introduction to New Testament Greek. Adult Course. Ephesus.
Latin 1 and 2. KoçUniversity. Graduate.
Greek I, 2 and 3. KoçUniversity. Graduate.
Epigraphy Seminar. KoçUniversity. Graduate.
Greek 4. Byzantine Text Seminar. Graduate.
The Celsus Library Inscriptions. Seminar for Leipzig University.
Seminar on Mediaeval Arabic Travel Literature. Koç University.
Advanced Arabic Texts – The Egyptian Short Story.
Summer Course: Graeco-Roman Byzantıum.
Advanced Latin Text seminar – Ancient and Mediaeval.
Conducted field trips to: Egypt – Luxor, Islamic and Coptic Cairo, Old Kingdom Necropoleis, Oases of the Western Desert, Sinai; Rome and the Bay of Naples – Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabiae; Ostia Antica and Tivoli; Greece – Peloponnese, Athens, Central Greece, Macedonia – Thessaloniki; Turkey – Lycia, Ionia – Epigraphic study trips to Ephesus, Claros, Priene, Miletus, Didyma, Hierapolis, Aphrodisias, Laodicea, Gerga, Alabanda, Labranda, Alinda and other sites.