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1 / First Issue / MR / MR / RL
2 / 01.04.12 / Revision / RL / RL / RL
3 / 10.09.14 / Revision / RL / RL / RL
Table of content
Description of this HSE Manual
OHSAS 18001:1999
Responsibility for the HSE Manual
HSE policy
Engineering Consultants Norway AS main office and branch offices
Work at customers premises including offshore.
Rules, Regulations and other requirements
HSE goals
HSE programme
Implementation and Operation
HSE responsibility
Engineering Consultants Norway AS – Owners and board
Engineering Consultants Norway AS - Management
Engineering Consultants Norway AS - HSE manager
Department/Branch office leaders
All staff i Engineering Consultants Norway AS
Safety delegate in Engineering Consultants Norway AS
Training, awareness and competence
Operational control
HSE at main office
Safety committee
Fire prevention
Emergency preparedness
HSE in projects or where ECN,s personnel works at the customers premises
Security of confidential information in Engineering Consultants Norway AS
Handling of confidentional information
Control and corrective actions
Control and monitoring
Accidents, incidents, non-conformances, corrective and preventive actions
HSE registrations
Management review
Consequence of non-conformance to HSE rules.
Description of this HSE Manual
This HSE Manual contains description and references to HSE in Engineering Consultants Norway AS and satisfies the requirements of Internal Control Regulation of 1997 for HSE systems.
OHSAS 18001:1999
The work environment standard OHSAS 18001:1999 is chosen for the underlying structure of the HSE Manual.
The HSE Manual is coordinated with Engineering Consultants Norway AS's Quality System which is developed an maintainedaccording to NS-EN ISO 9001:2008.
The cooperation has the effect that whenever there are common requirements in both standards, these are united in a common procedure for the topic in question. Examples are managements review, functional descriptions, non-conformance reporting, training, internal auditing and methods for work improvements.
In exhibit 1, a matrix is showing the coordinated requirements of ISO 9001:2008/ OHSAS 18001:1999 and Internal Control Regulation of 1997.
The HSE system will be maintained according to this HSE Manual and Engineering Consultants Norway AS’s Quality system.
Responsibility for the HSE Manual
HSE manager is responsible for preparation and maintenance of HSE manual.
Top management is responsible for approval of the HSE Manual.
All staff of Engineering Consultants Norway AS is responsible for working in accordance to the HSE Manual.
HSE Manual relations to Engineering Consultants Norway AS – Quality System.
HSE policy
Engineering Consultants NorwayAS’s HSE policy is:
ECN shall be a safe and secure workplace for all employees
ECN’s employees shall contribute to the client’s HES policy and requirements being adhered to
ECN shall contribute towards looking after the external environment
Engineering Consultants Norway AS main office and branch offices
ECN have identified risk related to operational of main office and branch offices.
This risk analysis will be performed on a yearly basis and will be updated if major changes in business or organization are implemented.
Actions will be taken to reduce risk to a tolerable level.
Work at customers premises including offshore.
When personnel are working at our customers premises or on work offshore ECN,s personnel will be included in our customers HSE system and responsibility.
It is the duty to ECN’s personnel to take part in our customers HSE requirement, training and other relations that are important to a safe and healthy work, including requirement for use of safety equipment.
Rules, Regulations and other requirements
To maintain an overview of rules and regulations from both relevant organizations and authorities – and to adhere by them, an updated list is made (and maintained) in the Quality system.
It is a task to ensure that all activities are in accordance to current rules and regulations which are relevant to each area of responsibility.
HSE goals
Engineering Consultants NorwayAS has developed target goals on a yearly basis that are valid throughout the entire company and for project work.
The top level HSE goals are broken down to goals for each branch office. Branch managers report deviations to the goals in their periodic reporting to the top management.
HSE programme
The HSE program consists of activities that are incorporated in Engineering Consultants NorwayAS’s improvementprogram.
It is a management responsibility to plan and set up sufficient number of activities to be able to reach the HSE goals.
Implementation and Operation
HSE responsibility
The HSE responsibility in any Norwegian company is stated in the law “Norwegian law”.
