Personal Protective Equipment
Fisher Scientific
Personal Protective Equipment
Program 200.04
2000 Park Lane
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15275
Phone 412.490.8300 • Fax 412.490.8930
Regulatory Affairs Manual Series 200
Personal Protective Equipment Program 200.04
Table of Contents
X Mandatory Discretionary
Effective Date: July 1997 Rev. # 1 Page 3 of 6
Revision Date: August 2004
Regulatory Affairs Manual Series 200
Personal Protective Equipment Program 200.04
1 General 4
1.1 PPE 4
1.2 PPE Selection 4
1.2.1 Eye and Face Protection 4
1.2.2 Head Protection 5
1.2.3 Foot Protection 5
1.2.4 Hand Protection 5
1.3 Training 5
1.4 Procedure 6
Appendices – See Appendice Section of the Regulatory Affairs Manual
Appendix A200.04.01: Guide to Hazard Assessment
Appendix A200.04.02: Training Outline
Forms - See Forms Section of Regulatory Affairs Manual
Form F200.04.01
Form F200.04.02
Form F200.04.02
X Mandatory Discretionary
Effective Date: July 1997 Rev. # 1 Page 3 of 6
Revision Date: August 2004
Regulatory Affairs Manual Series 200
Personal Protective Equipment Program 200.04
1 General
Personal protective equipment (PPE) utilized by (your Fisher location) employees must be used and maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition in accordance with the hazard assessment conducted on their job function.
1.1 PPE
Engineering controls are the primary means of controlling hazards. Whenever a hazard cannot be fully controlled by an engineering means, PPE will be utilized for protection. However, PPE devices alone should not be relied upon to provide protection against hazards, but should be used in conjunction with engineering controls. PPE will be selected based on the results of the Hazard Assessment (Form 200.04.01). A guide is available in Appendix 1 to assist in the PPE Hazard Assessment process and recorded onto the Fisher PPE Requirement Matrix (Form 200.04.02). General PPE requirements will be communicated to employees and documented through Form 200.04.03 and Form 105.07. A suggested training outline is provided in Appendix 2. All specific PPE requirements will be communicated to employees through documented training Form 200.04.03.
1.2 PPE Selection
1.2.1 Eye and Face Protection
Employees will use appropriate eye or face protection when exposed to eye or face hazards from flying particles, molten metal, liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapors, or potentially injurious light radiation.
Employees will use eye protection that provides side protection when there is a hazard from flying objects.
Employees that wear prescription lenses while engaged in operations that involve eye hazards will wear prescription eye protection or will wear eye protection over their prescription lenses.
Employees will use equipment with filter lenses while performing tasks with the potential for injurious light radiation, i.e. welding.
Note: Eye and face protective devices must meet ANSI Z87.1-1989, American National Standard Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection.
1.2.2 Head Protection
Employees will wear protective helmets when working in areas where there is a potential for injury to the head from falling objects.
Employees will wear protective helmets designed to reduce electrical shock when working near exposed electrical conductors which could contact head.
Note: Protective helmets must meet ANSI Z89.1-1986, American National Standard for Personnel Assurance Protection-Protective Headwear for Industrial Workers-Requirements.
1.2.3 Foot Protection
Employees will wear protective footwear when working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects, objects piercing the sole, and where such employee’s feet are exposed to electrical hazards.
Note: Protective footwear must meet ANSI Z41-1991, American National Standard for Personal Protection-Protective Footwear.
1.2.4 Hand Protection
Employees will use appropriate hand protection when hands are exposed to hazards such as those from skin absorption of harmful substances; cuts or lacerations; abrasions; punctures; chemical burns; thermal burns; and harmful temperature extremes.
Selection of hand protection will be determined through the hazard assessment and outlined in the PPE requirement matrix.
1.3 Training
Each employee that is required to use PPE will be trained on the following:
· When PPE is required for their job function.
· What PPE is required for their job function and tasks performed.
· How to properly don, doff, adjust and wear the required PPE.
· The limitations of the PPE.
· The proper care, maintenance, useful life and disposal of the PPE.
Each employee must demonstrate an understanding of the above training. Employee training must be certified and documented in writing. The Fisher Scientific PPE Record of Training, Form 200.04.03, is to be used to document and certify employee specific PPE training. General PPE training will be documented through Appendices Form 200.04.03 and Form 105.07.
1.4 Procedure
1. A hazard assessment will be performed using the Hazard Assessment worksheet, Form 200.04.01, for each job function performed by facility employees to determine if hazards are present which require the use of PPE.
a. List each job function performed at the facility in the designated column of the hazard assessment worksheet.
b. Analyze each job function and record the potential hazard in the corresponding box of the hazard assessment worksheet.
c. The hazard assessment needs to be certified as to the location of workplace evaluated by the person performing the evaluation including the date of the evaluation.
2. Assign PPE to all potential hazards identified in the hazard assessment for each job function on the PPE Requirement Matrix, Form 200.04.02.
3. If necessary, note any clarifications by job function and PPE type that may limit the use of the PPE on the PPE Requirement Matrix. The clarifications must be defined on the matrix.
4. PPE identified in the PPE Requirement Matrix is to be selected as described within the PPE program.
5. The PPE requirements, as defined in the PPE Requirement Matrix, must be communicated to employees as described in the training section of the PPE program and documented utilizing Form 200.04.03.
Mandatory X Discretionary
Effective Date: July 1997 Rev. # 1 Page 6 of 6
Revision Date: August 2004