May 13, 2013 7:00 p.m.
APCS Falcon’s Nest
- Call to order / Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Jess Sweere at 7:00p.m.
Board members in attendance were Mr. Jess Sweere, Mrs. Adria Conklin, Mr. Luke Ribich, Mrs. Karla Gates, Mr. Keith Robinson, Lt. John Breckon, Dr. Don Henderson, and Mr. Will Crawford.
- Board Election
- Announcement of Election Process Voting Quorum Recognition (40% of Registered Voters having already voted or present to vote).
Mrs. Laura Arrington, Election Committee Chair announced that 64.7% of registered voters had voted.
- Candidate Statements
No statements given.
- Voting – Vote Tabulation
All votes were cast electronically, thus there were no paper ballots to count.
- Election Results Announcement
Top three candidates with the most votes will be seated on the board are as follows:
Mr. Jess Sweere
Mr. Russ Galbraith
Mrs. Chris Patton
- Seating of New Board Members
Mr. Jess Sweere-3 year term*
Mr. Russ Galbraith- 3 year term*
Mrs. Chris Patton- 1 year term*
Lt. John Breckon relinquished his position as a board trustee.
*A drawing was made to determine which of those elected would have a three year term or a one year term. The one year term was due to the resignation of Dr. Melanie Conway.
- Election of Board Officers
- Chair
Mr. Ribich motioned to nominate Mr. Sweere as Chair, Mr. Crawford seconded the motion. The motion to re-elect Mr. Sweere passed.
- Vice Chair
Mrs. Gates motioned to nominate Dr. Henderson as Vice Chair, Mr. Ribich seconded the motion. Mr. Robinson motioned to cease nominations for Vice Chair, Mrs. Gates seconded the motion. The motion for the nominations to cease passed. The motion to re-elect Dr. Henderson as Vice Chair passed.
- Treasurer
Mr. Crawford motioned to nominate Mr. Ribich as Treasurer, Mrs. Gates seconded the motion. Mr. Robinson motioned to cease nominations, Dr. Henderson seconded the motion. The motion to cease nominations passed. The motion to re-elect Mr. Ribich as Treasurer passed.
- Secretary
Mr. Ribich motioned to nominate Mr. Robinson as Secretary. The motion was not seconded. Mr. Robinson motioned to nominate Mrs.Patton as Secretary, Dr. Henderson seconded the motion. Dr. Henderson motioned to cease nominations, Mrs. Gates seconded the motion. The motion to cease nominations carried. The motion to elect Mr. Robinson as Secretary did not pass. The motion to elect Mrs. Patton as Secretary
- Determination of Membership Quorum (50% of total Membership must be present)
Membership quorumwas not present.
- Public Comments
Mrs. Karla Gates, Board Trustee made a comment that she was pleased with the number of candidates that ran for election. She encouraged those that ran but were not elected to seek other aspects of the school for volunteer opportunities.
- Membership Action Items (Motions from the Floor)
No actions.
- Adjournment
Dr. Henderson motioned to adjourn. Mr. Ribich seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.