1920’s and Great Depression Skills Test Review Activity
1. How are Documents 1, 2 and 3 related?
2. a) To what event is the headline in Document 4 referring?
b) How does Document 4 relate to Documents 1-3?
3. a) To what does Document 5 refer?
b) What is happening?
c) Is the concept being shown a cause or effect of what is happening in
Documents 1-4? Explain.
4. What concept/trend is being illustrated in Documents 6 and 7?
5. To what historical situation/movement are the items in Documents 8 and
9 related?
6. Identify and explain at least 1 way that Documents 6 and 7 are related to
Documents 8 and 9.
7. a) Who are the people shown in Document 10?
b) What are their specific views?
c) Are these people conservative or liberal? Are they “reactionary” or
“radical”? Explain.
d) What is the connection between this group and the concepts
illustrated in Documents 1-9?
8. Document 11 (the entire page) is associated with the concepts of “traditionalism v. modernism”. Each pair of visuals (from left to right) is associated with a sub-topic that is associated with the conflict between traditionalists and modernists.
a) With what topic is the first pair of visuals associated? Which of these visuals is associated with the traditionalist point of view and which visual is associated with the modernist point of view? Explain.
b) With what topic is the second pair of visuals associated? Which of these visuals is associated with the traditionalist point of view and which visual is associated with the modernist point of view? Explain.
c) With what topic is the third pair of visuals associated? Which of these visuals is associated with the traditionalist point of view and which visual is associated with the modernist point of view? Explain.
d) With what topic is the fourth pair of visuals associated? Which of these visuals is associated with the traditionalist point of view and which visual is associated with the modernist point of view? Explain.
e) For the district assessment you will be required to explain each of these conflicts in detail. Discuss these conflicts with each other right now.
9. Below are four causes of the Great Depression. Explain all of the causes
and do so by connecting each cause to at least one of the items depicted
in Documents 12-15. Explain the nature of the connection.
Speculation Margin Buying Superficial Wealth Bank Runs (Panic)
10. Use Document 16 to match definitions to the terms “relief”, “recover”, and “reform”. You must be able to provide your own clear and complete definitions and descriptions on the skills assessment.
11. Use Document 17 to identify a program that was associated with “relief”, one that was associated with “recovery”, and one that was associated with “reform”.
12. Read the primary source in Document 17 that was provided by FDR. He is describing both an event, as well as the law that created it. What was the event being described? What was the law that created it?
13. Look at the descriptions in Document 19. Assign each of the descriptions to the appropriate column.