Accessing the Items List

Select Account > Search - Items from the menu.

The Inventory window will appear. Radio buttons labeled Items, Kits and Misc. Charges are used to find, edit or add these record types.


Working with inventory

1. Click on the Add button. To edit an existing item, click on the edit button.

The screen below will show:

When entering new items into the database only the Product ID, Description and item type (serial vs non-serial) fields are required.

2. Enter the Item Description (up to 100 characters)

3. Click on the appropriate check box to indicate if the item is serial or non serial.

Check the misc box if you want to prompt the user to enter a comment for item.

NOTE: Items marked as Misc. are placed on orders just like any other Item. They are not considered miscellaneous charges. When placed on an order, the Misc Item Info dialog will appear prompting you to change the description for the Quote and add a comment for the Warehouse. Additionally, the Misc checkbox located in the upper right hand of the Item Edit dialog insures that your pick list, packing slip and contract show the actual item description for your miscellaneous items. (Changing a regular item description on an order through the Account window only changes the item description within Account, not Warehouse).

This feature is useful for items that you stock, but frequently sub-rent, items that you never stock but do sub-rent, and for miscellaneous sell items that require you to specify exactly what is needed as the order is placed.

In addition, if your business uses Revenue Groups, you can make sure the item goes into the correct GL code by setting up separate records for each. For example, you may create a record titled Misc Audio that has the GL code for your audio items selected in the Revenue field.

4. Enter the Sort Priority

5. Enter the Manufacturer Name, Part No., Model and Made In.

6. From the Allow section

Uncheck actions that are not required.

7. From the Groups section

Availability group: This feature allows the user to view availability at a group level.

Exchange group: This feature is used to exchange among product ids. Exchanges among asset ids of the same product ids is called swap.

Commission group is used to create reports from which commission can be derived.

Meter groups can be set so that items can be set to require a meter reading upon rental and/or return.

Report group: this group can be used for report as well as to be a segment of a GL account

Department: this group can be used to organize a pick list, to create reports and to run physical inventory.

Attributes: this feature is used to help the user develop searches that are not based on the description

Tax Group: this group can be used to set taxes with different schedules per group.

Maintenance Group: this feature is available only if the Service and Repair module is enabled. It allows to set up maintenance schedules based on criteria such as number of rentals, meters, or particular time cycles.

Price Group: this feature is used to price items based on groups (the pricing structure needs to be set up for this to work)

Depreciation Group: this is used if depreciation is active.

8. From the Pricing information section

Enter the Retail Price

Enter the Repl. Cost

The Av. Cost is updated upon receiving more stock.

9. From the GL Account section

Enter the Rent, Sales and Sub-rental Revenue Account

10. From the Carnet section

Enter the weight (numbers only)

11. From the Pricing button:

Click on it

The pricing dialog box opens

A second, smaller Pricing dialog opens displaying your current system date and the default pricing Unit. You must enter a Date, Unit, and Price to create a new Pricing record. You may also assign the item to a Price Group.

12. From the Allowed Sites button

Click on it

If nothing is selected, then all sites can see the item; if you want certain sites to view the item only (such as your RETIRED site), then click on Add and select the site by clicking on it.

Note: Assets will NOT have their base and current site updated.

Click OK so that the site will show

Click Close to exit


Click on it

Click on Add

Enter the comment

These comments are informational only. The user can view it while searching for inventory.

14. Warnings

Click on it

Click on Add

Enter the warning

These warnings can be printed on the Pick List

15. Lost/Missing (only relevant for Quantity items)

Click on it

Type in the quantity and set the item status as needed

NOTE: the Lost and Retire status reduces the total stock. Missing/Damaged locks the corresponding quantity.

16. Receiving more stock

Click on the Receive button

Type in the Qty to Receive

Type in the cost of the item from your PO

Click on the to add stock

If the item is serial

The user will be prompted to enter the asset id (barcode)

If the item is non-serial

If the item is serial you can enter the Mfg Serial #, shelf and bin number information as well as a secondary asset number.

The Print Barcode button can be used to print highlighted assets.

Click on the Done key to finish adding stock.

NOTE: if you want to have Purchase Order information

A purchase order should be issued.

17. Use the Receiving log to view information about the date/time and quantity of items received.

18. Click on Vendor Pricing

Click on Add

Click on the ellipse to select a Vendor and/or Site

Enter the Price and other appropriate information

NOTE: when creating a purchase order for the price will be populated from the information entered here.

Click Close when done

19. Click on the History button

The Stock Change History screen will show

This screen can be used to set a quantity item from Missing/Retire/Lost or Damage back in stock. To do so, and on the row that displays the missing items, type in the number of items you want to set back IN on the Qty column. Click OK.

20. Click on the Suggest. Items button

Click on Add and tag (double click) and select items that should show up as suggestions

Click Close

21. All Sites Details

Click on it.

This feature is used to set up a Bin/Shelf location for quantity items. Serial items can have Bin/Shelf set up at the asset level.

