Zama Community Spouses’ Association
Section 1-1. Adoption. These Bylaws are adopted, amended, or changed in accordance with Article III of the Constitution.
Section 2-1. General. To ensure ZaCSA’s objectives are satisfied, and the proper direction is maintained, an Executive Committee consisting ofa President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the general membership in accordance with Article VI of the Constitution.
Section 2-1-1. All Executive Committee members shall be elected by the ZaCSA membership and serve from June 1 through May 31, which will constitute the official Executive Committee year.
Section 2-1-2. Records of all Executive Committee positions will be maintained for four years. After thorough review by the Executive Committee member who holds that positionand the President, records may by discarded.
Section 2-1-3. All members shall compile and maintain on a monthly basis, a list of all volunteer hours they have contributed, and provide this information to the Vice President at each ZaCSABoard Meeting. Alternatively, members may independently enter their volunteer hours into the Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS) through the Army OneSource website.
The Vice President is responsible for documenting all ZaCSA-member volunteer hours.
Section 2-1-4. At theyear-endZaCSABoard Meeting, all Executive Committee Members and Committee Chairs shall submit an After-Action Report (AAR). The AAR should detail all of their activitiesand responsibilities during their term, as well as any recommended changes.
Section 2-1-5. All Executive CommitteeMembersof ZaCSA shall serve as volunteers, without monetary compensation.
Section 2-1-6. All work products, such as AARs, Scholarship and Community Grants, Ballots and related materials will be submitted to the Secretary.
Section 2-2. President.
Section 2-2-1. The President shall vote only to break a tie. The President shall appoint the Parliamentarian and the Chairs of all committees, and shall have the authority to relieve any committee chair not acting in the best interest of ZaCSA. The President should attend the first meeting of each committee and give the committee charge. The charge provides the guidance andexpectations of the committee. The President shall be ex-officio for all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Section 2-2-2. The President shall enforce the Constitution and Bylaws of ZaCSA; shall represent ZaCSA in connection with other activities or organizations, or may appoint another member of the ZaCSABoard to fulfill these duties.
Section 2-2-3. The President shall be responsible for purchasing nominally priced end-of-year ZaCSABoard appreciation gifts.
Section 2-3. Vice President.
Section 2-3-1. The Vice President shall serve as a representative to Camp Zama community meetings as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.
Section 2-3-2. The Vice President shall hold a permanent, voting position on the ZaCSA Board, Budget and Constitutional Review Committees. The Vice President shall perform other duties as may be prescribed by the general membership or the President.
Section 2-3-3. The Vice President is responsible for collecting, at each ZaCSABoard meeting, volunteer data and providing this data to the appropriate USAG-J office so that all ZaCSA volunteers are submitted for the annual Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony.
Section 2-4. Secretary.
Section 2-4-1. The Secretary shall maintain a list of all ZaCSABoard membersand their contact information, and shall make copies of this list and all minutes available to ZaCSABoard members.
Section 2-4-2. In the temporary absence of the President and Vice President, the Secretary shall have the authority to conduct business meetings.
Section 2-4-3. The Secretary shall hold a permanent, voting position on the ZaCSABoard, Budget and the Constitutional Review Committees.
Section 2-4-4. The Secretary shall maintain all original records of equipment purchases and/or service contracts. Also all work products, such as AARs, Scholarship and Community Grants, Ballots and related materials will be submitted to the Secretary.
Section 2-5. Treasurer.
Section 2-5-1. The Treasurer shall be custodian of all funds of ZaCSA.
Section 2-5-2. The Treasurer shall ensure the President, Vice President, Treasurer, East Meets West Manager and East Meets West Purchaser are properly and adequately bonded.
Section 2-5-3. At the year-end ZaCSA Board Meeting, the Treasurer shall present a written report of the receipts and disbursements for the ZaCSA year-to-date. At the first meeting of the new ZaCSA Board year, the Treasurer will present the year-end Treasurer’s Report.