The overall responsibility for HSE is the ”employer” – i.e. company management and board.
The law also puts certain responsibilities t\on the employee – i.e. all staff of Engineering Consultants Norway AS.
It is Engineering Consultants NorwayAS’s management’s task to ensure that the HSE responsibility is clearly defined within the organisation.
The following HSE responsibilities are incorporated into Engineering Consultants NorwayAS’s organisation:
Engineering Consultants Norway AS– Owners and board
Responsibility to ensure that:
- Requirements in the Norwegian regulation regarding HSE is followed throughout the organization.
- Policies and goals regarding HSE are established.
Engineering Consultants Norway AS - Management
Responsibility to ensure that:
- An HSE system is established and followed in the company including all relevant functions and activities.
Engineering Consultants Norway AS - HSE manager
Responsibility to ensure that:
- To establish, maintain and implementation of an HSE system that encompass all activities in Engineering Consultants NorwayAS’s business areas and which conforms to “Internal Control Regulation of1997” and other relevant governmental requirements.
Department/Branch office leaders
Responsibility to ensure that:
- The department, activities and projects are performed in accordance to company’s HSE system. If needed, departmental adjustments to the HSE system can bemade.
All staff i Engineering Consultants Norway AS
Responsibilities :
- Work according to HSE policy and HSE system.
- Report unwanted/dangerous situations.
- Always be safety conscious
Safety delegate in Engineering Consultants Norway AS
The safety delegate is an independent function within the company and is elected by the employees.
In the Norwegian law ”Norwegian law” § 25 the responsibilities of the safety delegate is described.
As mentioned previously, all staff in Engineering Consultants Norway AS is responsible for HSE, but the scope is varied according to the position of each individual.
Training, awareness and competence
All staff shall have the competence needed to perform tasks and activities in Engineering Consultants Norway AS.
In this context, competence shall mean necessary education, training and/or experience.
Competence development is defined in a separate procedure and is a continuous process of which personal yearly assessment is included.
Competence development plans shall be established and training shall be directed towards predefined areas where increased competence is needed.
In projects there may be special needs for training in HSE. This shall be identified in project HSE plans and project risk analysis and need for training will be a project internal task.
A safety course and a safety leaflet has been developed which is compulsory for all staff and consultants.
Communication i Engineering Consultants NorwayAS consists of :
Web site
Internal Management, departmental and information meetings
Separate Quality/HSE meetings
Training and competence development program
Personal Assessment meetings
Communication with authorities ( committee board, SFT, etc.)
The communication tasks shall ensure adequate internal and external communications in Engineering Consultants Norway AS.
This HSE manual and related procedures included in the Quality system represents the total HSE system in Engineering Consultants Norway AS.
HSE manual is prepared, approved, distributed and maintained according to relevant procedure for document control.
Operational control
The HSE function in Engineering Consultants Norway AS may be divided into two areas :
- HSE at main office
- HSE in projects:
- Project planning
- Project execution
- Production
- Service
HSE at main office
Project planning and other project functions are performed at the main office. HSE requirements related to these activities are incorporated in the relevant procedures.
As an example: Safety related to products and personnel shall be incorporated into the product design solutions.
Subcontractors and suppliers must conform to the HSE requirements of current legislation.
Safety committee
Norwegian law ( AML § 25 ) states that a safety delegate shall be elected who will perform the task as described in the mentioned legislation. The safety delegate is elected by the employees.
The safety delegate shall receive training and competence to perform the tasks which lies under the responsibilities of this function.
A system for periodic health examination of employees is established in the company.
Fire prevention
It is the owner of the office(s) who is responsible that fire prevention actions are performed.
Passiv fire prevention includes:
- Fire evacuation call system
Active fire prevention includes:
- Hand operated fire extinguishers
The office landlord has placed an evacuation plan in a strategic place in the building.
All staff shall make themselves informed of fire prevention and evacuation plans.
Office landlord is responsible for carry out fire evacuation drills.
Emergency preparedness
There has been prepared plans which shall be used in case of emergencies. Such plans include emergency communication/information to main office, service and project work.
