ACT Discipline Policy
To assure that classes and rehearsals are conducted in an orderly fashion, allowing the experience to be most beneficial to all involved, ACT has adopted the following Discipline Policy
Warnings will be given for the following:
1)behavior that interrupts the positive nature of classes andrehearsals
2)wandering the building or playing in the bathrooms instead of being in class orrehearsal
3)disrespectful behavior to instructors or fellowparticipants
4)missing rehearsal withoutnotice
5)not listening and / or not followingdirections
First Offense: A verbal warning – given to participant
Second Offense: A written warning – parents will be notified if this is a minor
Third Offense: Parent/ArtsView Rep./Participant conference – child can be dismissed from production. No refunds given.
Please feel free at anytime to contact the director/ instructor with any problems, concerns or questions you might have.
Parents, please review the ACT discipline policy with your child. Please sign and return as soon as possible.
ParticipantSignatureParent Signature (ifapplicable)
PrintedStudentNamePrinted Parent Name (ifapplicable)
ACT Picture Release
I give full permission to have my child photographed and/or included in all publicity/media coverage.
I have read the release above.
_____ I Accept _____ I Do Not Accept
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date
ACT Liability Release
I give full permission for my child to participate in the activities at ArtsView Children’s Theatre. The parent/guardian agrees that ArtsView instructors, staff, and volunteers will not be held responsible for any accidents or losses, however caused, and agrees to release all parties involved from claim and damage that may arise, as a result of, or by reason of such loss or accident. I understand that every precaution will be taken to ensure the safety of my child.
I have read the liability release above.
______I Accept
Signature of Parent/Guardian
I, the undersigned parent or legal guardian of ______(name and birthdate of minor) do hereby authorize ArtsView Children's Theatre and its agents or representatives to consent, on my behalf, to any medical/hospital care or treatment to be rendered to him or her upon the advice of any licensed physician. I agree to be responsible for all necessary charges incurred by any hospitalization or treatment rendered pursuant to this authorization. This authorization is valid for the calendar year of the date signed.
Signature of Parent/GuardianDate
Printed Name of Parent/Guardian
This authorization is executed in connection with theatre related programs and activities of ArtsView Children's Theatre of Longview, Texas, to facilitate necessary medical treatment in the event that the child’s parents or legal guardians are not available.
Insurance Company: ______Policy #:______
Employee Name: ______Insurance Phone: ______
Physicians Name: ______Physician’s Phone: ______
Hospital Preference: ______
Known Allergies (foods, medications, etc.): ______
Medications Taken: ______
Please list any Special Needs concerning your child: ______
Emergency Contact (name and phone number): ______
Backup Emergency Contact (name and phone number): ______
ArtsView Children’s Theatre Illness Policy
For the protection of all of our participants at ArtsView, we ask that parents assist us by keeping sick children at home. In the event that a child becomes sick while at the theatre, the family will be notified and prompt pick up arrangements will be made.
(Theatre Precautions: Please note-we do maintain an up to date first aid kit and have an AED device in place. We encourage hand washing and have antibacterial gels throughout the building. Bathrooms, water fountain and door handles are cleaned regularly. We carefully sanitize all makeup and hair utensils. Costumes are cleaned, sprayed and treated-especially headwear! )
When the child may not attend: (camp, class, production rehearsal or performance)
Fever~this includes the night before/morning of camp or rehearsal~ No fever for 24 hours without taking fever reducing medication.
Rash ~ Unexplained rash ~ Consult doctor/Need a note stating your child is not contagious.
Vomiting or/and Diarrhea ~ All symptoms must be gone and no Vomiting or Diarrhea for 24 hours
Bronchitis/Pneumonia/Strep Throat ~ Must be on antibiotics and no fever for at least 24 hours without taking fever reducing medication.
Flu~no fever for at least 24 hours. (see note below)
EXPOSURE: IF ANYONE IN THE CHILD’S IMMEDIATE FAMILY HAS HAD FLU OR STREP, PARENTS ARE REQUIRED TO NOTIFY ARTSVIEW THAT THE CHILD IN THE CAMP OR REHEARSAL HAS BEEN EXPOSED TO THE FLU. The nature of the camp or rehearsal will be reviewed by ArtsView and then a decision made as to whether or not the child needs to remain at home due to exposure.
Conjunctivitis (red eyes with yellow discharge)/Pink Eye ~ Consult doctor/Need a note.Child must be on eye drops/antibiotics for 24 hours.
Head Lice ~ May return to theatre when all nits have been removed & child’s head/house is treated. Please notify ArtsView so that we can take precautions for infestation. Please know that we will handle this very discreetly.
If you have any questions concerning this policy and whether your child should attend, please call us before bringing your child. 903-236-7535
I have read the illness policy and consent.
(Parent Signature) (Date)