Legislation October 20111

Golden Desert Forensic League /
Congressional Debate /
Legislation October 2011 /
Docket Order:
  1. Reforming Welfare
  2. CCSD Tenure
  3. Domestic Oil
  4. Firearms on Border States
  5. Abolishing Medicare and Medicaid
  6. Repealing Defense of Marriage Act
  7. Federal tax on gas
  8. Legalizing Prostitution
  9. Privatizing Prisons
  10. Sanctions on Bahrain
  11. Nevada State Lottery
  12. National Curfew

Bill to Reform Welfare

Section 1. The regulations of which to qualify for welfare will be reformed to benefit the nation follow as this

Subsection a.) To qualify for welfare you must be over the age of 21, have not worked for at least 6 months without unemployment, and you have worked for more than two years in the state at which you are applying from

Subsection b.) You must find a job within one year of receiving your first check from welfare

Section 2.Your welfare check will be determined by your tax bracket and previous employment checks made 6 months prior to job loss.

Subsection a.) You will earn 10% of your tax bracket amount and 20% of your check earnings every month for 12 months

Subsection b.) If money for child is not used properly the bonus will be taken away and you will not receive another bonus for 6 months.

Subsection c.) Children will be defined as a person under the age of 14 and over the age of 2. Proof of age will be required and the mother/father will receive $650 per month and the amount will decrease by $50 every year, or the child reaches the age of 15.

Section 3. The department of treasury will enforce the rules and penalties of this bill

Section 4. This bill will take effect on January 1, 2015

Subsection a.) Those on welfare before the date of December 1, 2014 will receive their benefits for one year and their benefits will be reformed to fit the legislation requirement.

Section 5.All laws in conflict with this bill are declared null and void upon passage.

A Resolution to Abolish the Tenureof Clark County School District High School Teachers

Legislation October 20111

WHEREAS,Tenure for High School Teachers makes the removal of poorly performing teachers a difficult and costly task; and

WHEREAS,Teacher tenure creates complacency because teachers know they are unlikely to lose their jobs; and

WHEREAS,Tenure makes it difficult to remove underperforming teachers because the process involves months of legal paperwork bythe principal, the school board, the union, andthe courts

WHEREAS,Last-in, first out policies keep talented new teachers out of our schools; therefore, be it

RESOLVED,That the Student Congress here assembled make the following recommendation for solution to Abolish the Tenure of Clark County School District High School Teachers.

A Resolution to Drill for Oil in Montana and the Dakotas

Legislation October 20111

WHEREAS,it is estimated that between the three states there is over 4.3 billion gallons of recoverable oil; and

WHEREAS,it is estimated that 3 million jobs could be created during the drilling and extraction process; and

WHEREAS,by using domestic oil the United States will lessen its addiction to foreign oil further protecting American hegemony; and

WHEREAS,in order to stabilize oil prices more domestic wells are needed; therefore, be it

RESOLVED,By the Congress here assembled that oil drilling shall begin in Montana and the Dakotas.

Legislation October 20111

A Bill to Regulate Firearm and Ammunition Sales in U.S. Border States


2 SECTION 1. Firearm and ammunition sales will be more firmly regulated in US border

3 states in order to prevent criminal sales to foreign cartels.

4 A) Regulation shall include credit-only sales of firearm and ammunition in order to check

5 recent purchases and background checks shall be more firmly completed in these states.

6 B) Certain caliber firearms higher than .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) in pistols and

7 7.62mm NATO rounds in assault rifles/machine guns. Weapons with a greater magazine

8 capacity than 12 rounds in pistols and 20 rounds in assault rifles will be firmly regulated. All

9 weapons with full-auto or burst fire capabilities will have waiting periods of a year or more

10 before receiving said weapon.

11 C) All explosive weapons shall be prohibited from sale in all weapons stores in Border

12 States.

13 SECTION 2. Border States are defined as US states on or near the border with Mexico

14 (Nevada, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana and Florida).

15 Weapons can already not be purchased in most states if consumer has a previous criminal

16 record or is currently wanted for a crime.

11 SECTION 3. The ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives), which is a

18 section in the Department of the Treasury, shall oversee regulation and implementation of

19 this bill. All stores not in compliance with the new laws being implemented shall be fined a

20 sum of $250,000 or more, and any store caught illegally selling weapons to cartels shall be

21 closed and sellers shall spend a period of time greater than 5 years minimum in a state

22 correctional facility.

23 SECTION 4. Implementation of this bill shall occur within one month of its passing in all

24 US border states.

25 SECTION 5. All bills in conflict with this new legislation shall be declared null and void.

A Bill toAbolish Medicare/Medicaid

Legislation October 20111


Section 1.All laws that involve the provision of healthcare through the Social Security Trust Fund will be abolished.

Section 2.We abolish the 1965 amendment made to the Social Security Act of 1935 entitling low-income persons to medical healthcare.

Section 3.We, the Congress here assembled, will oversee the abolishment of these funds and foundations by enacting this bill.

SECTION 4.This law will take effect within six months of passage.

Section 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Legislation October 20111

A Resolution To Repeal The Defense Of Marriage Act

Whereas the defence of marriage act states that no State will be required to recognize as a legal marriage, a same sex relationship that is considered a marriage in another state.

