TheContent Management System used by The University of Scranton is Hannon Hill’sCascade Server.Designated userswill use this collection of tools to create, modify, organize and remove information from the University’s Web site.
Accessing the CMS
Log into the My.Scranton portal and then click on the CMS icon to open the workspaceknown as the Dashboard. The Dashboard provides the user with a summary of activities that require user attention. These activities would include displaying messages, current workflows, assets checked out, and additional information.
Note: The dashboard can be accessed at anytime by selecting “Home” from the main menu.
The dashboard consists of four tabs:
- Dashboard–provides quick access to outstanding items such as workflows, messages, and recently viewed assets.
- Messages – used to display system messages (workflow notifications) as well as messages from other users.
- Workflows – displays all active workflows assigned to the user.
- Locks – displays a list of assets checked out by the current user.
Displaying the “Asset Tree”
To the left of the Dashboard is the Asset Tree. Under the Base folder are your department’s folders organized by type (assets, events, images, etc.).Click the Toggle Side Bar to view the asset tree if it is not displayed.
How to change the preference to display the Asset Tree:
- Click on your username in upper right corner of the CMS window.
- Uncheck“Do not show asset tree on log in (May require deletion of browser cookies)”.
- Click Submit.
Deleting Browser Cookies
- Mozilla Firefox – Click on the menusTools | Clear Private Data, place a checkmark in the box provided for Cookies, and then click Clear Private Data Now.
- Internet Explorer – Click on the menus Tools and then Internet Options. Under the tab General, click Browsing historyDeletebutton.Press Delete Cookies and then Yes to confirm. Click close and then OK.
What are my responsibilities in the CMS?
Academic Departments are responsible for developing, editing and updating content in their
Departmental Web pages: the main department Web page and any pages beneath this page,including, but not limited to, faculty and staff, research, clubs, facilities, and events.
Editing theMain Page (3 column) or Sub Page (2 column)
When the selected page loads, the content opens in Layout view displaying a page icon in the top left corner of each region on a page. The icon represents the grouping of several items together including content, template, blocks, and more.
Editing Content
Click on the Edit tab to use Cascade's built-in word processor to update and remove existing content. This includes adding images, linking to other web pages, etc.
– The View tab opens and displays the selected page in Layout view. To preview the page before submitting and without the icon click the Preview pane on the View tab.
– To add or edit content within the current document click the Edit tab to open the editor.
- The Paste from Word icon opens a content box to paste text from a word processing application. It is very important not to copy and paste text directly from Word into the workspace. Word often retains formatting (‘, “,) that cannot be recognized or cleaned using the tools in the CMS editor.
To prevent this:
- Copy and paste the text from Word into Notepad.
- Next, copy and paste the text from Notepad into the content box or workspace.
Click the Paste from Word icon and then paste the text from Word into the content box.
Click the Insertbutton to add the text.
Quick Tip
How to add Notepad to your Start menu:
Click on the menus Start, All Programs, Accessories, and then Notepad. Right click on Notepad and choose “Pin to Start menu”.
Adding Metadata- Display Name, Title, Keywords
Each page requires adding descriptive information (metadata) to improve the indexing of pages by providing more-detailed information to search engines and for creating breadcrumbs within the website.
Metadata would include:
- Display Name– the display name is copied from the page’s title in the content editor.
- Title – the title is the textual breadcrumb trail of the page (for example - biology program = The University of Scranton: Academics: Biology Program; History department = The University of Scranton: Academics: History Department).
- Keywords – several descriptive words to improve page indexing for search engine optimization.Note: words are separated by a comma.
- Description – copy and paste the first sentence from the page.
The Save as Draft Option
Choose the Save as Draft option to save all editing changes to the current version of the asset until publishing.When all changes are completed, clickSubmitto start the workflow approval process to publish the asset.Only those users’ assigned Publishing privileges may publish.
