

March 10-11, 2017

ContemporaryArtCenter of Thessaloniki l Warehouse Β1, Port

Time screenings: 20:00

Moving Silence, the Berlin-based platform for contemporary silent film is returning to the Contemporary Art Center of Thessaloniki for the second time, March 10 -11, 2017, with the support of the GoetheInstitutThessaloniki, in the framework of the 19th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival.

Since 2009, the network of international artists has been organizing screenings of film programs without sound with live music. The poetry of silent programmes that goes back to the very beginning of cinema is expressed through the contemporary aesthetics of the digital and analog image, and sound production. The event includes an international program of short films accompanied by live music played by musicians based in Thessaloniki. The entry is free with voluntary contribution

Parallel event: digital exhibition 'GIF. Morphologies of a copyleft tale'. The exhibition brings together silent film and GIF culture, exploring the design potential and creative transformations of a GIF when it goes viral, re-examining from a contemporary visual perspective the study of Vladimir Propp "Morphology of the folktale" on the anonymous and collective story formation. The project is part of the Moving Silence activities in collaboration with the HMKW University of Applied Sciences, the DER FILTER Team in Berlin and the Librarybox project. The exhibition can be accessed virtually through a pop-up local network that follows the physical venues of the Moving Silence events. Bring along your smartphones and tablets!

Curators: Matthias Fritsch, Co-Founder & Co-Director of Moving Silence & Eirini Papakonstantinou, Μusic Program Curation and Coordination, Art Historian, SMCA Curator

GIF Exhibition Curator: Mariana Ziku

Sound & Image: M-Spirit


FRIDAY | 10.3.2017 | 20:00


This compilations of 6 contemporary silent short films let the viewer enter into a variety of poetic, bizarre, bright and dark worlds created by the film makers. The films are all starting from different source materials ranging from documentary footage to paper collages, found objects, aquariums or 3D graphics.


Armin Mobasseri (DE)

2012, 29min

Music: epavlispavlakis (pavlos vakalos)

Die Stunde der Matronen

Stea Andreasson & Juergen Eckloff (DE)

2009, 15:40min

Music: George Avramidis and Christos Pappas


Nikki Schuster (DE)

2013, 7min

Music: Alien Mustangs


Matthias Fritsch (DE)

2011, 7min

Music: May Roosevelt

Lost Boy

Ash Thorp & Antony Scott Burns (USA)

2016, 9min

Music: Costis Drygianakis

SATURDAY |11.3.2017 | 20:00


This compilations of 9 silent short films narrate tragic stories, wandering characters and situations without perspectives.


Samuli Ala-Lahti, Lina Kuhanen, Mikko Kuoppasalmi, Wilma Kurumaa, Sami Lehti, Patrik Lilja, Silja Minkkinen, Terri Niemi, Vilma Vehmasaho (FI)

2015, 4min

Music: Michalis Siganidis and Dimitris Leontzakos

I Play Dead

Kaveh Akaber (SE)

2013, 14min

Music: Fuku Cosmonaut

Clown Children

Jannicke Systad Jacobsen (NO)

2005, 6min

Music: The Sailing Tomatoes


Ben Brand (NL)

2013, 8min

Music: Michalis Siganidis and Dimitris Leontzakos


Norman McLaren (CA)

1952, 8min

Music: Monobloc

Wire Cutters

Jack Anderson (USA)

2014, 9min

Music: Moody Alien

MS Stubnitz

Nikki Schuster (DE)

2015, 5min

Music: Dodeka Daktyla (Twelve Fingers)

Out of Nowhere

Maayan Tzuriel & Isca Mayo (IR)

2012, 6min

Music: Manos Milonakis


Xaver Xylophon Böhm (DE)

2009, 7min

Music: Fuku Cosmonaut

Organised & Produced by


ContemporaryArtCenter of Thessaloniki

WarehouseΒ1, Port - Thessaloniki

Τ. (+30) 2310 593270