www.parbrook.org.uk / 1st Billingshurst – Parbrook Cub Scouts
Nights Away information form /
Parbrook Cub Pack
Event: / Overnight Camp / Dates: / 6 -7 December 2008
Location: / 1st Billingshurst HQ
Meeting place and time: / At the hall at 10am (or later by arrangement)
Collection place and time: / At the hall at 4pm
Cost: / £7
Transport details: / You will need to make your own way to camp
Activities: / We will be working on the astronomer badge
Further details: / See www.parbrook.org.uk/events/overnight.htm
Organiser and contact details: / Akela – e-mail
Home Contact and contact details: / Steve Stocker, phone 780443, e-mail
Please keep this section for your own information, and detach and return the section below.
Note: All activities will be run in accordance with The Scout Association’s safety Rules. No responsibility for the personal equipment/clothing and effects can be accepted by the organisers and The Scout Association does not provide automatic insurance cover in respect to such items.
Please complete and return this section to Cubs as soon as you can. We must have a completed form before camp
Cub’s name:Event: / Overnight camp at the hall: 6-7 December 2008
I enclose a the fee of £7 (unless already paid – cheques payable to “Parbrook Cub Pack”)
I have noted the arrangements above and agree to the named Cub Scout taking part.
I understand that the event Leader reserves the right to send any participants home if deemed necessary.
Emergency Contact: Name
/Home phone:
Address: / Mobile:Doctor’s name and contact details: / Details of any medications currently being taken:
Details of any disabilities, conditions, allergies, dietary needs or other requirements that may affect this event: / Details of any infectious diseases they have been in contact with in the last three weeks:
Vegetarian: No / Yes
/If it becomes necessary for the above named young person to receive medical treatment and I cannot be contacted to authorise this, I hereby give my general consent to any necessary medical treatment and authorise the Leader in charge to sign any document required by the hospital authorities.
Signed: / Date:Relationship to young person:
Please use the back of this form if more space is required.
Nights Away Kit List www.parbrook.org.uk/camping.htm
Please make sure that all your gear has your name in it
o / Uniform (sweatshirt, scarf, trousers)
Coat hanger to hang up uniform when not in use / o / Polythene bag (for dirty clothes)
o / Warm sweater, jumper or sweatshirt / o / Wellington boots, pegged together
o / T-shirt or similar (activity clothes) / o / Teddy
o / Trousers or shorts (not jeans) / o / 3 clothes pegs with your name on (for flannel/shoes)
o / Spare underclothes (one pair per day) / o / Book/cards/game for quiet periods in the tent
o / Spare socks (one pair per day) / o / Shoes/trainers – other than those you travel in
o / Nightwear, warm e.g. jogging bottoms, t-shirt / o / Tea towel/drying up cloth
o / Waterproof coat / o / Pocket money – limit £0
o / Personal wash kit and towel / o / Plate, bowl & cup
o / Hankies / o / Cardboard tube, e.g. from kitchen/toilet roll
o / Sun hat, sun cream and sun glasses / o / Astronomy presentation (See homework)
o / Torch and spare batteries / Make sure all your kit has your name in it
o / Bedding roll: containing sleeping bag and liner, foam camping mat, 2 blankets and pillow. Wrapped in a groundsheet (at least 6’ x 4’) and secured with 2-3m of cord (not string) / X / Don’t bring sweets, drinks, electronic games, mobile phones, radios, personal stereos, ipods/MP3 players, jewellery or penknives
Find out about the following subject and be prepared to tell the group about it. Your presentation need only last a couple of minutes but you should do your research before you come to camp and bring anything you need (pictures etc) with you. If you have access to the Internet then you could do worse than starting at the Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org
Note: The medical profession takes the view that the parent’s/carer’s consent to medical treatment cannot be delegated. This view is explicit in The Children’s Act 1989. Thus, medical consent forms have no legal status and a doctor or nurse insisting on the consent of a parent/carer to a particular treatment has the right to do so.
For this reason we do not recommend that Leaders insist on parents/carers signing the statement above. However, it can be a comfort to medical staff to have general consent in advance from parents/carers or to have a Leader on hand able to sign forms required by medical authorities.
Find out about the planets. Think about its position in the solar system, distance from sun, number of moons, colour and size. See if you can find out an interesting fact and bring along a picture or drawing.
· Jake Asthana – Pluto
· Michael Aurhammer - Saturn
· Sam Easter – Jupiter
· Ewan Gee – Mars
· Laurence Goward – Neptune
· Callum Rowland – Uranus
· Oliver Comerford – Earth
· Nathaniel Robson – Mercury
· Bill Walker – Venus
· Alfie Burchfield – find out about the sun. What is it made of? How hot is it?
Find out about some other space features:
· JoJo Sheehan – what is a light year? Find out how many light years it takes to get to nearby stars and planets
· Sean Aurhammer – what is a comet? Include some well known examples
· Cameron Davis – what is a meteorite? Think about shooting stars, frequency, size
· Tom Clare – what are sun spots? Think about the cycle of activity, effect of sunspots on Earth
· Matthew Comerford – what is an asteroid? Think about size, orbit, near earth objects
· Joseph Rodriguez – what is a black hole? Has anybody ever seen one? Do they really exist?
· Matt Wilson – find out about the international space station. How many people can it hold? What is it used for? How was it constructed? Can you see it from Earth? What time will it pass over on Saturday?
· Michael White – what is the difference between a star and a planet? Give examples of each. What is our nearest star?
· Lewis Dobson – what is a satellite? How does a geostationary satellite stay in position? How far is it away? See if you can find out some satellites that we might be able to see pass over on Saturday evening
Find out about space exploration. Think about the number of missions, scientific experiments, name of the programme, type of vehicle, any problems
· Lee Thornett – US missions
· James Monk – Russian missions
Note: The medical profession takes the view that the parent’s/carer’s consent to medical treatment cannot be delegated. This view is explicit in The Children’s Act 1989. Thus, medical consent forms have no legal status and a doctor or nurse insisting on the consent of a parent/carer to a particular treatment has the right to do so.
For this reason we do not recommend that Leaders insist on parents/carers signing the statement above. However, it can be a comfort to medical staff to have general consent in advance from parents/carers or to have a Leader on hand able to sign forms required by medical authorities.
Note: The medical profession takes the view that the parent’s/carer’s consent to medical treatment cannot be delegated. This view is explicit in The Children’s Act 1989. Thus, medical consent forms have no legal status and a doctor or nurse insisting on the consent of a parent/carer to a particular treatment has the right to do so.
For this reason we do not recommend that Leaders insist on parents/carers signing the statement above. However, it can be a comfort to medical staff to have general consent in advance from parents/carers or to have a Leader on hand able to sign forms required by medical authorities.