PDSA Worksheet
Team Names:___Oakland NFP______ /
PD #1: Screening protocol
Cycle #4 / Start Date: May 2, 2016 End Date: May 31, 2016 /
Objective of Cycle
_ _ Test a Change
x _ Implement a Change / Please Describe:
What do we want to accomplish?
The two NHVs will have confidence in the administration of the PHQ-9 screening tool and providing the client with the results after completing the PHQ-9 training.
How will we know a change is an improvement?
1.  Two nurse home visitor’s Leanora Gray & Sue Martinez will feel comfortable using the tool when screening a client.
2.  The nurse home visitor’s will feel confident in sharing the results with their client.
3.  What ideas do we have that will result in an improvement?
The NHVs will give feedback to the Supervisor if they have increased comfort level administering the PHQ-9 screening tool.
Tasks needed to complete test (check all that apply) / X Collect data to inform change by May 31, 2016.
 Talk with or educate staff ______
Discuss test with leadership by ______
Review test with another department by ______
Other (describe)______
PLAN (P) / Question you want answered with this test
Will the NHVs be confident in administering and providing the client the results of the
PHQ-9 screening?
Plan for this test
1)  What: ask 2 NHV’s to complete a PHQ-9 screening during a HV.
2)  Who: 2 NHV’s
3)  When: 5-2-16 to 5-31-16
4)  Where: During a HV when a PHQ-9 is used.
5)  Why: because the testing of the PHQ 9 process was successful and we want to implement it as permanent practice (policy, procedure, protocol & support materials)
Plan for collection of data (Depends on what question test aims to address)
1)  What data will be collected?
NHVs knowledge & comfort before & after completing a PHQ-9 with a client.
NHVs questions & suggested refinements to materials.
2)  How will data be collected?
Marcy will talk w the NHV’s after this cycle.
3)  When will the data be collected? May 25, 2016 or sooner if HVs are completed.
Predict what will happen as a result of this test
Prediction 1: the nurse’s will have increased knowledge and comfort using the PHQ-9 screening tool and process during a HV.
Prediction 2: the nurse’s will provide questions and feedback to further refine the process.
If your prediction is on target, what might your next test of change be?
We will adopt these training materials and put the PHQ-9 into permanent practice when screening for maternal depression.
STOP here: Teams will not be able to complete the Do-Study-Act portion until you run the test.
DO (D) / Observations
Was the test carried out as planned? Did you modify from the original plan? If so, how?
STUDY (S) / Complete analysis of the data
Did you results match your predictions?
What did your data tell you? What did you learn?
What did you learn?
___Abandon*** / Describe next PDSA cycle-.
New Questions to Answer:
Decisions made/Action to take:

*Adapt (Improve plan, continue testing.)

**Adopt (Select changes to implement on larger scale, develop implementation plan, plan for sustainability.)

***Abandon (Test something different.)