Benefits of using thisoption:
- Users do not lose changes to an asset when viewing or editing other assets
- Edits/changes are saved in the database and not reflected in the current version of the asset.
- Submission of final draft into workflow works as usual
Adjusting Images for Web
- Dimensions:
- Main Photo: 768px (width) x 180px (height)
- “Visual Breadcrumb” (smaller version of main photo): 186 x 67px
- Staff photos: 100px (width) x 100px (height)
- All other photos: 225px width, proportional height
- Editing Tools: Photoshop, Fireworks, GIMP
- Naming convention:Keep it simple - lowercase, no spaces between two names, abbreviate when possible.
- Appropriate Image File:The accepted format is a JPEG.JPG.JPE.
Uploading Files
The most common files are images, PDF documents, text files, and videos. Files may be uploaded one at a time or using a compressed zip folder.
How to upload a single file:
- In the Home area, click onNew | Academics | Upload a File.
- On the Content pane, under Upload click Browse.
- Select your file in the File Upload window.
- On the Metadata pane, enter the desired Metadata.
- On the System pane:
System Name - Type in the name of your new file.
ParentFolder - This is where the file will be stored. It is often useful to store files in acentral or common location.
Rewritelinks - If there are links in the file, checking this will rewrite them to be workinglinks within the CMS.
Maintainabsolute links when rewriting - Check this if you need to keep absolute links in your file when rewriting.
Publish - Place a checkmark ifthe file will need to be published to the web server.
Index–Place a checkmark if the file will need to be included in dynamic navigation menus. - Click Submit to upload and save your file.
Upload Multiple Pictures by Importing a Zip Archive
A zip archive consists of multiple files or pictures that were packaged together in a folder. To create a zip archive in Windows XP, rightclick on any folder. From the side menu, choose the menus “Send To” and then “Compressed (zipped Folder)”. The file is now ready to import.
Remember: Folder file names should not consist of any spaces or underscores (_ ), with the exception of dashes ( - ).
How to import:
- In the Home area, click on the menus Tools | Import | Zip Archive
- Click Browse and then select the Zip Archive to upload.
- Choose the Folder.
- Press Submit.
Creating a Sub Page (2 column)
- In the Home area, click onNew | Academics | New page.
- On the Content pane:
Use the Cascade's built-in word processor (WYSIWYG) to add your content. - On the Metadata pane:
Enter the desired metadata.
- On the System pane:
System Name - Type in a name for your page (lowercase, no spaces between two names, abbreviate when possible).
Parent Folder - By default, this will be the current folder; however, this can be overridden by selecting a different folder in the folder chooser.
Configuration Set - Assign the appropriate Configuration Set for this page. The Configuration Set will determine what templates and targets are associated with the page and how various page regions will be populated.
Data Definition - These fields allow you to replace the WYSIWYG with a custom data definition.
Rewrite Links - Determines whether absolute links should be rewritten as relative.
Publish–This option should always be checked to guarantee that the page would be published.
Index - This option should always be checked to guarantee that the page would be included with dynamic navigation or other indexing features.
Adding Main Photo (Main Page Only)
- Create an XHTML Block (New > Academics > Block)
- Insert Image (768px x 180px image)
- System settings:
- System Name: “MainPhoto”
- Parent Folder: recommended folder, select “assets”
- Click on the main index page, and then Edit| Configuration
- Scroll to the region (heading)called “Main-Photo”
- Click the block icon under the heading tobrowse tothe block “MainPhoto” located in your department’s assets folder. Click Submit
Adding Visual Breadcrumb (Sub Page Only)
- In thedepartment assets folder locate the block named “dept-photo-thumb” If none is present; please create a new block with this name.
In the Home area, click on New | Academics | New Visual Breadcrumb. - Highlight/Select text in the block and select Insert Image (186 x 67px image)
- System settings:
- System Name: dept-photo-thumb
- Parent Folder: select desired folder, “assets” recommended
- Go to the main page, Edit|Configuration
- Scroll to region called “Z-Index Object” heading
- Click on block icon under the heading, select “dept-photo-thumb” block and click Submit
Create Folders
- Underthe Asset Tree, find and click on your department folder to establish the path (/ department folder).