Section 2-5-4. The Treasurer shall hold a permanent voting position on the ZaCSABoard and the Constitutional Review Committee. The Treasurer will chair the Budget Committee, and present the proposed annual budget to the ZaCSABoard for approval.
Section 3-1. Honorary President and Advisor(s).
Section 3-1-1.The Honorary President position shall be offered to the Camp Zama Commanding General’s spouse. The President, shall appoint a designee during the current ZaCSABoard year, in the event that the General’sspouse is unavailable to serve in this capacity. The Honorary President serves on the ZaCSABoard in an advisory, non-voting capacity and may choose to hold or appoint a member on their behalf topositions on the Executive Committee, the Budget Committee, the Constitutional Review Committee, and the Nominating Committee.
Section 3-1-2. Advisor positionsshall be appointed by the Honorary President.The Advisor will serve on the ZaCSABoard in an advisory, non-voting capacity and shall act as an arbitrator in any disputes among the members of the ZaCSABoard.
Section 3-2. Parliamentarian.
Section 3-2-1. The Parliamentarian shall serve as a permanent non-voting member of the ZaCSABoard, and supervises all voting procedures in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, and prescribed rules of order as outlined in Bylaws, Article IV.
Section 3-2-2. The Parliamentarian chairs the Nominating Committee, writes the Ballot submitted to the General Membership by the Nominating Committee, counts the votes at general elections, and conducts electronic votes as requested by the ZaCSA Board.
Section 3-2-3. The Parliamentarian shall be responsible for all arrangements for the installation ceremony.
Section 3-2-4. The Parliamentarian chairs the Constitutional Review Committee. The Parliamentarian ensures that every member has a current copy of the Constitution and Bylaws at the beginning of the ZaCSABoard year and following any changes.
Section 3-2-5. The Parliamentarian shall have a permanent non-voting position on the ZaCSA Board and the Budget Committee.
Section 3-2-6. The Parliamentarian shall ensure that file copies of all previously approved Constitutions and Bylaws are retained.
Section 4-1. Responsibilities. Each chair shall be appointed by the President to head a committee and approved by the Executive Committee. Each Committee Chair shall be responsible for, but not limited to the following responsibilities:
Section 4-1-1. Each Chair shall select members for their committee as necessary to fulfill the function of the committee; ensure that all the functions of the committee are fulfilled; assist committee members as necessary; keep the Executive Committee informed of committee activities; attend all ZaCSA Board Meetings, or designate an alternate to attend and carry the Committee’s vote byproxy in the Chair’s absence.Reference Section 5-2 Proxy Voting.
Section 4-1-2.Each Chair shall submit their annual budget request to the Treasurer, prior to the date chosen by the Treasurer for an Annual Budget planning meeting. An Annual Budget must be approved by a majority vote of the ZaCSABoard.
Section 4-1-3. Each Chair shall submit, prior to the year-endZaCSABoard Meeting, an After-Action Report (AAR) detailing all of their activities and responsibilities during their term, as well as any recommended changes.Copies should be given to the President, Secretary, and retained in the Chair's Committee Binder.
Section 4-1-4. The Chair of any committee that conducts fund-raising activities shall be responsible for ensuring that a separate, detailed AAR for each fund-raising event is provided to the ZaCSA Board. Additionally, the Chair shall provide the Secretary any such reports required by the appropriate USAG-J office and the Secretary will ensurethey are submitted within the prescribed time limits.
Section 4-1-5. Records of all committees shall be maintained for four years, and only after thorough review by the Chair and the President may be discarded.
Section 4-1-6. All Committee Chairs shall support the ZaCSABoard voluntarily, without monetary compensation.
Section 4-2. Standing Committees. Standing Committees shall be added, deleted, or combined as the Executive Committee deems necessary.ZaCSA will normally have the following Standing Committees.