HSE in projects or where ECN,s personnel works at the customers premises
In all projects it shall be secured that HSE is maintained. In smaller projects, HSE may be secured by the methods and procedures already maintained at the main office.
Periodic safety meetings shall be held within the projects.
In larger projects or whenever a special need is discovered, a project specific HSE plan shall be made and implemented. Normally the above HSE requirements are the customers responsibility, but attention shall be taken form ECN,s management and personnel to follow up that the above is followed.
Safety includes both:
- Personal safety is part of all activities in Engineering Consultants Norway AS in order to ensure performance of safe working. Personal safety is of particular interest during project execution.
- Risk analysis will be performed whenver needed. A separate procedure has been prepared for personal protection equipment (PPE).
- Company safety includes actions to secure confidential information.
Security of confidential information in Engineering Consultants Norway AS
It is important that confidential documentation and information within Engineering Consultants NorwayAS is not leaking to the outside world. Such information may be critical to Engineering Consultants NorwayAS’s products and competitiveness.
In addition, confidential information from subcontractors must be handled likewise.
Lockable archives shall be used to ensure correct storage of contracts and price information which are not allowed to be copied or used without the approval from management.
Handling of confidentional information
In Engineering Consultants Norway ASthere will often be information which must be kept internal. It is therefore important that all staff (and consultants!) is keeping to this rule and maintains a conscious attitude/culture towards this.
This includes both information about the company, employees and information in connection with projects.
Discussions about internal matters shall never occur in places where outsiders is listening – e.g. on airplanes, trains, in hotel common areas during seminars etc.
Remember also that usage of mobile phones should be restricted. Everyone around you will hear and often understand what you are discussing even though they can only hear one your part of the conversation.
In projects where specific requirements are made to handling of confidential information, additional/special routines shall be made to secure confidentiality.
Control and corrective actions
Control and monitoring
Engineering Consultants NorwayAS is monitoring the measurements of HSE as part of the periodic reports in the company.
The measurements are linked to the HSE program and HSE goals which are defined by the management and broken down into various departmental level goals.
The HSE measurements are evaluated in the management review.
Accidents, incidents, non-conformances, corrective and preventive actions
Engineering Consultants NorwayAS has establised emergency preparedness plans which shall take care of communications and actions in the event of incidents and accidents.
Emergency preparedness includes both main office and project work. Projects shall use Engineering Consultants NorwayAS’s emergency plans in cooperation with applicable subcontractors plans.
Reporting of dangerous situations, near misses and accidents is coordinated in the main procedures.
HSE registrations
Registrations includes documentation of incidents connected to Health and Safety at main office and within projects.
Registrations are implemented as a requirement in the procedure for non-conformances and audit activities.
HSE registrations includes:
Lost time statistics due to illness or accidents
Report of incidents and accidents
Audit reports
Reports from spot checks or safety rounds
Work environment analysis
Audit of the HSE system is performed and reported according to main procedures.
HSE-audit is part of Engineering Consultants Norway AS’s audit plan, but is normally cooperated with internal and external audits.
Management review
The management review for HSE related information is coordinated with the management review for quality.
Management review includes:
Goal achievements regarding main HSE issues
Incidents and accidents
Audit reports
Reports from 3rd party audits (e.g. certification or governmental body)
Evaluation reports from projects (HSE status)
Consequence of non-conformance to HSE rules.
It is laid down in the Norwegian legislation that non-conformance to Norwegian lawmay lead to a reaction from authorities such as fines.
It should be obvious that failure to report potentially dangerous situations or highly risky work methods may lead to injury or accidents. The person affected can be yourself or a work colleague.
The mentioning of fines and other types of reaction from the authorities is made in order to be informed. It is hoped that Engineering Consultants Norway AS never will be in this position.
In ”Norwegian law” it is mentioned that it will have consequences to behave deliberate or unnecessary in breaking the legislation ( ref. AML § 85) .
It is important to be aware that everyone has a responsibility to avoid behaviors which can cause accidents or injury. Such behaviors will not only cause Engineering Consultants NorwayAS to reach but may also include reaction from the authorities.
