ABC’s of Islam PowerPoint Project


To use the Internet, as well as other library sources, to conduct research on the culture and civilization of Islam. This research will be presented in PowerPoint, and will be the result of group collaboration.

Fascinating World of Islam ABC Book

You will be involved in creating a portion of an ABC Book of the World of Islam. You will be part of a team where each individual will be assigned five letters of the alphabet. (Each group needs to agree how to separate the letters in an acceptable manner. Not all 26 letters of the alphabet need to be covered, but there should be no overlap of letters within the group.

Make sure the following categories are covered in your ABC book:


Muslims who made major contributions to Islamic Civilization

Cities of importance (Baghdad, Damascus, Mecca, etc.)

Facts relating to trade

Facts that relate to innovations/inventions

Architectural contributions/Historic Sites

Expansion of Islam/Conflicts

  • Once you are assigned your letters and agree to which of the above categories you are responsible for, use a number of resources to find words that relate to Islam
  • Once you have listed several possible words for the letters you have been assigned, narrow your list to one specific word
  • Further research that word and then summarize what you have learned in your own words. You should have a detailed description of the word that shows a clear connection to Islam. Each letter summary will be placed on (1) PowerPoint slide
  • The word researched should appear in the header of the PowerPoint
  • Each summary should have a minimum of four facts, presented in bullet point form, OR three facts and (1) picture. The picture may be cropped into the first slide, or it may be included on a separate slide
  • Each bullet point must consist of a MINIMUM of two complete sentences
  • The first slide of the presentation should be a list of names of the people in the group; next to each name, the letters which that person was responsible for should be listed
  • If you are having difficulty finding anything pertinent for a specific letter (such as x, you may choose another letter, as long as no one else in your group has that same letter
  • See sample slide provided


Each student will receive a maximum of (25) points for the assignment, (5) for each slide.

PowerPoint Slide Grading Rubric

The word chosen for each slide is appropriate to the (7) topics listed above…………………1 pt.

The word researched appears in the header of the PowerPoint slide.

The header should be a different color than the background of the slide.

Facts are presented in bullet point form……………………………………………………....1 pt.

There are NO spelling or grammatical errors in the content of the slide…..…………………1 pt.

Each bullet point has a MINIMUM of two complete sentences

Content includes when, where, its impact upon the region, and/or importance……………....2 pts


Day 1 Objectives:

- form groups and assign (5) letters to each member of the group

- use provided resource materials to select (5) ABC terms, one for each letter

- begin research

Day 2 Objectives:

- conclude research

- begin creating slide presentations, including the addition of any pictures or other visuals (these are highly encouraged, if possible!)

Assignments MUST be e-mailed to NO LATER THAN 3:00 P.M. of the second day. Each group should designate (1) person to collect the slides, copy and paste them into one master PowerPoint presentation. Each group should also designate another member as a back-up in the event the first person is absent on the second day. Each student should save their work to a flash-drive, OR e-mail it to themselves in order to preserve their work.