Section 4-2-1. Hospitality. This Committee shall sponsor, anZaCSABoard-hosted Newcomers’ Welcome function for all new members prior to the first General Membership Meeting. Hospitality shall purchase small gifts to be given to all new members at the Super Sign-up, or the Newcomer’s Welcome function. This Chair or a committee member shall also attend Newcomer’s Orientation sponsored by the Garrison.
Section 4-2-2. Membership. The Chair of this Committee shall have a permanent voting position on the Nominating. The Committee will perform the following duties: greet members andprovide membership opportunities at all General Membership meetings, ensure membership dues are collected and turned over to the Treasurer; maintain an up-to-date membership file, provide amembership directory, with contact information, no later than the November General Membership Meeting, and is responsible for thepurchase, maintenance, and distribution of name tags. The Chair of this Committee shall coordinate with the Program Chair to orchestrate the annual Super Sign-up.
Section 4-2-3.Japanese Cultural Events. The Chair of this Committee shall arrange and coordinate programs and activities with the Japanese People-to-People Groups in accordance with all pertinent USAG-J policies. The current Executive Committee shall approve proposed activities annually.
Section 4-2-4.Media and Publicity. The Chair of this Committee shall arrange for the timely publication of ZaCSA's monthly newsletter, Wind Chimes, advance notices of meetings, luncheons, special events, fund-raising activities, and other ZaCSA programs. The Committee makes arrangements for news coverage of ZaCSA’s activities with local, outside media, and social media.
Section 4-2-5. Historian. The Chair of this committee shall be responsible for thedigital record of events to be given to the Secretary, and organizing three memory books of the year’s activities. The books are distributed as follows: one is presented to the out-going President, one is presented to the Honorary President, and one is to be kept in the ZaCSA archives. Date of completion for these books and digital records is to be no later than May 31st, since ZaCSA’s Executive Board year runs June 1- May 31.
Section 4-2-6. Community Events and Fundraising.The Chair shall ensure that allcommunity events and fund-raising activities, including but not limited to the Annual ZaCSA Auction and bake sales, will be conducted in accordance with USAG-J policies for external fund-raising.The Chair will estimate supplies needed for fund-raising events, purchase the necessary quantities, and arrange for the supplies to be at the fund-raising site as needed.
Section 4-2-7. Community Grants.The Chair shall lead and form this committee which shall consist of not less than three members in good standing. The President and Treasurer shall attend the first Committee meeting and provide committee charge. The Honorary President or Advisor will participate in this committee. The Chair of this committee shall publicize the availability of ZaCSA Community Grants to the appropriate community agencies and activities. The ZaCSA Board shall determine the total monies allocated for Community Grants. The Committee shall research all grantrequests, advise the ZaCSABoard on recommended disbursement actions, and coordinate with the Treasurer for disbursement of funds. The ZaCSA Board will have final approval.
Section 4-2-8. Membership Events. The Chair shall lead and form this Committee to manage all General Membership meetings including arrangements for:anactivity or program, the facility and caterer, verifying with facility and caterer number of attendees, centerpieces, door prizes, and presenter thank you gifts as necessary. The Chair of this Committee shall serve as a liaison for any dual or multi-service function. The Chair of this Committee shall coordinate with the Membership Chair to orchestrate the annual Super Sign-up.
Section 4-2-9. Scholarships. The Chair shall lead and form this Committee which shall consist of not less than three additional members in good standing. The President and Treasurer will attend the first committee meeting and provide committee charge. The Honorary President or Advisor will participate in this committee. The Chair of this committee shall publicize the availability of scholarship funds to the appropriate community agencies and activities. The ZaCSABoard shall determine the total monies allocated for scholarship disbursement. The Committee shall determine the numbers and amounts of the scholarships, and provide recommendations to the ZaCSA Board. The ZaCSABoard will have final approval.
