Fleet Name
Tanker Name
Gross Tonnage
Segregated Ballast Tanks? (Y/N)

Please tick to specify the quarter for which this declaration is being made :

Q1 / 20/02/09 – 20/05/09
Q2 / 21/05/09 – 20/08/09
Q3 / 21/08/09 – 20/11/09
Q4 / 21/11/09 – 20/02/10

DETAILS OF VOYAGES (please read attached notes prior to completing this declaration)

Voyage Number
(eg 1,2 etc.) / Load or
(enter L or D) / Date of Load /
Discharge / Name of USA / US EEZ
Port or LOOP/Offshore Location / Please tick if LOOP/Offshore
ü / Enter full cargo description
Also indicate if Persistent (P) or
Non Persistent (NP) / See Note 5 - Parcel Tankers
(enter number of persistent tons carried)
Members requiring a single invoice for 20 “capped” voyages for the above named vessel should tick the following box
Signed by authorised signatory of Member / ______ / Date / ______


1.  A US voyage is any cargo voyage involving loading or discharging cargo at any port or place in the USA or within the US EEZ defined in the OPA 1990. The USA includes for this purpose the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands and Northern Marianas.

2.  Date of Loading/Date of Discharge

Enter (L) to indicate the loading port, or (D) to indicate the discharging port, within the USA / US EEZ. Enter date and name of Port of first loading or first discharging in the USA / US EEZ. One cargo voyage involving loading, or discharging, at more than one USA / US EEZ port or place shall be regarded as a single voyage. Discharging one cargo at a USA / US EEZ port or place and loading a new cargo at a USA / US EEZ port or place constitutes two voyages.

3.  LOOP / Offshore

If loading or discharging solely at LOOP / Offshore ship-to-ship transfer at location approved by USCG enter “Yes”. The lower LOOP / Offshore voyage surcharge rate will be applicable.

A cargo loaded at LOOP / Offshore discharged at shore side USA / US EEZ Port or place will constitute a voyage charged at the higher non-LOOP / Offshore voyage surcharge rate.

4.  Cargo Description

Enter the name of the persistent cargo carried. For the purposes of this declaration “Non-Persistent” oils shall be defined as follows:-

“Oil which consists of hydro-carbon fractions:

(a)  at least 50% of which, by volume, distils at a temperature of 340 degrees C and

(b)  at least 95% of which distils at a temperature of 370 degrees C when tested by the ASTM Method D 86/87 or any subsequent revision thereof.

All other hydro-carbon mineral oils are “Persistent”. For guidance, the following oils are “Non-Persistent”. LNG/LPG/Gasolines (AVGAS/MOGAS) / White Spirit / Kerosenes (domestic, tractor, aviation, No.1 fuel) Distillates (gas oil, heating oil, auto diesel, No 2 fuel) / Gasoline blending components (naphthas).

5. Parcel Carriers

A Parcel Carrier is a ship constructed or adapted primarily to carry cargoes of noxious liquid substances in bulk and which is capable of carrying at least 10 grades of cargo simultaneously. Declarations made must indicate the type and quantity of persistent cargo carried on each voyage.

6. Segregated Ballast Tanks

To qualify for the SBT category a tanker must be equipped with segregated ballast tanks in accordance with the requirements of regulation 13 of annex 1 to Marpol 73/78.