
Time called to order: 6:37 pm

Absences: Ayanna Bell-excused, Ramone Jordan, Edward Manda

Guest Speakers: None

Student Concerns:

A. Stephanie Smith- Safety Seminar. I am talking to a top guy in the Highway Patrol to come and talk. Also, Amanda knows a safety on campus person. We need to advertise a lot for this seminar. I want to do it sometime before Renter’s Fair and after our 1st apartment complex meeting. Possibly in the Little Theater. March 4th, Tuesday at 6:30 pm. Will talk more in informal.

Minutes approved as:Written

Corrections: None


President: If you are going to COSGA there is a form you need to fill out. Also, I need a copy of your driver’s license and insurance. ASAP. Thank you.

Advisor: Ebony’s report: Where we are with Renter’s Fair--Next week, we will be stuffing envelopes and mailing our first set of letters out by Friday. I had a meeting with Hank and we are on schedule. I would like to put a section in our Housing Guide on OCSA new initiatives i.e. The Whistle Program- distributing whistles to students or whatever new projects OCSA is working on. I came up with some slogans for the whistle program. We are in the middle of reserving the display cases. I will get back to you on the dates for that. We still need ideas for the display cases. Please come up with some general ideas for the next meeting so we can decide on something. Please see the forms in your mailboxes for office hours. Ask Robyn if you have any questions.

Other: None


A. Senate Whip-Michael G. - Senate was simple. We had 3 budget bills. 1 CSO bill. We had a resolution thanking OSU in helping with the street renovations. Joey Senate came and talked about Open Meetings Act. I was glad he came. He is very knowledgeable. Leah Roper is recruiting Orientation Leaders for the summer. If you are interested let me know.

B. City Council Liaison-Ayanna B. – There is no committee meeting this week. On February 18th we are having our meeting at The Links Apartment Complex. 6:30 pm. 2-3 speakers will be there. Let’s advertise!!


Civic Affairs: No meeting because there are no bills.

Internal Affairs: We have 2 new people. Also, we have 2 open Senate seats. I know of 1 person interested, we will see. We need to fill the seats up quick. I have a new vice chair, Kendall Looney. OCSA is going good right now.

Renter’s Advisory Council: For the Utility Bills semester project, we are good to go. The project includes looking at different apartment complexes’ utility bills and categorizing them according to their amounts. We will put this information in the Housing Guide next year.

University: We have 3 bills. 1 is currently on our agenda.

Vice-Chair: There is an office hour form in everyone’s box. Please fill it out when you do your office hours. You need to have someone sign it showing you did something. Be motivated.

Chair: Don’t have much to say. Everyone is doing a great job. I may have to step down due to the launching of my new business in 2 days. Just letting you know there is a chance I may not be here.




--Motion to remove Robyn from Senator to Representative--

A. Tristan Francis- a history Senior. I’m looking forward to things in this organization this semester.

Brent Bowling- from Broken Arrow. I think this organization is a good opportunity. I heard of it through friends.

They are both APPROVED.

B. SP08RC04- A recommendation for a stop sign by Stout Hall.


Robyn- Exhibit 1 in Stillwater will have some of my art pieces up next Friday Feb. 8th. It’s on Main St.


Whistles- We are going to use a variety of slogans for the distribution campaign. We will stake signs around campus. If everyone does 1 sign we will be good. We will hand the whistles out by the Chi-O clock the Thursday and Friday before the Safety Seminar.

OCSA T-shirt ideas- ???

Motion was made to adjourn at 7:25 pm