Section 4-2-10. East Meets West Manager. The Manager shall be responsible for the management of the East Meets West Gift Shop, which shall be run in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure, as approved by the ZaCSA Board; as well as AR 210-22 and Joint Ethics Regulation 5500.7-R.
Section 4-2-11. East Meets West Purchaser. The Purchaser shall be responsible for the purchasing and pricing of items. The Purchaser shall create an inventory list of items purchased for resale and maintain a detailed Purchasing Receipt log to be submitted to the Treasurer monthly. The Purchaser may form a committee as needed to assist with purchases.
Section 4-3. Special Committees. The following Committees are internal to the ZaCSABoard. They meet as prescribed in the Constitution and Bylaws, or when convened at the direction of the Honorary President or the President.
Section 4-3-1. Transition Committee. Either the President or Honorary President may chair this committee. Members of this committee shall include the elected Executive Committee, the out-going Executive Committee, Honorary President, and Parliamentarian. The purpose of this committee is to ensure a transition for the ZaCSA organization. It may be necessary for this committee to meet following the annual installation of the Executive Committee, but prior to the official start of the Executive Committee year.
Section 4-3-2. Budget Committee. The Chair of this Committee shall be the Treasurer. Members of this Committee shall be Honorary President (reference Section 3-1-1.), President, Vice President, Secretary, and Parliamentarian. This Committee shall be responsible for developing an annual budget including the distribution of income to administrative expenses and grant/scholarship funds. This budget shall be approved by the ZaCSABoard. Changes to this budget must be approved by the ZaCSABoard.
Section 4-3-3. Constitutional Review Committee. The Chair of this Committee shall be the Parliamentarian. Members of this Committee shall be the Honorary President (reference Section 3-1-1.), Advisor, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one member-at-large. This Committee shall conduct a Constitution and Bylaws review in any year ZaCSA is scheduled for re-chartering. Additionally, the President or Honorary President may convene this committee as deemed necessary.
Section 4-3-4. Nominating Committee. The Chair of this Committee shall be the Parliamentarian. The Honorary President (reference Section 3-1-1.), and Advisor shall have a permanent place on this Committee. To the extent possible, members of this Committee shall be representative of the Zama Community. The Membership Chair shall also be a member of this Committee. This Committee shall be formed in January, and is responsible for preparing a Slate of Nominees for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, which shall be presented at a General Membership meeting.
Section 4-4. Auxiliary Committees. Auxiliary Committees are formed for special purposes that do not encompass a complete ZaCSA year. Auxiliary Committees include but are not limited to: ZaCSA Auction, Tri Service Luncheon, and Thank You Luncheon committees. The Auxiliary Committee Chairs have the same responsibilities listed in Section 4-1. Auxiliary Chairs do not have voting privileges on the ZaCSABoard.
Section 5-1. General. The ZaCSA Board will consist of the Executive Committee, Appointed ZaCSA Board Members, and Standing Committee Chairs. ZaCSA Board meetings will be held the first Wednesday of each month. Advisors, Honorary President, and Parliamentarian are non-voting members (Article III).
Section 5-1-1. Standing Committees. Standing Committees shall be added, deleted, or combined as the Executive Committee deems necessary.
Section 5-1-2. Each Standing Committee Chairwill have one permanent voting position on the ZaCSA Board.
Section 6-1. Rules. All ZaCSABoard and Special meetings will be held in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order and the following prescribed order of conduct.
Section 6-1-1. The President is the presiding Executive Committee Member. Members will address all statements to her directly.
Section 6-1-2. The President has the floor until she recognizes another speaker.
Section 6-1-3. Recognized speakers will rise and speak uninterrupted.
Section 6-1-4. Meetings will be called to order by the President.
Section 6-1-5. Meetings will follow the agenda, taking up one item of business at a time.
Call to Order.
Roll Call of Executive Board.
Reading of minutes from previous meeting.
Honorary President Remarks.
Treasurer’s Report.
President's Report
Vice President's Report
Committee Reports.