22. Accessories

This feature is not used

23. Move Qty

This icon is used for non-serial items only.

It allows the user to move quantity from one quantity item to another.

Click on it

Enter or select with the ellipse the sku/product id for which quantity needs to be moved to.

Enter the desired quantity to move.

Click OK.

24. View Image

A JPG or a GIF file can be attached to any item. Click on the button

Click Add/Edit

Select the file and click open

Click OK when finished.

25. Click on OK when finished.

The Item Edit dialog closes, returning you to the Inventory window. The new item appears at the bottom of the item list.


Kits are specific item combinations with set pricing.

There are two types of Kits: Serial and Non-Serial.

Non-Serial Kit availability will show at the item level, not at the kit level. You can delete or exchange items on a kit, but can’t add items. Kit pricing is not automatically adjusted to reflect item changes, however you can edit the Kit price. NOTE: you can have serial items in non-serial kits. Filling requires scanning of each kit component.

Serial kit, or locked kit, availability is tracked at the kit level. A serial kit (with all its components) has a particular asset id or serial id. Filling requires scanning such serial id rather than its individual components.

Accessing the Kits List

Select Account > Search - Items from the menu.

The Inventory window will appear. Radio buttons labeled Items, Kits and Misc. Charges are used to find, edit or add these record types.


Working with kits

1. Click on the Add button. To edit an existing item, click on the edit button.

The screen below will show:

2. Enter a Kit Description.

The characters you enter here will appear as the Kit Description when placed on orders. You can also Search by Description to locate Kits.

3. Select the Serial or Non-Serial radio button.

Choose Serial if you wish to track this kit at the asset level. You will then have to scan in Assets for the Product IDs you include in your kit.

NOTE: Your selection of Serial or Non-Serial can not be edited. However, the Kit ID and Description can be changed.

4. Enter the Product IDs for all items in the Kit.

To do this, use either the Add or Items List button. NOTE: the order in which the components show on this window is the same that will display in an order.

To use the Add button you will need to have the exact Product IDs for the items you are adding:

a. Click on the Add button.

A new line appears at the top of the Product Id grid in the center of the Kits dialog.

b. Click on the Product ID field and enter the Product ID of the item you wish to add. The item information appears in the Description, Action, Type and

Qty fields.

c. Repeat this step for each item added to the kit.

Use the Items List button if you do not know the exact Item Product IDs.

a. Click on the Items List button to bring up the Item Search dialog.

b. Search for and select the applicable Items or Kits.

5. Enter additional Kit information as necessary.

If this is a Serialized Kit:

a. Click on the Assets button.

b. Click on Create and ScanIn.

c. Scan in Asset IDs for the items in your kit.

d. Click Close

e. Click OK

f. Click Close

6. Click OK to complete your Kit record.


Viewing Kit Assets

The Assets button, located on the left side of the Kits window, allows you to (1.) view the “assets” (i.e. Kit Serial IDs) for a particular Kit ID and (2.) edit or view the serialized items included in each Kit Serial ID for this Kit record. For this button to function, a Serialized kit record must be open in the Kits window.

To understand this feature, it may be helpful to think of the Kit ID as comparable to a serialized item Product ID. The Serial Kits dialog that appears when you click on the Assets button shows you the “Assets” for the Kit ID. Here, however, the Kit ID “assets” (listed in the Kit Serial ID column) are actually individual serialized kits that represent the group of item assets assigned to that Kit Serial ID.

To view or change which item assets are assigned to a particular serial kit, click on the View Items or Edit button within the Serial Kits dialog.


From the Groups section

Select an Exchange group. This feature is used to exchange among product ids. Exchanges among asset ids of the same product ids is called swap.

Select a Report group.

From the GL Account section

Enter the Revenue account

Kit Pricing

The Pricing button on the left side of the Kits window opens the Pricing window. Within the Pricing window you can add or modify the pricing for the selected kit.

From the Pricing button:

Click on it

The pricing dialog box opens

A second, smaller Pricing dialog opens displaying your current system date and the default pricing Unit. You must enter a Date, Unit, and Price to create a new Pricing record. You may also assign the item to a Price Group.



The Misc Charges section allows you to add or edit miscellaneous charge records. The Misc. Charges Edit dialog is where you enter information for non-inventory items or services you charge for, but don’t receive through your warehouse or qualify as labor. For example you might set up a miscellaneous charge for faxing, stamps or an order cancellation fee.

A Miscellaneous Charge is added similarly to an Item. Basic differences are that several fields are not applicable, and of the function buttons along the left of the Item Edit dialog, only Comments is available here.

To add a miscellaneous charge

Accessing the Items List

Select Account > Search - Items from the menu.

The Inventory window will appear. Radio buttons labeled Items, Kits and Misc. Charges are used to find, edit or add these record types.


Working with miscellaneous items

1. Click on the Add button. To edit an existing item, click on the edit button.

The screen below will show:

4. Enter a Charge Description.

The ID and Description fields are required.

5. Enter pricing information if applicable


6. Enter Groups