Whereas Section 3 of DOMA, which prevents the federal government from recognizing the validity of same-sex marriages, has been found unconstitutional in two Massachusetts court cases, a California bankruptcy court case, and by the Obama administration.

Whereas the President has also concluded that Section 3 of DOMA, when applied to legally married same-sex couples, fails to meet that standard and is therefore unconstitutional. Given that conclusion, the President has instructed the Department not to defend the statute in such cases. [1]

Whereas prohibiting gay marriage undermines equality and plays on religious bigotry, unconstitutionally codifying religious bigotry into law.

Therefore be it resolved by the student congress assembled here that the defence of marriage act should be repealed.

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Legislation October 20111

A Resolution to Raise the Federal Tax on Gas

  1. Whereas: The Federal tax on gas has stayed at 18.4 cents a gallon since 1993.
  2. Whereas: Money generated from the tax will be given to the Highway Trust Fund, which gives out funds, for road and bridge work, to states.
  3. Whereas: the tax could also be used to fund methods of public transportation to better assist people in getting to work.
  4. Whereas: The tax would help give jobs to the unemployed in the area of the construction industry, through the repair and construction of roads and bridges
  5. Whereas: The proposed raise in tax would help the United States and not foreign business.
  6. Whereas: The current level of U.S. dependence on foreign oil leaves the country vulnerable to instability in places such as the Middle East,
  7. Whereas: With the increase in the purchase of hybrid and electric cars, revenue from gas tax on those vehicles has gone down but use of the roads is increasing
  8. Whereas: The average state tax on gas is 20.9 cents a gallon, with some states being as high as 37.5 cents a gallon, to compensate for the lack of funds from the federal Highway Trust Fund.
  9. Whereas: If gas is more expensive, it will encourage people to buy cars that burn less gasoline and to use their cars less, which will do less damage to the environment.
  10. Therefore, be it enacted, by the Student Congress assembled today, that the federal tax on gas be raised.

A Bill to Legalize Prostitution in Nevada

Legislation October 20111


Section 1.Prostitution shall hereby be legalized within the state of Nevada.

  1. Prostitution shall be defined as any practice of participating in any form of sex with any adult individual for compensation

Section 2.The office of the Secretary of State shall oversee the enforcement of this bill.

A. All prostitutes will be registered, under the same requirements as a small business license; prostitutes will be exempt from business zoning.
B. Prostitutes will pay federal and state taxes at the same rate as any other small business.

SECTION 3.This law will take effect within one year of passage.

Section 4.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Legislation October 20111

Prison Privatization Bill
2. SECTION 1: All state and federally funded prisons should be closed
3. or sold to private, for-profit companies.
4. SECTION 2: The Federal Bureau of Prisons will enforce the bill and be dissolved
5. after the closure of the final prison facility.
6. SECTION 3: All prisons must be sold or closed by January 1, 2030. Prisoners must be
7. transferred to private, for-profit facilities by January 1, 2029.
8. SECTION 4: All state and federal laws conflict with this new policy shall hereby
9. be declared null and void.

A Resolution to Encourage Economic and Military Sanctions on Bahrain
1.WHEREAS, the government of Bahrain is an authoritarian regime with
2.no intention of enacting democratic reforms; and
3. WHEREAS, Bahrain is violating the human rights of democratic protestors; and
4.WHEREAS, the population of Bahrain is questioning the US commitment to democracy
5.because the US maintains close ties with the Kalifa family; now, therefore, be it
6. RESOLVED, By the Student Congress here assembled that:
7. The US government should support a United Nations resolution seeking
8. economic sanctions and an arms embargo against Bahrain.

A Resolution to Create a State Lottery for the State of Nevada

  1. Whereas: residents of Nevada may drive up to 80 miles every weekend to buy lottery tickets from other states.
  2. Whereas: money generated from the lottery will go towards Nevada’s economy, and upon approval of this legislation, will be determined how the money shall be distributed.
  3. Whereas: 42 States now operate lotteries, while Nevada – the state that legalized casino gaming in 1931 – does not.
  4. Whereas: this would generate new revenue for the state without raising taxes.
  5. Whereas: according to a poll in 2003, 73% of voters wanted a state lottery.
  6. Therefore: be it enacted, by the Student Congress assembled today, that a lottery be created for the State of Nevada.

A Resolution to Implement a National Curfew for minors for 10pm Sunday through Thursday and 12am Friday and Saturday

  1. Whereas: According to a 2005 poll conducted by the National League of Cities (NLC), 93 percent of the 436 communities surveyed with teen curfews believe that these laws are "very to somewhat effective" in deterring juvenile crime.
  2. Whereas: Three-quarters of the officials who responded to the NLC poll said that they found that curfews help reduce gang activity and the biggest impact of curfews is curtailing low-level crime, such as graffiti vandalism, and on burglaries and assaults.
  3. Whereas: 96% of officials who responded to the NLC poll expressed the belief that curfews were helpful in reducing juvenile crime as a whole.
  4. Whereas: Curfews imposed on minors help parents who have little or no control over their kids’ actions.
  5. Whereas: Many Court cases have upheld curfew cases across the country as constitutional so long as they protect the welfare and safety of children, and help reduce juvenile crime
  6. Therefore, be it enacted, by the Student Congress assembled today, that a National Curfew be created for Minors under the age of 18

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