Thompson Integrated Early Childhood

Families Partnering in Education (“Family PIE”) Minutes

February 12, 2018

Meeting was called to order at 5:10p.m.

Members present:Nicole Rutledge, Michelle Gonzales, Courtney Schade, Maria Sanchez, Barb Kruse, Conci Guerrero, AmySchultz

Members absent: Theresa Clements, Parent One, Parent Two, Mary Vestal, Lovie Reyes, Kelsey Clay, Amanda Baker, Craig Cable, Seth Baker (alternate), Holly Cable (alternate)

Staff/Guests present:Connie Trimble, Lamb Caro, Julie Lindsay, Nancy Quezada, Erin Ridge, Leilani Schilling

Quorum was metX Yes □ No


Approval of agenda: Discussion: None

Motion to approve: Michelle Gonzales Second:Courtney Schade

Approved? Yes

Approval of Minutes from previous Month:

Discussion: None

Motion to approve:Nicole RutledgeSecond: Courtney Schade

Approved? Yes

Approval of Budget (included October Pcard statement that was missed at prior meeting): Discussion:

Motion to approve: Courtney SchadeSecond: Maria Sanchez

Approved? Yes

Approval of new hires, resignations: Read by Lamb Caro

Motion to approve: Nicole RutledgeSecond: Amy Schultz

Approved? Yes

Approval of removal of Family PIE member: Read by Connie Trimble

Motion to approve: Michelle GonzalesSecond: Courtney Schade

Approved? Yes

Election of new Co-chair: Michelle Gonzales

Motion to approve: Nicole RutledgeSecond: Conci Guerrero

Approved? Yes


  1. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports – Mary Bowman

The ECE Program uses the Pyramid Model for the PBiS program in preschool.

You can visit the CSEFEL website to get information on the Pyramid Model at or visit

See Handouts provided during the training.

  1. ELD Support – Erin Ridge – This is the first year we have had support for our English-learning students. She is with the English Language Development (ELD) program as a Teacher on Special Assignment to support the Early Childhood sites and is working with teachers to provide instructional support using sheltered strategies. She isalso focusing on the transition from EC to Kindergarten to ensure we identify potential English Learners (ELs) during the EC years and then formally screen the identified potential ELs in Kindergarten to determine if they qualify for direct ELD instructional services. She will present Professional Development sessions to EC staff about Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education on February 16th.


  1. Review Data – GOLD

This data shows what expectations are and where children are at a given time. It is split out by category (CPP, HS, SE, TP, ELD). It shows where the entire program is currently at, where we are growing and where we need to make changes to improve children’s learning. The 2016-17 report is a snapshot of where were last year. The 2017-18 is a very small snapshot as the Teaching Strategies program is not working correctly at this time. The Spring benchmark is at the beginning of May. This is data on 4-year-olds so it will help kindergarten teachers.

See handouts provided during the meeting.

  1. Change in HS Performance Standards – update waiver rule

By 2019 half of our program was supposed to be full-day for Head Start students. Head Start has waived this requirement because of the lack of funding as well as the issue of not being able to serve as many children in the program. As of yet, they have not waived the 2021 requirement for full-day preschool. We will have full-day classrooms next year, but are not sure how many at this time.

  1. New school hours/late start

We have to consider transportation and nutritional services. Lamb is on the task force that is looking at this for next year and things are still in the planning stages – nothing is set yet.


Center Updates –

  • Sarah Milner EC class has progressed immensely with social-emotional development.
  • Edmondson EC is having a Valentine’s party. They cannot use the slide or swings any more as they do not meet safety requirements.
  • 27 families attended the Family Game Night at the Loveland Public Library. Kids really enjoyed the Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt.

Q & A time –

  • Head Start is coming March 26-30. We won’t know what they are going to need from us until they arrive.
  • They will want to talk to some members of Family PIE.
  • It will take 6-8 weeks for us to get the results of their visit.
  • We need to meet a certain criteria on the visit and if we don’t, we will need to re-compete for the Grant for next year.
  • Enrollment in kindergarten is not the same as preschool. If you are attending your home school for preschool, you need to register there. If you are attending preschool outside of your home school boundaries, you will need to go through the Open Enrollment process. Talk to the elementary school secretary to find out if your open enrollment has been approved.

Meeting Adjourned at6:22 p.m.

Motion: Nicole RutledgeSecond: Maria Sanchez

Next Policy Council meeting is March 19, 2018

Personnel Action was taken- See Appendix A

Minutes taken by Connie Trimble, Early Childhood Secretary

Amended 3/20/18

Children Growing, Families Empowered, Diversity Embraced