Human Biology Oral Presentation Guidelines

  1. General Information
  2. Presentations must be done on powerpoint. If you are not using a Saint Rose computer to complete this project, it is recommended that you check that the presentation will work on a Saint Rose computer.
  3. Presentations will be 5-7 minutes. There will be time at the end of the presentation for questions
  4. The topic you pick must be accepted by Dr. Jensen and must be related to human biology. If your topic is not approved you will receive a failing grade for the assignment.
  5. The order of presentation will be decided at random.
  6. Some tips for a good presentation
  8. Start out with some general background information so that your audience understands what you are talking about.
  9. Speak clearly. Frequently, when people are nervous they speak too quickly.
  10. DO NOT read off of your slides – face your audience and speak to them, they can read what is of your slides themselves.
  11. DO NOT put too many words on the slide – yes, I am guilty of this sometimes – but your audience will have an easier time listening to you if they are not reading.
  12. Be certain that the audience will be able to read your slides.
  13. Bring a disk with your presentation AND e-mail it to yourself so that you are sure that you will be able to access it.
  14. Put key points on the slides.
  15. Try not to panic – we are not here to intimidate you.
  16. Incorporate things that we have covered throughout the semester. This will make your audience feel smarter.
  17. Finish your talk with take home messages…. What is the importance of what you are talking about.
  18. If you have any questions, bring them to me early so I can address them.

For each of the following criteria rate the presenter on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being very poor and 10 being most excellent.

Name of presenter ______

Topic of presentation ______

Clarity of Presentation

1) Presenter spoke clearly _____

2) Material followed a logical progression_____

3) Slides were clear and concise_____

Content of Presentation

1) Content was suitable for a 100 level course _____

2) Clear Relevant background information was provided_____

3) Explanation of relation to human biology _____

4) Slides contained information relevant to the topic_____


1) Presentation was the proper length (5-7 minutes)_____

2) Material was understandable _____

3) Presenter understands the material_____

Comments I: I think the presenter did a GOOD job in the following respects;

Comments II: CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I think the presenter could have improved his/her presentation if s/he had;

Overall, I would rate this presentation a ______out of 100%