Annah Kuriakose
7th Grade Math
Day 2
3rd period
June 10, 2009
Approximate time:
52 min
TSW add and subtract integers using order of operations. (DOK 2, Math 1b, 1a)
DO NOW: (4 min)
1. -5 + 28
2. 36 – (-5)
3. (-3) + (-9)
4. (-18) – 4
paper, pencil, wet erase markers, worksheet
SET: (3 min)
Have you ever played video games? You know how in some games that you play, you can find clues or hints to the answers online? Like if you have to get past a certain level, there might be a secret passageway that you can find in the game to skip to the next level. There are often tricks you can use to make whatever you’re doing a little bit easier. Today we’re going to learn some of those tricks, which you can even consider rules for adding and subtracting integers. So in the last class, Mr. Kindred talked about adding and subtracting integers. In this class we will continue with that topic, but we will actually learn some of the ways to make it easier. We’re going to learn some rules to follow to help find the answers to certain math problems.
A. Do Now (4 min)
B. Set (3 min)
C. Review the steps. PEMDAS. Remind the students that MD and AS are each a couple and you serve them from left to right. (5 min)
D. Example problems. Go over the rules for adding and subtracting positive integers.
For addition: Pos + Pos = Pos; Neg + Neg = Neg; Pos + Neg depends. Take the sign of the number with the larger absolute value and find the difference between the numbers. (9 min)
For subtraction, add the opposite, and use addition rules. Make sure you use plenty of examples. (10 min)
G. Guided Practice. Give the students a few "you try" problems. Be sure to walk around the classroom and check that they are doing the steps correctly. (9 min)
H. Independent Practice. Students will work on worksheet. The teacher will walk around the classroom informally observing the students' work. (9 min)
CLOSURE: (3 min)
So what did we learn today? Today we added and subtracted integers. What are the rules or hints we learned to help us solve these problems? Tomorrow we are going to be multiplying and dividing integers. You may continue working on the worksheet until I dismiss you.
TSW add and subtract integers using order of order of operations. (DOK 2, Math 1b, 1a) Informal:
The students will be observed as they work on their worksheet problems (M) on adding and subtracting integers using order of operations (C).
The students will complete the worksheet (M) on adding and subtracting integers using order of operations (C) in class that will be collected and graded, and their grade will be recorded in the grade book (D).