- In the Home area, click on New | Academics | New Folder.
- Under the Asset Tree, find and click on your department folder to establish the path (/ department folder).
- On the System pane:
- System Name: Add a filename (Keep it simple - lowercase, no spaces between two names, abbreviate when possible)
- Metadata: Display Name, Title
Important:Every folder MUST include a page with a System Name of “index”, if it is to include a web page. UNLESS the index page is a main program page, it may be created as a new sub (2-column) page.
Metadata Notes
- Folder
- Display Name and Title are the same. Abbreviate programs where possible (i.e.: doctor of physical therapy program = DPT) Metadata: Display Name, Title, Choose Department
- Filename, Parent Folder
Creating a Program (3 column) Page
- Click onthe Program folder in the Asset Tree and then the“index”page.
Add the following:
- Content
- Metadata: Display Name, Title, Choose Department
- Filename, Parent Folder
Edit Blocks
The first editing step applies to each block listed. Find and expand your department’s asset folder under the Asset Tree.
Main Photo
- Click on the asset block “MainPhoto”, and then the tab Edit.
- Click on the image and then the Insert/edit image icon.
- Click the Browse icon, choose a new image and then click Confirm to save the change.
- Add the appropriate Alternate text in the box provided; click Update, and then Submit to save the change.
Thumb Image for z-index object
- Click on the asset block “dept-photo-thumb” (visualbread-crumb), and then the tab Edit.
- Follow the last three steps used to edit the “MainPhoto” block.
Left Navigation
- Click on the asset block “left-navigation-departmentname”, and then the tab Edit.
- In the content editor select or highlight the link that requiresediting.
- Click on the Insert/editlink icon to open Insert/editlinkdialog box.
Internal URL’s
- On the tab Internal, click the Browse icon next to the label Link.
- Choose a File or Page from the new window.
- Before clicking Confirm verifiy that the path is correct. The example “research”shows that the page is located under the folder
- Set the Target to open either in the Same Window or a New Window (new browser window). Click Update and then Submitwhen finished editing.
External URL’s
How to:
- Copy the desired URL (web address) to the Clipboard.
- On the tab External, paste the desired URL in the box labeled Link.
- Set the Target to open either in the Same Window or a New Window (new browser window).
- Click Update and then Submit when finished editing.
Contact Us
- Click on the asset block “contact-info-department name”, and then the tab Edit.
- Change the information using Cascade’s Content Editor.
Related Links
- Click on the asset block “related-links”, and then the tab Edit.
- Repeat the steps used for “Internal” and “External” linking.
Who Do I Contact for Troubleshooting?
- Contact Larry Hickernell via Project Tracking request
Maintaining News/Events Folders
Creating new month folder and index page
- Underthe Asset Tree, find and expand your department newsfolder.
- Click on the year folder (for example - 2009, 2010), and then create a new folder for the month.
- In the Home area, click on New | Academics | New Folder.
- On the System Pane:
- System Name: 07 (Keep it simple– 07 is abbreviated for the month of July)
- Add the Metadata: (Display Name & Title) filled in like previous month folders (i.e. Must add the Metadata - June 2009, July 2009)
Adding the Index page
- Copy the index page from previous month and change metadata (“News per Month” OR [Month Year (i.e. June 2009)] Articles)
- Make sure that the Custom Metadata reflects your department.
Creating a News/Event Article
- Click on the folder that you created for the new month (for example, 07, 08,)
- In the Home area, click on New | Academics | New Page.
- Under Content add the Title
- On the Metadata pane:
- Display Name
- Title
- On the System pane:
- System Name: Provide a name (for example - article, article2)
Creating afolder for an upcoming year
DO NOT enter metadata for this folder
- DO NOT create or copy an index folder