Abstract title (14pt, bold, center, only first letter capitalized)
D.Mustibo1, J.Rodrigues2, A.E.Juliano3(12pt, regular,center)
1Institution address; E-mail: (10pt, italic, align left)
2Institution address (10pt, italic, align left)
3Institution address (10pt, italic, align left)
- All abstracts must be written in clear English using Microsoft Word, and submitted either as oral or poster presentation
- Abstracts should not exceed two (2) pages A4 (21 x 29,7cm), inclusive of all tables, images, graphics and references. Please do not use automatic paragraph numbering.
- Submitted abstracts can be modified on the website during the abstract submission period. Abstracts cannot be modified (in their authorship, title and contents) after the deadline for abstract submission
- Body text should be written using the font Times New Roman, 10 pt, full justification.
- Please follow the requested format of the abstract template. The abstracts that will not conform the format may be rejected. The submitted abstract must be a Microsoft Office Wordfile (*.doc).
(A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand-alone. For this reason, References should be avoided, but if essential, then cite the author(s) and year(s). Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. )
Abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text - abstract text –
Keywords:Energy storage, Heat transfer fluids, Receiver, Solar cells materials(Capitalize the first letter of word, put in alphabetical order. Maximum keywords is 3 - 5 keywords).
Requested presentation, (please underline): oral / poster / no preference(this will be deleted in the abstract book)