Gaston Family Health Services

Executive Committee Meeting

April 22, 2013


  1. Personnel

Personnel at Davidson Medical Ministries were discussed.

2. Funding Issues

R. Spencer informs committee he has appointment to meet with Doug Luckett on April 23. Purpose of meeting is to reassess where GFHS is with CaroMont in reference to potential future funding.

  1. Continuation of County Funding

Commissioner Philbeck informed R. Spencer that he discussed county proposal with other commissioners and they felt strongly that the county could move forward with proposal presented at the previous meeting.

  1. IredellCounty

There is a consideration of relocating the Open Door Dentistry due to utilization challenges associated with its current location. Currently ODD works with the local school system to bus in school age children for exams and create treatment orders. Parents are contacted to proceed with treatment order. Frequently, parents indicate that they are not comfortable with bringing their child back to the location (on the grounds of the homeless shelter).

  1. Facilities

2nd Avenue

  • All staff is moved into 2nd Ave. with the exception of the Call Center.

At the moment 2nd avenue internet is equipped with T-1 line. In order to accommodate the needs of the Call Center a fiber-optic Line will be installed on May 9th.

  • In the works are plaques for the monument sign.


Certificate of Occupancy has been received, equipment and furnishings

are being delivered. Looking toward the certification as an Adult Day Health Center, which will require a state inspection, which has been requested. This inspection is expected by the end of May. First patients are anticipated by the end of October.


In Development

  • BCCCP$60,000 – GFHS is one of a few private contractors that provide this service. Mostly this is done by Health Departments across the state. In Gaston County, GFHS and the HD provide this service. In Iredell County, GFHS is the only provider providing this service. State funding pays for pap smears and mammograms, which is required to be renewed every 3 years.
  • State Community Health Center Grant – we will ask for the amount of $100,000 that will continue to provide support for Dental Outreach Program.


  • NAP – Catawba grant application has been submitted. In it, we are asking for $650,000 to fund a site in Catawba County. Since last meeting, the continuing resolution for federal FY2013 that will take us to the end of the year was approved. The CR included additional funding for FQHC’s.This additional funding will hopefully provide for a small base adjustment for GFHS of around $30,000. The increase will also likely increase the number of NAP awards from 25 to 40.
  • Non-competitive renewalstill pending
  • Kate B. Reynolds $200,000 – STLC pending approval


  • United Way of Lincoln County was approved for $22,000.
  1. Executive Director’s 2013 Goals and Objectives

R. Spencer presentedapproved 2013 Goals and Objectives for review.

(See 2013 Goals and Objectives attached Executive Director’s Report for reference)

Next Meeting: WednesdayMay15that5:00 pm at 1875Remount Rd (STLC).