Attending: Frank, Al, Brooke, Tim M, Ray, Dan, Steve, Gail, Tim S, Jr, Melissa, Kim, Ez, Art, Julia, Tammy
Absent: Gregg, Aura Lee
Financial Update - 5min (Frank)
Frank, Tim M, Amber and Tammy all meet to transfer all the information over to Frank. Frank was added and Amber was deleted as treasure on the Chase bank account. Current account balance is about $46k.
Concessions- 10min (Open)
It was discussed that a concessions committee would be formed to help figure out this seasons concession issues. The committee will report back to the board with recommendations. Committee will be: Gail, Brooke, Tim M, Melissa and Jr.
GSLL and ASU game 10 min (Julia)
GSLL has 297 tickets for the ASU v Stanford game on Sat 4/21. Tickets are general admission and cost the league $5, tickets will be sold for $6.
Fields and Lights - 5min (Tim M)
If a coach cancels practice they are to notify Tim S directly.
Code for NW: 1980 and Crossroads: 1776
Charity's - 10min (Tammy/Tim M)
Board approved 2 scholarships to be auctioned off to the United Way for fall ball. Tim M. suggested looking into doing a water drive for a Gilbert food bank. Tim M also presented an idea on starting a Challenger Division. More details and ideas to follow at next board meeting.
Future Projects - 10min (Tim M)
Suggestions to put covers on the dug outs, paint and clean them up to get field credit from the Town. It was also suggested that Tim M check with the Town to see if the league could get a credit if they purchase a controller for the scoreboard so the Town could use.
Jr's Schedule - 10min (Tim S.)
It was recommended that Tim S schedules 2 games for the first 2-3 weeks of the jr season and 3 games for the remaining weeks of the season. Tim will send a suggested schedule to Melissa.
Division Updates - 20min (Division Directors)
There were no majors concerns and conflicts that need resolution at this time.
Coaches concerns - 15min (Al V.)
It was brought to the boards attention that there may be coaches or assistant coaches who have not turned in a completed volunteer application. Tammy will send out a list to the BOD of all the volunteer apps received and OOD can make sure that coaches on the field have turned their applications in. Gail will also do coaches badges for all approved coaches.
Some of the coaches have reported that they do not have a first aid kit or ice packs. First aid kits and ice packs will be brought to picture day for all coaches who need them.
A mid-season mandatory coaches meeting to be scheduled.
Games scheduled for April 7th and 8th to be rescheduled due to Easter weekend.
Open Forum - 10min
TOC dates:
Minors 6/4-6/7 @ QCSLL Majors 6/11-6/14 @ GSLL
Top two teams for minors and majors will go to TOC. Double elimination tournament.
All Stars:
Announcements dates:
Minors 6/8 @ GSLL Majors & Juniors 6/15 @ QCSLL
All Star district meeting 6/16 @ 9am location TBD
Action items:
Kim to send out ASU game night communication to the league
Tim M to email the 1-800 number to shut off lights to the board.
Tammy to send out volunteer app list
Gail to make badges for the board members and coaches.
No date was set for next meeting. TBD later.