Engineering Consultants NorwayAS encourages all employees to act in accordance to HSE procedures every day in all work situations.
Crossrefernce ISO 9001/OHSAS 18001/Internal Control Regulations andEngineering Consultants Norway AS HES Guide/Quality system
OHSAS 18001:1999 / ISO 9001:2008 / Internal Control Regulation 1997 / HES Manual/Procedures ISO 9001
4.1 General Requirements / 4.1 General Requirements / §1 Objective / HMS gudien
4.2 HSEPolicy / 5.3 Quality Policy / §5.4 ”to establish an objective for health, environment and safety ” / Management i Engineering Consultants NorwayAS
4.3 Planning / 5.4 Planning
4.3.1 Planning of hazard identification, risk-assessment and risk-control / 5.2 Client Focus / §5.6 ”to identify hazards and other problems for later to assess risk ” / KP-02-04
Template.HES plan
4.3.2 Rules and other requirements / 7.2.1 Product-related requirement decisions / § 5.1 ”..the availability and supervision of rules
and other requirements ” / Engineering Consultants Norway ASISO 9001
Laws and regulations
4.3.3 Objective / 5.4.1 Quality Objective / § 5.4 ” to establish an objective for health, environment and safety ” / Engineering Consultants Norway AS ISO 9001
Quality Manual
HSE Manual
4.4 Implementation andconducting / 7 Realization Of TheProduct
4.4.1 Structure andResponsibility / 5 Management
Responsibility / § 4 Obliged to have an internal audit
§5.4 ” to have supervision over the company organization....” / Engineering Consultants Norway AS ISO 9001
Quality Manual
4.4.2 Training, Awareness and Competence / 6.2.2 Training, Awareness and Competence / §5.2 ” to make sure that the employee has the sufficient expertise..” / Engineering Consultants Norway ASISO 9001
KP- 18-01 Competance and Training
4.4.3 Consultation and communication / 5.5.3 Internalcommunication / § 5.3 ..” to make sure that the employee contributes” / HSE Manual
Engineering Consultants Norway ASISO 9001
4.4.4 Documentation / 4.2 Requirements for documentation / § 5 Requirements for documentation / Engineering Consultants Norway AS
ISO 9001 Quality System
4.4.5 Documents and data security / 4.2.3 Control Of Quality Records / Engineering Consultants Norway ASISO 9001
KP-16-01 Registrations
4.4.6 OperationalControl / 7 Realization of theproduct / § 6 Resource Management / HSE Manual
4.4.7 Readiness / 8.3 Supervision of products with derogation / §5.6 ” to develop accompanying plans and actions to reduce risks ” / HSE Manual
4.5 Controls og Corrective Actions / 8 Measurements , AnalysisAndImprovement
4.5.1 Effect measuringand monitoring / 8.2 Monitoringandmeasuring / Engineering Consultants Norway AS
ISO 9001
4.5.2 Accidents, Events, Deviations , Corrective And Preventive Actions / 8.3 Supervision of products with derogation
8.5.2 Corrective Action 8.5.3 Preventive Action / §5.7 ”to implement routines for unveiling, correcting and preventing violations of the requirements ..” / Engineering Consultants Norway ASISO 9001
KP 13-01 Procedure for None-conformance
4.5.3 Registration and control of quality records / 4.2.4 Control of Quality records / HSE Manual
KP 16-01 Registrations
4.5.4 Revision / 8.2.2 Internal Audit / §5.8 ” to undertake a systematic monitoring and walkthrough of..” / Engineering Consultants Norway ASISO 9001
KP 17-01 Auditing
4.6 Management review / 5.6 Management review / Engineering Consultants Norway ASISO 9001
KP 01-03 Management review
Norwegian law
Internal Control Regulation av 1997
OHSAS 18001:1999 Occupational Health and Safety Standard
NS-EN ISO 9001:2008 Standard for Quality Control
Engineering Consultants Norway ASQuality System
Revision history
Revision / Description / Comments1 / First edition / Translated to English
2 / Revision / No significant changes
3 / Revision / Changes in page 4 -HSE Manual relations to Engineering Consultants Norway AS – Quality System.
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