Be the Church 3: “Be Equipped”

Ephesians 4:11-16

the 20-80 problem:

Apostles = start and establish new kingdom works

Prophets = bring a message directly from God

Evangelists = gifted at presenting the Gospel in a way that wins converts

Shepherds = care for the church once it is established

Teachers = those effectively communicating spiritual principles

1. “Be equipped” is being made ready to serve.

effective saints vs. sideline saints –

Application to My Life:

Are you ready to be part of a transforming community that will help you find where you fit and what you have to offer?


build up = framing & fitting a building for usefulness vs. pile of rubble (v 12)

each joint in the human body serves a purpose (v 16)

2. “Be equipped” is being built up to grow.

different plants require different nurture, just like different spiritual gifts.

Application to My Life:

Do you feel “in tune” with God, or do you need a spiritual community to support you in using your spiritual gifts?


“unity ” “mature” “fullness” = deeper intimacy with God that transforms

3. “Be equipped” is becoming mature in spirit.

child tossed around by whims vs. mature & stable follower of Jesus

Application to My Life:

In what work of service do you need equipping?


Icebreaker: What are your deepest passions and strengths from a young age?

1. Why do you think so many churches struggle with 20% of the people doing 80% of the work (and 80% of the giving)?

2. Read Ephesians 4:11-12a. What is the purpose of gifted leaders in the church? Is that how you have seen the church functioning?

3. Read Ephesians 4:12b. How do you see yourself building up the body of Christ?

4. Read Ephesians 4:16. Why does the body of Christ need each part to participate? What happens if you don’t do your special calling?

5. Read Ephesians 4:13. How do you define maturity in your spiritual life?

6. Read Ephesians 4:14-15. How do the differences look in real life between being a child tossed around by life vs. spiritual maturity and stability?

7. How can your gifts and calling be equipped and developed?